
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
Pred vami je posebna izdaja šolskega glasila Kamenčki, ki opisuje nas, naše delo, našo deželo
in vse njene lepote. Prav tako pa bi se radi v posebni izdaji šolskega glasila zahvalili vsem
gostom, ki so obiskali našo šolo v okviru mednarodnega evropskega projekta Comenius z
naslovom Our tale heroes are meeting in Europe. Srečanje je bilo četrto po vrsti in je bilo od
7. do 12. oktobra 2010.
Glasilo je izdano večjezično in sicer vsaka pisava zaznamuje določen jezik. S tem vam želimo
pomagati, da razumete, kar smo želeli povedati, hkrati pa se lahko učite našega jezika.
Bla bla bla
You are holding a special edition of the school newsletter Stones, which describes us, our
work, our country and all its beauties. This is also our way of thanking all the guests that
visited our school during the Comenius project Our Tale Heroes Are Meeting in Europe. It was
the 4th meeting in a row and it lasted from the 7th till 12th October.
The newsletter is issued in three languages, each is marked by a different type of writing. We
wanted to help you understand what we wrote and at the same time this is a great
opportunity for you to learn our language.
Sie haben eine besondere Ausgabe der Schulzeitung Steine, die uns, unsere Arbeit, unser Land und
alle seine Schönheiten beschreibt. Außerdem möchten wir uns ganz herzlich unseren Gästen
bedanken, die im Rahmen des Comenius Projektes Our tale heroes are meeting in Europe unsere
Schule besucht haben. Das war das vierte Treffen in der Reihe und fand vom 7. bis 12. Oktober
2010 statt.
Die Zeitung ist dreisprachig und jede Sprache ist in eigener Schrift geschrieben. Auf diese Weise
möchten wir Ihnen helfen, den Text zu verstehen, zugleich haben Sie aber auch die Möglichkeit,
unsere Sprache zu lernen.
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
ker imamo tople izvire, bazene in športna igrišča (Etjan)
imamo turistični vlakec (Nejc)
sadimo mlada drevesa (Žiga)
pogosto srečujemo turiste (Etjan)
imamo nogometno igrišče z umetno travo (Matej)
veliko koristnega se naučimo o naravi (Žiga)
imamo svojo zastavo in grb (Blaž)
dihamo svež zrak (Matej)
imam veliko prijateljev (Tit)
imamo prijazne učiteljice (Nejc)
veliko se učimo (Tomaž)
hodimo v telovadnico (Jan)
igramo nogomet (Etjan)
učimo se o kulturni prehrani in dobro jemo (Polona)
plešemo (Loti)
imamo veliko dolžnosti in pravic (Žiga)
Učenci 2. a razreda
weil wir warme Quellen, Schwimmbäder und Sportplätze haben (Etjan)
wir haben einen touristischen Zug (Nejc)
wir pflanzen neue Bäume (Ţiga)
wir treffen oft Touristen (Etjan)
wir haben einen Fußballplatz mit dem künstigen Grass (Matej)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
wir lernen viel nutzliches über Natur (Ţiga)
wir haben eigene Fahne und eigenes Wappen (Blaţ)
wir atmen gesunde Luft (Matej)
ich habe viele Freunde (Tit)
wir habe freundliche Lehrerinnen (Nejc)
wir lernen viel (Tomaţ)
wir gehen in die Sporthalle (Jan)
wir spielen Fußball (Etjan)
wir lernen über dem Essen und essen gut (Polona)
wir tanzen (Loti)
wir haben viele Rechte und Pflichten (Ţiga)
SchülerInnen der 2. a Klasse
Rada hodim v šolo, ker imam veliko prijateljev in ker se v podaljšanem bivanju lahko veliko
igramo. V šoli se tudi zelo rada učim. Najbolj všeč mi je angleščina, ker je učiteljica zelo
prijazna. Naša razredničarka Polonca je tudi prijazna in potrpežljiva. Najbolj pa se veselim, da
bomo pisali črke.
(Enja Peterlin, 2. b)
Hodim v 2. b razred. Učimo se pisati, brati in računati. V razredu nas je štirinajst. Dečkov je
enajst, dekleta pa smo le tri. Ena učenka nas je zapustila. Ime ji je bilo Naja.
(Hana Muhič, 2. b)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
I like going to school because there are many of my friends and we play a lot in extended
school days. I also like learning. My favorite subject is English, because the teacher is very
nice. Our class teacher Polonca is also very nice and patient. I just can't wait to learn how to
write letters.
(Enja Peterlin, 2. b)
We are in the 2.b class. We learn how to write, read and do mathematics. There are 14
students in the class, 11 boys and 3 girls. One student left us. Her name was Naja.
(Hana Muhič, 2. b)
Ich gehe gern zur Sschule, weil ich viele Freunde habe in weil wir in den Aktivitäten nach der Schule
viel spielen können. In der Schule lerne ich sehr gern. Englisch gefällt mir am besten, weil die
Lehrerin sehr freundlich ist. Auch unsere Klassenlehrerin Polonca ist freundlich und geduldig.
Ich freue mich schon, das wir endlich Kleinschriftbuchstaben lernen.
