Clubs AMAZON LOU HOC AT VILVET •LVIS, 127 W Congress St. Live music Friday-Saturday. Cover charge. 236-0665. KEVIN BARRY'S IRISH PUB, 117 W. River St. Live music Wednesday-Sunday, shows at 9 p.m., 10:30 p.m. and midnight. 233-9626. BAYOU CAP! * BLUES BAR, 14 N. Abercom St. at Rivet Street. Live music featuring The Bayou Bluet Band Friday-Sunday; Chief appearing nightly. Entertainment nightly No cover. 233-6411. BBRNtrS RIVBR STRICT, 115 E. River St. Entertainment nightfy. Tuesday and Thursday, Joey Manning; Wednesday, Hurricane Jim; Friday, Jude; Saturday, DavM Flannery; and Sunday, Lairy •onto. 236-1827. BILLYBOBS, 21 E. River St. Lonesome Whistle Band, Thursdays and Saturdays from 8-11 p.m.; Double Diamond Band, Fridays from 8-11 p.m.; Wednesday rights jam session 8-11 p.m. Eddie Adcode Band appearing at 9 p.m. March 23. 234-5588. BOAR'S HCAD restaurant on River Street. Piano music by David Duckworth every Friday and Saturday evenings. No cover. 232-3196. CENTRAL JUNCTION, 1015 W. U.S. 80. No cover when bands play 964-4843. THI COOLER, 1142 West U.S. 80, Pooler - Live deejay every Friday and Saturday night 743-8864. COMCDY HOUSE THEATRE, 711 Mall Blvd. ~ Regular showtimes: Tuesday, 8:30 p.m.; Wednesday, 8:30 p.m.; Thursday, 8.30p.m.; Friday, 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.; Satunday, 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 8 p.m. The only nonsmoking shows are Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. and Friday at 8 p.m. Coet: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday $5; Friday and Saturday, $8.356-1045. CLUB ONE JBMBRSON, 1 Jefferson St. Features - Fridays and Saturdays at 10:30 p.m. and 12:30 am: Local and national female impersonators in the Show Bar. Open daily at 5 p.m. Cover charge. 232*0200. CROSS ROADS BLUBS NIOHTCLUB, 219 W. St. Julian Si, City Market, live music Monday-Saturday. Hours: 5 p.m.-3 a.m. Cover $3.234-5438. YATES! DOC'S MR, Tybee Island on Tybrisa Street. Charlie SherriH on Friday and Saturday at 9 p.m.; and Sunday at 8 p.m. 786-5506. DOUBLES, 7100 Abercom St. at Eisenhower Drive in the Holiday Inn Mktown. Live bands Tuesday-Saturday. No cover before 9 p.m. 352-7100. THE EVENING NEWS, 10419 Abercorn. Live bands. Hours: 9 p.m.-2 a.m. No cover. 920-4212. TUB EXCHANGE TAVERN, 201 E. Rrrer St. Live entertainment by Joey Manning on Friday and Saturday. Times: 10:30 p.m.-2:30 a.m. No cover. 232-7068. FIDDLER'S, 2909 River Drive in Thunderbolt. Thursday, Friday, Saturday: disc jockey Doc Hobday; Monday-Tuesday, dance lessors 7 Also Thursday's. Sunsot Party with Savannah Steve on the deck outside. 354-5903. SAM FINK'S DELICATESSEN, 11 W. Liberty St. Live music on Friday-Saturday. 236-3354. GALLERY ESPRESSO, 6 E. Liberty St. Live music on Saturday. Every Wednesday, 9-11 p.m., Rhythm Del Mundo. Also, the Receding Wave poetry reading group reads every other week. 233-5348. F.C. QOODFELLOWS 115 E. River St., Friday-Sundays, 9 p.m.-2 a.m., Greg and Wlea. 233-5288. 234-7385. N. PASTICCIO, 2 E. Brought*! St. Thursdays at 730 p.m, mystery dinner theater. 