ree m o n t h s of h e r pregnancy, ice once again Plctu- Damlan Smyth PREGNANCY IS A time of tremendous change. The journey into the third trimester - the last stretch, is for many the most challenging and arduous. Your body will have become unrecognisable, and seeing your toes a distant memory. Dally life becomes a strange tw~lightzone of frequent food snacks, naps and toilet trips, and st keys, m~ssed e respons~bilityof concerns about ntial complidom. Yoga is a e emotions and calming the physical body. Through fluid and gentle asanas, you o m , m and strengthen body in preparation for labour gnd birth. Common ailments experienced during the later W e s of pregnancy, including sleeplessness, heartburn,, fluid retention, breathlmness and dlzzineos, are relid=& and reduced. Regular practice through your pregnaw will help create a more aware and enjoyable experience for you and your baby. 52 YOGA If you are suffering SPD (symphysis pubis disorder) then R is advisable to leave out any open legged asanas. A good asana for SPD is cow face pose (gomukhasana), with cushions underneath the buttocks to help glve space for the belly. Thls helps tone the pelvis and hips, and releases the lower back without opening the legs. For anyone with a baby out squatting, untll t want to engage the b This session will ta on how long you stay n each F?@tisbtRis time of union with your unbom chN. Umw thzpt this practice will help create a better journw far b d h of you through labour, blrth and the restdy"ourka. Use cushions and pm@$M mmpEestelj,relax and release in each asana. U$e y w o w Muition to help guide you from one rnovemmt ta m-. Come out of anyth~ng that is causing qrou undr#, discomfort or pain. Do not attempt anyth~ngifyou m unsure without the Instruction of a qualified teacher. 'I - Cat stretch with push rcp. Space in the upper chest body &l be getting limited. By the top front of you with palms down. On an inhale rise up on the knees bending into the arms and coming forward in a mini push up, try to keep the elbows from bending out sideways too far. &!i Rest in child's pose for a few briglaths with the knees out wide and feet close, and withBtdshion placed under your head and upper b o ' d y ~ ~ a e e eextra -4 support- inside of you. s M W g due to your ch A. Swap the -ss of equally an both sides, b relax the pelvis +-$W7-. +::.- - :'- k k rolls. *J * ~ ~ ~ L ed on a blanket. YOU\ d down and round in a big circuler . As you b r i n g p r head round and up. at this ra\a.?\gn for 10 movements, then :$, LIVING YOGA l Foot exercises. l CIA ~ ~ na $ 41, 1 -! .. . 6 fU b 7 6 ~ 0 C 1 l l P i L . ! '- 2wodIci Flex and pm. Bring your legs out in front of you quite wide apart. You can either lace a cushion underneath your buttocks if you need to raise the kpine to sit easily w sit with ;our back against the wall a Keep the feetcelmed and Lengthened in this flowing m Repeat 10 times. to face each ether. !$%$&it'roliing the other way. Rotate five times in this Give the feet and legs a shake to a From standing open your apart with your toes slig outwards. Bring your p a l m s i ? b & t ~ d t chest level. Raise your armiati&&@ur head. On an exhale open the ar the side, palms facing down, and bend into your knees at the same time. . T~~not to let the &Unforward but keep lift in the be;dy as you bend into the knees. - g.'! ' I'~.J L I V I N G YOGA ,q)lci vriw mti 871d J 7 with Leg miss md stability. Keep the &yes.Lookimg softly b back down to t#& starting 5er side, and aaernate PI h in this &&ma) to relax. Rotate the wrists. ,-%> . An added arm raise d ihs.swcsite arm to the raised Lahg can be incorporated ta extra intensity. In this aut on the inhale and .You can b@dl * md be1 Kghthe spim. AS p M f i # l h e a waterfaLt*ack k fmm ym ll~htly,Lekdng 6 drift. a littlr into! ir Like lbnsion k i Be aware af the natural pauses at the end and .- lntd yourbb30'tl (ti/~Unkin e of eiving pundf and lprzrnia, the Life force arcknd us. 56 YOGA K' ' n &part to accommodate the raist and Excel14 4:,. m-in the I: months of pressure. You will need some blankets and cushfons? b Come down onto the floor and Lean over onto one arm a?d,,lowe~ yourself onto your side with your knees bent. Place one or more fo ( 'i--1-a.2-l-your head and another between your knees. Place S in front of vou and rest your arm on them. If yiou,h place this behind you-to r e q n. yo . f blankets, adju . 7 ;cles at the . . tnees 58 YOGA
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