(Enja Peterlin, 2. b)
Ich besuche die Klasse 2. b. Wir lernen schreiben, lesen und rechnen. In der Klasse sind 14 Schüler,
11 Jungen, Mädchen sind nur 3. Ein Mädchen ist in die andere Schule gegangen. Ihr Name ist Naja.
(Hana Muhič, 2. b)
Še volkca je ukanil,
da ga je pred Bedancem branil,
se je z Rožletom na planine podal,
tam ga je pazil, da ni se nič bal.
Kekec je bil živahen fantič,
premagal je Bedanca, ki je bil pridanič.
vragolije je zganjal, Bedanca budil,
storže mu metal in kazen dobil.
Kekec je junak planin
in slovenskega naroda sin.
Naj srečen bo vsak,
ki je le malce tak.
(učenci 2. b)
Po gorah je lazil,
na živino je pazil,
orle lovil in koze podil.
Je Pehto obiskal,
veselo je vriskal
in na piščal piskal.
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
When he visited Pehta,
he was shouting with joy
and whistling his pipe
since he was a cheerful boy.
Kekec was a joyful boy,
to Bedanec he was a real killjoy.
By playing pranks he woke him up,
he threw him cones but faced him up.
Kekec tricked even Pehta's dog,
and now he had his new sheepdog.
he took Roţle to the mountains for a walk,
where they enjoyed an idle talk.
He crawled all the mountains,
and looked after cattle,
chased eagles and goats,
he was a boy who liked to rattle.
Kekec is the hero of our mountains
and the son of all the Slovenes.
Let every fellow be like him,
who resembles him from within.
(students of the 2. b class)
Slovenska zastava je bela, modra in rdeča. Ima tudi grb. Imamo tudi svojo himno, ki jo je
napisal France Prešeren. Najvišja gora je Triglav.
(Hana Muhič, 2. b)
Imamo veliko toplic in se lahko kopamo celo leto.
(Lenart Zabukovec, 2. b)
Narava je čista in imamo mir. Slovenija je bogata z gozdovi.
(Luka Kokalj, 2. b)
Imamo tudi morje, obožujem plavanje v njem.
(Lan Medle, 2. b)
Slovenija je bogata s polji, travniki, sadovnjaki in vinogradi.
(Nejc Hočevar, 2. B)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
What the students of the second class think about Slovenia
The Slovene flag is white, blue and red. It also has the coat of arms. We also have our
anthem, written by France Prešeren. The tallest mountain is Triglav.
(Hana Muhič, 2. b)
We have many spas and we can bathe during the whole year.
(Lenart Zabukovec, 2. b)
The nature is clean and we can enjoy the peace. Slovenia is rich in woods.
(Luka Kokalj, 2. b)
(Lan Medle,
We also have the sea, I love swimming in it.
2. b)
Slovenia has many fields, meadows, fruit gardens and vineyards.
(Nejc Hočevar, 2. b)
Was denken die Schüler/innen der 2. b Klasse über Slowenien
Slowenische Fahne ist weiß, blau und rot. Sie hat auch einen Wappen. Wir haben auch eine Hymne,
die France Prešeren geschrieben hat. Der höhste Berg ist Triglav.
(Hana Muhič, 2. b)
Wir haben viele Heilbäder und wir können das ganze Jahr schwimmen.
(Lenart Zabukovec, 2. b)
Die Natur ist rein und wir haben Ruhe. Slowenien ist reich an Wälder.
Wir haben auch Meer und ich genieße, im Meer zu schwimmen.
Slowenien hat viele Felder, Wiesen, Obstgarten und Weingarten.
(Luka Kokalj, 2. b)
(Lan Medle, 2. b)
(Nejc Hočevar, 2. b)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
Hodim v Osnovno šolo Šmarjeta. V šoli se imamo lepo. Imamo prenovljen razred. V šoli se
igram s prijatelji. Na igrišču igramo nogomet. Učimo se tudi pisati, brati, računati, risati, peti
in tapkati (voditi) žogo.
Učiteljica je prijazna.
(Lan Medle, 2. b)
I visit the Šmarjeta primary school. It's very nice there. Our classroom is newly reconstructed.
I play there with my friends. We play football. We learn to write, read, count, draw, sing and
tap a ball.
Our teacher is very nice.
(Lan Medle, 2. b)
Ich besuche die Grundschule Šmarjeta. In der Schule ist es schön. Wir haben ein renouviertes
Klassenzimmer. In der Schule spiele ich mit meinen Freunden. Auf dem Sportplatz spielen wir
Fußball. Wir lernen auch schreiben, lesen, rechnen, zeichnen, singen und mit dem Ball spielen.
Unsere Lehrerin ist freundlich.
(Lan Medle, 2. b)
Sem Nejc Hočevar. Živim v Radovlji. Rodil sem se 4. 3. 2003 v Novem mestu. Hodim v 2. b
razred Osnovne šole Šmarjeta. Rad pomagam pri domačih opravilih, še raje pa se igram s
sošolcem Nikom. Voziva se s kolesom in s skirojem. Rad imam tudi igre z žogo. Tudi družabne
igre mi niso tuje.
Imam brata Gregorja in Blaža. Trenutno se z Gregorjem bolje razumem. Blaž mi rad
ponagaja, saj je še majhen.
(Nejc Hočevar, 2. b)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
I am Nejc Hočevar. I come from Radovlja. I was born on 4th March 2003 in Novo mesto. I go
to the 2. B class of the Šmarjeta primary school. I like helping my parents doing household
chores and I love playing with my school friend Nik. We ride a bike and scooter. I also enjoy
playing ball games and social games.