231-8888. THEUONTSHtrATSAILHAR. •OH MAMMA, 618 Wilmington Island Road next to the Sheraton. Live music Friday-Saturday, 9 p.m.-1 a.m.; Thursday, 7p.m., island sunset watch with live music. No cover. 897-6142. M.aVa LOMNOE, 2 W Bay St. m the Hyatt Regency Savannah. Live music Friday-Saturday at 9:30 p.m. No covar. 238-1234. MALOWS, 27 Barnard St. Live music on Friday-Sunday in the courtyard. Also, Wednesday-Thursday, 5-8 p.m. 234-3059. THE MULaMMV on Bay Street. Mark Cartwrlght performing every Sunday from noon-2 p.m on the grand piano in tie main lobby; OXXMMIELL»S PUft, 102 F Broad St. at Broughton Street. Uve musfc. March 16: Box of Rain band. Cost: $6.231-8499, PLANTER'S TAVERN at the Okie Pink House, 23 Abercom St. Tuesday-Wednesday at 7 p.m., Thursday-Sunday at 8 pm: Gait Thurmond on piano. No cover. 232-4286. RASCALS, 800 E. Dererine Ave. Friday-Saturday, '50s and '608 beach music with Pat llcBrtda and Tom CoMne.; Wednesday, featuring Donny CoMna; Thursday, featurihg Donny CoMns 356-1400. Jtmm WATCH MSTAUMANT AND LOUMOB, 140 Johnny Meroer Blvd. 896-9090. . IHVaWS MHO on River Drive in ThundBfbolt. Monday-Thursday, 5-9:30 p.m., and Friday-Saturday 5-10:30 p.m.: pianisUaefc Rogera. 364-2973. SANOflAOCrS, US. IT, Rtchmond HM. Uve bands on Frtday and Wadnaaday nights^ 756^060. H ANN AITS EAST, 20 E. Broad St., upstairs at The Pirates' House. Emma Kelly appearing every Monday and Wednesday from 6-11 p.m. and Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 6-9 p.m. "Dixieland" every Tuesday at 6 p.m. with Ben Tucker, bass; BM Stout. clarinet; Bob Maeteler, trombone; and Paul McMvItt, drums. This weekend only: Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. pertorming, Doug Cam, piano; Jerry Byrd guitar, Ben Tuoker, baas; Qim Rene, vocal; and toddy UnMarco Drive in Thunderbolt Frider, drums. On March 15-16, "Dixday, 7-11 p-iri., Band** Also Sunieland" at 8 p.m. unM. Emma KMy day, 4-8 p.rn. 897-3625. and Ben Tucker at 2 p.m. Cover STUDS,44 Echo* St, behind O.C. $4. Closed on Sunday and MonWelch MotorB on Atoaroom Stuaet. day. 233-2225. Larry Morrla appearing on Fridays FOOLI*, 11420 Abercom St. - On at 7^0 p.m. 362-4300. , March 15, 16, A 17: Acoustic SMB» WATCH LOUHO42t 2 ButBlues/Artist Oofdon Perry at 10 ler Ava. on Tytee Wand. Fridayp.m. No cover. 920-7600. Sunday, 9 pm-2 a.m 7^6-6668. JOHNNY HARRIS RESTAURANT, 1651 €. Victory Drive. Uve SUPPMI CUI»t Qa. 204 and bands on Saturday. 354-7810 OW R»var ftoad. Fine dWng. Frtday-Saftjrday, 9 p.m.» 9 W. Bay St. w«i Etfdto Deo. $2 cover. urday, 7:30 p.m.-untt. Dee746-7625 f ay/dancing featuring 70a and oar* six mica put, 245dui st ty-80s danotmusfc. 233-6999. 233-3156 HUBVS, 11$ E.«rvar St. SaturdaySunday Jazz brunch from 1-6 ler Ava. on Tybee Wand* Anael, p.m.t featuring'the Ctirts Ctiondaw day and Sunday, OevW HaftNMk. YATESASTRO as Low niojnt 786*o6BO\ jOUItai In the Holiday Inn off Qa. 204 at tnawatalett. FMdaya, 9 p.m.-2 am. and Satmdayi, 9 p.m _ ••• . |-^K^«Mhfl^k^^ Ub^tMO^W nvvrviTWii inpnwvy. 3 a.m.. 925-2770. WTT WILLirS, 101 E. Rrvar St. RAN POOLS AND SPAS For Over 40 Vain 4417SKrOAWAYRO 16— News-Press • Friday, March 15,1996 Food aerved starting at 11 a jn. daly. Monday-Tuesday: Dancing nightly. 