I have two brothers,Gregor and Blaţ. At the moment I get on better with Gregor. Blaţ likes
to tease me since he is very young.
(Nejc Hočevar, 2. b)
Ich bin Nejc Hočevar. Ich wohne in Radovlja. Ich wurde am 4. 3. 2003 in Novo mesto geboren. Ich
besuche die Klasse 2. B in der Grundschule Šmarjeta. Ich helfe gern zu Hause, aber noch lieber
spiele ich mit meinem Mitschüler Nik. Wir fahren Rad oder Roller. Ich habe auch gern Ballspiele und
Ich habe zwei Brüder, Gregor und Blaţ. Gregor und ich vertragen uns besser. Blaţ neckt mich,
weil er noch klein ist.
(Nejc Hočevar, 2. b)
Kekec je vedno vesel. Rad poje pesmi. Kekec piska s piščalko. Je spreten in močan. Kekec je
vesel pastir. Vedno je zelo pogumen. Zna oponašati sovo. Vedno je pripravljen pomagati
drugim. Zelo rad ima živali. Vedno si izmisli kaj pametnega in to tudi stori. Kekec nosi klobuk,
v roki drži palico, na rami nosi torbo, okoli pasu ima zavezano vrv.
Luka Pavlin, 3. a
Kekec is always cheerful. He likes to sing and play the whistle. He is skillful and strong. Kekec
is a happy and brave herdsman who wears a hat, holds a stick in his hands, carries a bag on his
shoulders and has a rope tied around his waist. He knows how to imitate an owl. He likes to
help other people at any time. He is an animal lover, keen to think out something new what
then he always does.
Luka Pavlin, 3. a
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
Glavno mesto v Sloveniji je Ljubljana. Naša država je majhna. Slovenija ima obliko kokoši. V
naši državi imamo tudi morje. Slovenijo lahko najdete na globusu in na zemljevidu.
Predsednik države živi v Ljubljani. V Sloveniji je veliko gora. Imamo evre. V naši državi je malo
prebivalcev. Pri nas je veliko dreves.
Anja Jerele, 3. a
The capital city of Slovenia is Ljubljana. Our country is small. Slovenia has the shape of a hen.
We also have the sea. Slovenia can be found on a globe and on a map. The president lives in
Ljubljana. There are lost of mountains in Slovenia. Our currency is Euro. There aren't many
inhabitants in Slovenia but we have lots of trees.
Anja Jerele, 3. a
Naša šola je velika. Imamo 9 razredov. Učencev na naši šoli je 252. Naš razred ima tablo,
mize, stole, omaro in pano. Ob šoli gradijo igrišče za nogomet. Šola ima kuhinjo. V naši šoli je
lepo, imam veliko prijateljev.
Eva Ilovar, 3. a
Our school is large. We have 9 classes. There are 252 students in our school. Our classroom
has a board, desks, chairs, a cabinet and a notice-board. Beside the school a football field is
being built. Our school has a new kitchen. It is very nice here, I have many friends.
Eva Ilovar, 3. a
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
Kaj me je naučil Ostržek ?
- ne smem lagati
- ubogati moram starše
- moram delati
- moram biti prijazen
- moram biti strpen
Vse to in še več so lastnosti pravega fanta.
(Jan Trputec, 4. a )
What did Pinocchio teach me?
- not to lie
- that I should listen to my parents
- that I have to work
- to be kind
- to be tolerant.
All these and more are the qualities of a good boy
(Jan Trputec, 4. a )
Prišla sem v Slovenijo
V Bosni sem imela veliko prijateljev. Moj oče pa je delal v Sloveniji. Očetov prijatelj nam je
našel stanovanje. Prišel je v Bosno in rekel, da nas bo odpeljal v Slovenijo. Ko smo prišli, mi je
bilo stanovanje zelo všeč. Že naslednji dan smo šli v šolo. Bila mi je zelo lepa. Prišla sem v
razred, kjer imam enajst sošolk in le tri sošolce. Naučila sem se slovenščino. V Sloveniji mi je
lepo. Prijatelji in učiteljica mi pomagajo.
(Ajla Kekid, 4. a)
I moved to Slovenia
I had many friends in Bosnia. But my father has worked in Slovenia. His friend found a flat
here. My father came to Bosnia and told us he would take us with him to Slovenia. I loved the
flat here. The next day we went to school. It was very beautiful. I came to the classroom with
eleven girls and only three boys. I have learned the Slovene language. It is very nice here. My
friends and my teacher help me.
(Ajla Kekić, 4. a)
Naš razred
V našem razredu je petnajst otrok. Dvanajst deklic in trije fantje. A to še ne pomeni, da imajo
punce cel razred zase. Večkrat se spremo, a vedno se pobotamo. Tako se naše prijateljstvo
okrepi. Najraje imamo športno vzgojo. Še boljši pa so odmori. V našem razredu je super.
(Jan Trputec, 4. a )
Our class
There are fifteen children in our class, twelve girls and three boys. However, this doesn't
mean that girls own the class. We often argue but we always make up. In this way our
friendship grows stronger. Our favourite subject is P.E. Yet better are breaks. It is nice to be
in our class.
(Jan Trputec, 4. a )
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
Živim v Sloveniji. To je moja dežela. Njeno glavno mesto je Ljubljana. Naš predsednik države
je Danilo Turk. Naša največja gora je Triglav in najdaljša reka je Sava. Naša zastava je bele,
modre in rdeče barve. Zgoraj v levem kotu je grb v podobi Triglava, morja in treh zvezd.