233-5660. TUB WO. 121 W. Congreea St. Doors open at 10p.m. March 15: Box of Rain band to perform. Friday-Saturday. Dance floor opens at 10p.m., band plays at 10:30 p.m. Regular coyer $3 over 2t, $15 under 21. 236-6266. SHAMROCK MUSIC SHOWCASE wW be held thru March 1& Tha«undaha¥irii perform on March 1^ Ateo peHomwng Red Haffry.TtwGragWMIiema Confirmation, Rao*, and Hot BurrHo. Gates open at 4^0 p.m. Show starts at 5 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance and $6. day of show. Cravtn Maton wHI perform on March 16. Also performing Cigar WHo Muat, Box «4 Rain, The Wlna. Gates open at 11 a.m. Show starts at noon. Tickets are $5 in advance and $6 day of show. Al shows wi be held at the Historic Roundhousa Complex (West Harris St next to Savannah Visitors Center). Tickets on sale now and available for individual days or $20 for an three days. Tickets available at. Portman's Music Superstore, Jack's Music on Hlton Head, The Emporium in Statesboro, and The Historic Roundhouse Complex. Info: 231-0250. THB HILTON HKAO ORCHES- TRA'S "Spring Pops" wiH be held at 8 p.m. on March 16 in the Sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church Its theme is "A flight at the Movies", and H wiH feature guest pianist Bob Albert! playing his own arrangement of a medley of Oscar nominee selections. Conductor John Gosling has invited Albert! to arrange additional movie themes in the program. Ten dollar wing sealing single tickets are available at teland Book-seler, Sea Pines Center; Ftrst Union Bank, Pope Avenue and Burke's Main Street Pharmacy; A few recycled season tickets are available when the doors open at 7:15 p.m. Students are invited to the final rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. No admission charge. CaM the orchestra office at 842-2056 KINNY CHCSNCY will perform songs from his album" All I Mted To Know". He opens for ALABAMA. The performance wHI be at 7 p.m. on March 17 at the Savannah Civic Center. Tickets are $22.50. THE ISLAND CONCERT ASSOCIATION will present pianist Mia Chung at 8 p.m. on March 20. The concert wHI take place at St. Simons Presbyterian Church, 205 Kings Way, St. Simons Island Chung was educated at Harvard, Yale and Juiflard and won First Prize in the 1993 Concert Artist Guild New York Competition. The concert is free and open to the How to get stuff in Calendar The Savannah NewsPreas and Carolina Morning News welcome infofmatton for out Catendar listings. Night Clubs, Music, Theater and Audition Haunga appear to Friday Diversions. Attractions, a Mst of area tourist attes and imtrtertainment events is on Saturday's Community News page, and Arts, Ctosses/TaJks/Readirigs are listed in Sunday's Arts and Travel section. Information must be submitted IN WRTTW4G by 5 pm one week prior to publication. Hems without Information such as date, time, place, sponsor, cost or phone number may not be used TlwCalerio^ listings are tree. The newspaper reserves the right to reject Items at the editor's discretion. Unsolicited information or. prwtiigraphscanriQt be returned. BY• „. 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