Ponosna sem, ker sem Slovenka. Živim na Dolenjskem. Smo urejena država.
Tjaša Granda, 4. b
I live in Slovenia. This is my country. Its capital is Ljubljana. Our president is Danilo Türk. The
highest mountain is Triglav and the longest river is the Sava. Our flag is white, blue and red. In
the left upper corner there is a coat of arms that depicts Triglav, the sea and three stars. I am
proud of being a Slovene. I live in the Dolenjska region. Our country is a good one.
Tjaša Granda, 4. b
Slovenija je lepa država, kjer mi živimo.
Moj prvi jezik je slovenščina. Naš predsednik je Danilo Türk. Himna je Zdravljica in jo je
napisal France Prešeren. Naša država ima obliko kokoši. V naši državi je dva milijona
prebivalcev. Na našem grbu so tri zvezde, trije vrhovi gora in trije valovi.
Katjuša Piskule, 4. b
Slovenia is a beautiful country we live in. My mother tongue is the Slovene language. Our
president is Danilo Türk. Our anthem is Zdravljica and was written by France Prešeren. Our
country has the shape of a hen. There are two million people in our country. Our coat of
arms contains three stars, three mountain peaks and three waves.
Katjuša Piskule, 4. b
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
Sem Žan Bele. Star sem 9 let in hodim v 4. b razred. Stanujem v
Dragi 7. V prostem času gradim skrivališče in gledam CD
predvajalnik. Najraje jem pleskavice in pečene svaljke. Doma
imam brata Jerneja, ki mi ves čas nagaja. Doma imam kmetijo,
rumeno hišo in psico Taro.
I am Ţan Bele. I am 9 years old and I am in the class 4. b. I live in 7
Draga. In my free time I build a hiding place and I watch films and
cartoons. My favourite food is a steak made of minced meat and
croquettes. I have a brother Jernej who teases me all the time. We have a farm, a yellow
house and a dog named Tara.
Ime mi je Katjuša, pišem se Piskule. Stara sem 9 let. Imam sestrici
Mašo in Tjašo ter bratca Žigo. Žiga je star 7 let, Maša 5 let in Tjaša
2 leti. Žiga hodi v 3. a razred, Maša in Tjaša pa sta doma pri babici.
Imam tudi dva psa Elija in Majka. Hodim na gasilske vaje. Rada se
rolam in kolesarim ter rada sprehajam psa. Zelo rada hodim v šolo,
ker imam super učiteljico.
My name is Katjuša, my surname is Piskule. I have 9 years. My sister
Maša is 5, Tjaša is 2 and my brother is 7 years old. Ţiga is in the 3rd
class, Maša and Tjaša are babysat at home by my grandmother. I
also have two dogs, Eli and Majka. I like to take part in fire brigade trainings. I like roller
skating, cycling and taking dogs for a walk. I love going to school since my teacher is great.
Sem Tamara Lužar. Stara sem 9 let in hodim v 4. b razred. Živim v Gorenji vasi blizu Koglega.
Imam svetlo rjave lase in zelene oči.
Rada grem k sosedi, ki ima majhnega psa. Tudi moja sestrična ima dva tedna starega
mladička. Rada hodim v hribe. Z mamico radi hodiva k zidanici v Mevce. Čisto na vrhu
Koglega je cerkvica, od koder je lep razgled. Rada berem knjige, rešujem križanke (rešim jih
kar veliko), rišem in pišem. Imam brata Davida, ki je star 17 let in hodi v tretji letnik srednje
elektro šole.
I am Tamara Luţar. I am 9 and I am in the 4. b class. I live in Gorenja
vas near Koglo. My hair is light brown and my eyes are green. I like
visiting my neighbour who has a puppy. My cousin has a two-week
old puppy too. I like mountaineering. My mum and I often visit our
vineyard cottage in Mevce. At the very top of Koglo there's a small
church that offers a magnificent view. I love reading books, solving
crosswords (I solve many of them), drawing and writing. I have a
brother David who is 17 years old.
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
Učenci 5. razreda smo se vprašali, zakaj smo ponosni, ker smo Slovenci
ker smo majhen narod, a uspešen (Jakob),
ponosna sem, ker sem Slovenka, predvsem pa sem ponosna na čudovito naravo in
njene znamenitosti (Tamara),
ponosen sem na slovenski jezik, ker mi je najlažji (Danijel),
ker smo lepa država, imamo dobro nogometno ekipo in nov nogometni stadion
v Sloveniji mi je lepo, tukaj živi moja družina, tukaj je mnogo dreves in rodovitnih polj
Slovenci so moja mamica, oči, sestra, sorodniki, prijatelji – tukaj mi je lepo (Nea),
tu je moj dom, to je moja domovina (Lea),
ponosna sem zato, ker smo vesel narod (Valerija).
Zakaj naj turist pride v občino Šmarješke Toplice?
ogledal si bo številne cerkve, občutil zdravilno vodo in se nadihal čistega zraka (Lana),
pride naj pogledat, kako jaz živim (Gašper),
ogledal si bo Klevevž in izvir Toplice (Maja),
zato, ker je to najlepša občina v državi (Lea),
imamo novo nogometno igrišče z umetno travo (Danijel),
z vlakcem se bo popeljal po okoliških vaseh (Tamara),
čudovita polja, travniki, gozdovi, potoki, izviri in grički, posejani z zidanicami in
vinogradi – to bi ga zagotovo zanimalo (Jakob),
če je bolan, naj pride v naše zdravilišče (Eliana).
Students of the 5th class explained why they are proud of living in Slovenia?
because we are a small but successful nation (Jakob),
I am proud of being a Slovene, especially of our wonderful nature and its sights (Tamara)
I love the Slovene language, I find it easy (Danijel),
For our country is very beautiful, we have a good football team and a new football stadium
It is very beautiful here, my family lives here, there are many trees and fertile fields (Karin),
My mother, father, sister, relatives and friends are Slovene – I like it here (Nea),
This is my home, my homeland (Lea),
I’m proud for we are a cheerful nation (Valerija).
Why should tourists visit the municipality of Šmarješke Toplice?
They can visit numerous churches, feel the healing water and breathe the clean air. (Lana)
Let them see how I live. (Gašper)
They can visit Klevevţ and the spring of the brook Toplica. (Maja)
It is the most beautiful municipality in our country. (Lea)
We have a new football ground covered with artificial grass. (Danijel)
They can take a tour around the local villages by our street train. (Tamara)
Extraordinary fields, meadows, woods, brooks, springs and hills scattered with vineyard
cottages and vineyards – this would certainly be interesting for them. (Jakob)
If they are ill they should visit our spa. (Eliana)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Besondere ausgabe Steine
März 2011
Amnesty International
Angleška bralna značka
Bralna značka
Eko klub
Gibalne urice
Instrumentalni kroţek
Likovni kroţek
Mladi prostovoljci (Rdeči kriţ)
Namizni tenis
Naravoslovni kroţek
Pevski zbror
Planinski kroţek
Pravljični junaki
Razvedrilni kroţek
Prva pomoč
Recitacijsko-dramska skupina
Sončkove urice
Športne igre
Vesela šola
Zgodovina za vedoţeljne
Lutkovno gledališče
Prvi koraki v nemščino
Vrtnarski kroţek
Amnesty International
English reading badge
Smart girls
Reading badge
Eco club
Physical activity lessons
Instrumental club
Art class
Young volunteers (Red cross)
Model making
Table tennis
Natural science club
Mountaineering club
Fairy tale heroes
Amusement club
First aid
Recital-drama group
Suneshine lessons
Sport games
Happy school
History for the curious
Puppet theatre
First steps into German
Gardening club
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
V prostem času
V prostem času sem na računalniku ali pa kolesarim.
(Franci Bregač, 6. a)
Igram karte Yu-gi-oh. Rad igram na računalnik in se družim s prijatelji.
(Rok Polovič, 6. a)
Rad igram nogomet, igram računalnik in se družim s prijatelji.
(Matevž Glavan, 6. a)
Gledam televizijo in tudi zelo veliko berem.
(Larisa Zalokar, 6. a)
Igram se s svojim muckom Tigrom in peljem psa na sprehod.
(Vanja Štimpfel, 6. a)
V prostem času rad igram nogomet in berem knjige.
(Anže Robek, 6. a)
Rad imam igre s kockami. Gledam televizijo ali se igram zunaj.
(Mitja Bregant, 6. a)
Treniram rokomet v rokometnem klubu MRK Krka. Treniram ob ponedeljskih in četrtkih ob
17.30 in ob petkih ob 16.00. Najprej se ogrejemo, nato igramo. (Klemen Matko, 6. a)
Igram karate. Treniram dvakrat tedensko ob 19.30. Najprej se ogrejemo, potem se
pripravljamo na tekmovanja in se učimo novih prijemov.
(Urban Košale, 6. a)
Treniram atletiko ob ponedeljskih, sredah in petkih. Tečem, skačem v višino in daljino.
(Erik Zorman, 6. a)
Treniram namizni tenis, petkrat na teden v NTK Krka.
(Peter Hribar, 6. a)
Rada jaham. Treniram jahanje vsako sredo. Treniram zunaj. Če pa je vreme slabo, jaham v
(Lucija Krašovec, 6. a)
Treniram tenis v Tenis centru Otočec, dvakrat tedensko od 15.00 do 17.00.
(David Piskule, 6. a)
Med počitnicami
Med počitnicami gremo v toplice, na morje. Igram se s sestro Niko, berem, rolam in
(Polonca Vidrih, 6. a)
S starši gremo na morje. Družim se s prijatelji, sem v naravi, gledam televizijo …
(Nives Golob, 6. a)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
In my free time
In my free time I use my computer or I cycle. (Franci Bregač, 6. a)
I play with the Yu-gi-oh cards. I love playing computer games and meeting my friends. (Rok
Polovič, 6. a)
I like playing football, computer games and meeting my friends. (Matevţ Glavan, 6. a)
I watch TV and love to read a lot. (Larisa Zalokar, 6. a)
I play with my cat Tiger and take my dog for a walk. (Vanja Štimpfel, 6. a)
In my free time I like playing football and reading books. (Anţe Robek, 6. a)
I like block games. I watch TV or play outside. (Mitja Bregant, 6. a)
I train
I train handball in the handball club MRK Krka. My trainings take place on Mondays and
Thursdays at 17.30 and on Fridays at 16.00. First we warm up, and then we play. (Klemen
Matko, 6. a)
I do karate. I train twice a week at 19.30. At the beginning of each training we warm up, then
we do exercises for competitions and learn new grips and kicks. (Urban Košale, 6. a)
I train athletics on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I run, do high jump and long jump.
(Erik Zorman, 6. a)
I train table tennis, five times a week, in my club NTK Krka. (Peter Hribar, 6. a)
I love horse riding. I train every Wednesday. I do it outside but if the weather is bad, I ride in
a large tent. (Lucija Krašovec, 6. a)
I train tennis at the Tennis centre Otočec, twice a week, from 15.00 to 17. 00. (David
Piskule, 6. a)
My holidays
I spend my holidays in spas or we go to the seaside. I play with my sister Nika, read, rollerskate and cycle. (Polonca Vidrih, 6. a)
Me and my parents go to the seaside. I spend my time with my friends, in nature, I watch TV
(Nives Golob, 6. a)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
In meiner Freizeit
In meiner Freizeit spiele ich am Computer oder fahre Rad. (Franci Bregač, 6. a)
Ich spiele Yu-gi-oh Karten. Ich spiele auch gern am Computer und verbringe meine Freizeit mit
meinen Freunden. (Rok Polovič, 6. a)
Ich spiele gern Fußball. Ich spiele am Computer und treffe mich mit meinen Freunden. (Matevţ
Glavan, 6. a)
Ich sehe fern und ich lese sehr gern und viel. (Larisa Zalokar, 6. a)
Ich spiele mit meiner Katze Tiger und mache Spaziergang mit dem Hund. (Vanja Štimpfel,6.a)
In meiner Freizet spiele ich gern Fußball und lese Bücher. (Anţe Robek, 6. a)
Ich mag Würfelspiele. Ich sehe gern fern oder spiele draußen. (Mitja Bregant, 6. a)
Ich trainiere …
Ich trainiere Handball im Handballclub MRK Krka. Meine Traininge sind montags und donnerstags
um 17.30 und freitags um 16.00. Zuerst wärmen wir uns auf, dann spielen wir Handball. (Klemen
Matko, 6. a)
Ich mache Karate. Ich trainiere zweimal wöchentlich um 19.30. Am Anfang des Trainings wärmen
wir uns auf, dann bereiten wir uns auf den Wettbewerb und lernen einige neue Griffe. (Urban
Košale, 6. a)
Ich trainiere Athletik montags, mittwochs und freitags. Ich laufe, springe hoch und weit. (Erik
Zorman, 6. a)
Ich trainiere Tischtennis fünfmal in der Woche im Tischtennisclub Krka.
Ich reite gern. Ich trainiere Reiten jeden Mittwoch. Ich trainiere draußen. Wenn das Wetter schlecht
ist, reite ich im Zelt. (Lucija Krašovec, 6. a)
Ich trainiere Tennis im Tennisclub Otočec, 2-mal wöchentlich, von 15.00 bis 17.00. (David Piskule,
6. a)
In den Ferien
In den Ferien fahren wir ins Thermalbal, ans Meer. Ich spiele mit meiner Schwester Nika, lese, fahre
Roller und fahre Rad. (Polonca Vidrih, 6. a)
Ich fahre mit meinen Eltern ans Meer. Ich treffe gern meine Freunde, verbringe Zeit in der Natur,
sehe fern … (Nives Golob, 6. a)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
Class 8. b
I am in the 8.b class. There are fourteen students in my class, seven boys and seven girls. We
are very good friends. During breaks we often play different games and talk about different
topics. Our substitute class teacher at the moment is Alenka Ţabkar. She is staying with us
until our primary class teacher, Kristina Ščuka, returns. Namely, she has been on maternity
leave. They both teach Slovene.
My favourite subject in school is art. My teacher of art is Vida Cizel. During art lessons, which
we visit once a week for 90 minutes, we paint, model, carve and form products such as
statues, vases etc. I like painting with bright colours.
Kristina Kopina, 8.b
School lessons in Šmarjeta
In our school lessons start at 7.10 or 8.00 am. A lesson takes 45 min, after each one there’s a
5-minute break. During 2 longer breaks we have time to eat our breakfast and lunch, cooked
in the school kitchen. They last 20 min. We have supplementary classes and extra lessons for
better students, too. There are many subjects taught on our school:
ENGLISH - is learning about the English grammar, vocabulary and culture. We
practice writing essays, sometimes even poems, and debate about current topics.
MATHEMATICS - we study the basics of mathematic rules, do algebra and
SLOVENIAN – is similar to learning any other language – we learn about Slovene
grammar, writers, read short stories, poems and write them, too.
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
P.E. - we run, jump, play volleyball, football and handball, do gymnastics, athletics etc.
PHYSICS – we listen to our experienced teacher explaining the rules of gravity and
other principles of physics and practise how they work in real life.
CHEMISTRY – it’s very interesting and funny doing different experiments.
MUSIC - singing, playing instruments, learning about music periods and composers
can be quite relaxing.
GEOGRAPHY – these lessons are intended for learning about our planet Earth, its
continents, seas and life on it.
BIOLOGY – our teachers mark our knowledge about animals, people, plants and
environmental issues.
HISTORY - learning about the history of what people did and didn’t do in different
eras is always educational.
ART – our teacher tells us how to draw, shape sculptures and gives lectures about
artists, colours and different art techniques.
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY - we make various products out of the
material which we have learnt about (wood, metal, plastic ...)
From the 7th to the 9th class each student is required to choose at least two elective subjects
.We get a list of offered subjects and then we choose those subjects we like (football for
relaxation, experiments in chemistry, sport for health, French, German etc.).
Anja Gorišek, 8. b
There are two 9th classes at our school; 9.a and 9.b. There are 15 students in each class. In
class 9.a there are 7 girls and 8 boys and in class 9.b, there are 5 girls and 10 boys. During the
past years, class A and B were not really friends, but for the last two years we haven't been
fighting anymore. All the students in both classes aren't the same as they were at the
beginning, some students left and some new students arrived. This is our last year at primary
School Šmarjeta. Next year we're going to high school. It's a difficult decision for some
students which school to choose. Some of us already know where we will continue our
education, but there are still a lot of them, who don't know where to go. We hope that we
will be friends in high school, too. Some of us are going to the same schools, so we will be
classmates there as well.
At the end of the school year, on the 15 June, we will have a special celebration called 'valeta'.
We are going to invite all the teachers that have ever taught us and our families. There will be
a lot of dancing and a special program. Maybe that party, and the after-party, will be the last
parties, where we will be together as a class. I hope it will be fun.
Here are the photos of our classes from last year. Each year we take two pictures, a serious
one and a funny one. Guess which is which!
Special edition Stones
March 2011
Posebna izdaja Kamenčki
marec, 2011
Class 9.a
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März 2011
Class 9.b
Class 9.a
Ethics – I like this subject because it's simple. I'm only sorry that we only have one lesson a
week. (Magda Lunder)
Slovene – I like it because it's interesting and I like the teacher. (Urška Golob)
P.E. – I would like more football lessons. (Ţiga Barbuč)
It's very active, but there aren't enough lessons a week. Two is not enough. (Joţko Vidrih)
- Other boys who also like P. E. are Qemajl and Egzon Voci, David Udovč
- I like it because I enjoy playing football, basketball and handball. (Miha Hribar)
English – I like it because I like to talk in English. (Urška Gregorčič)
Geograpy – We like it because it's interesting, we learn a lot of things. (Aljaţ Zoran and Ana
I like it because I learnt a lot about Slovenia. (Saša Strazberger)
History – I like it because it is fun. (Valerija Zupan)
Art – I like to paint. (Simon Kopina)
Class 8.a
P.E. - I like it very much, I only don't like running. (Janina Ivnik)
Other students who also like this subject are: Jan Polovič, Benjamin Muhič, Klara Zajc, Melisa
Bevc, Gorazd Per
Art – This is my favourite subject, because I like drawing. (Sabina Kopina)
My favourite subject. (Dţenita Kekić)
I like it because I can be creative. (Ana Ţagar)
Slovene – I like writing poems, essays, everything. (Sabina Kopina); I like reading books.
(Dţenita Kekić)
Chemistry – We enjoy doing the experiments. (Valentina Kragelj, Mark P. Zoran, Jaka
Škrbec, Marko Korasa)
Maths – I like computation and logical exercises. (Klara Zajc)
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
Countries and nationalities
In class 8. a we are currently studying about countries and nationalities. Here is an
example of a workbook exercise. We had to write a short description for each
person by using the same letter as the name starts with.
I'm Sandra. I come from Slovenia. I'm Slovenian. I love sweets. I swim every day but at the
moment I'm surfing on the net.
I'm Britney. I come from Britain. I'm British. I love biscuits. I play basketball every day but at
the moment I'm beatboxing.
I'm Ferdinand. I come from France. I'm French. I love food. I have fun every day but at the
moment I'm feeling bored.
I'm Marko I come from Malaysia. I'm Malaysian. I love marshmallows. I mix juice every day
but at the moment I'm missing my cat.
I'm Christine. I come from Canada. I'm Canadian. I like card games like Yu-gi-oh. I call myself
every day but at the moment I'm changing into a chicken.
I'm Gilgamesh. I come from Greece. I'm Greek. I love grenade apples. I gain
999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999..... $ every day but now I'm gardening
my carrot.
Timotej Kovačič, 8. a
I went to Scotland for a week with Manca Zorko, Nina Kermc and two teachers (Andrej
Kovačič and Nina Leban).
We went there in May. We visited the elementary school there (Mid Calder Primary).
We went to the Royal Mile and the Scottish parliament, where we saw lots of interesting
things. We visited an old Scottish Palace, too and saw the Edinburgh castle from outside.
I stayed with the family Brown who showed me a lot of nice places and told me about
interesting facts about their town and way of life.
Mark Zoran, 8.a
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
Kekec's Word Search
Jan Pajk, 7. A
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
This type of education is not compulsory. It includes children between the ages of 1 and 5.
The curriculum is divided into two cycles (from 1 to 3 and from 3 to 6). The curriculum
defines six areas of activities: movement, language, art, nature, society and mathematics.
Basic education was extended from eight years to nine. Children that reach the age of six in
a particular calendar year enter the first class in that year.
Nine-year basic education is divided into 3 three-year cycles. Primary school curriculum
consists of compulsory subjects, electives, class lessons and activity days (culture, science,
sports and technology).
Secondary education includes vocational and technical schools, which last 3 or 4 years;
these schools prepare students for labour. The other secondary schools are called general
secondary schools (gimnazije), which prepare students for further studies.
There are two types of general secondary schools: general and technical. They last 4 years and
end with the external examination called matura examination.
This type includes academic university studies and professionally oriented studies. They last
either 3 or 4 years.
LJUBLJANA, the capital
city of Slovenia
Ljubljana lies in a basin
between the Karst and the
alpine regions at 298 metres
above sea level. We like to
say it is sufficiently large to
contain everything that a
capital should have, and
small enough to preserve the
individuality of its inhabitants.
It is a city with a soul,
featured by the Baroque Old
Town which is nestled at the
foot of Castle Hill, the Art
Nouveau buildings as well as
some of the masterpieces of
architect Joţe Plečnik.
At a national referendum held on December 23, 1990, the people of Slovenia voted for
independence and sovereignty and on June 25, 1991, the Republic of Slovenia proclaimed its
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
independence. With this, Ljubljana became the capital of the new state, the heart of the
political, economic, cultural and scientific life of the Slovene nation.
The significant mile stone for Ljubljana was Slovenia's accession to the European Union on 1
May 2004.
Ljubljana, with only some 276.000 inhabitants, combines the compactness of a small city with
the facilities of a metropolis and, compared with other European capitals, remains a city on a
human scale.
Central Market
This market comprises of an open air market and a covered market. A special sight of the
square in Ljubljana is the covered market, designed by the world famous architect Joţe
Plečnik that put an indelible personal stamp on his native Ljubljana. The Plečnik Arcade is the
major attraction of this market. It is tied with classical pillars. Since 1940 the market, located
between the Dragon Bridge and the Triple Bridge, boasts the bank along the river Ljubljanica.
Unfortunately, his plan wasn’t fully realized. There should be another bridge, located
somewhere in the middle and covered with stands, similar to the Rialto bridge in Venice.
There’s another special fact about the food market. Namely, since 1959, the trading place has
been also at the Seminary Palace and it definitely isn’t usual to buy cottage cheese, eggs and
meat in one of the most magnificent baroque palaces in Ljubljana.
Jože Plečnik
He was born in 1872 in Ljubljana. The great architect studied in Vienna and this is where he
designed his works, too. Most of his conceptions were realized as houses, churches,
monuments, bridges and other buildings. He dealt with the internal equipment, too. Plečnik is
referred as the biggest Slovene architect and owns a special reputation among the great
architects of the world. He died in 1957.
The dragon, depicted in the Ljubljana’s coat of arms, sits at the top of the castle tower.
According to a legend, Ljubljana (at that time Emona) was founded by the Greek prince Jason
and his friends. They had stolen a gold rune from the king Aites in the Far East and on their
escape, they sailed from the Black Sea into the Danube, from there into the river Sava and
from the Sava into the Ljubljanica River. By the spring of the Ljubljanica they found a big lake
and marshes beside it. This is where Jason fought a terrible monster and killed it. This
monster is supposed to be the Dragon of Ljubljana.
Dragon Bridge
As a Ljubljana trade-mark, the Dragon Bridge is one of the most well
known sights of the city. Four green, copper-made dragons, two on
each side, stand proudly to guard the bridge and the city itself. The
history of the bridge goes far back in the past when it was wooden and
called a Butchers' Bridge. In 1901 the existing one was built in secession
art style, dedicated to Franc Joţef, the Hapsburg Emperor. Made of
reinforced concrete, it is one of the first bridges in Europe built using
this technique. You can easily see it from the Triple Bridge, stretching
over the Ljubljanica River at the other side of the market place. Along
the bridge leads the street Ressljeva cesta, named after Josef Ressel,
who invented a ship screw.
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
The castle
Standing on the hill above the city, Ljubljana Castle is the main tourist attraction of the capital
and gives the city its special touch. Mighty walls and towers hide a rich and turbulent history
and today they offer a marvellous view of the Ljubljana basin and the Alps. Numerous
exhibitions, souvenir shops and cafés keep it constantly feeling alive.
Prešeren Square
It is the main square of Ljubljana, dedicated to the greatest Slovenian
poet, Dr. France Prešeren, who looks down at the square from his
mighty statue. It stands in the middle of the square and is surrounded
by the finest secession buildings from the start of the 20th century.
Prešeren was the biggest Slovene poet, who lived from 1800 until
1849. His poem Zdravljica (A Toast), written in 1844, is also the
anthem of our country. The poet was unhappily in love with Julija Primic, to whom he
dedicated many of his poems. The bust of Julija symbolically beholds the statue of France
Prešeren from one of the facades on the Wolf Street. The muse sits above the Prešeren’s
statue, holding a laurel sprig in her hand. Near the statue there are three big birches,
decorating the spot. The Prešeren Square is today a lively meeting point and a venue of
concerts, stand-up musical performances and other events. New Year celebrations as well as
the ceremonies celebrating Prešeren’s death take place here. On 8th February which is the
Slovene cultural holiday, his poems are cited under the monument.
Triple Bridge
The Triple Bridge is probably the most unusual and the most frequently crossed bridge in
Ljubljana. It connects the main square and a newer part of town with the Old Town and the
Market. It got its final image when Joţe Plečnik in 1931 added the side pedestrian bridges to
the existing main one. Offering you a view of the river
Ljubljanica, Old Town, Main Square and the Market, Triple
Bridge is a perfect place to stop and feel the city.
It used to be wooden and served as an entrance to the
fortified medieval town of Ljubljana. Later in the future it
was also named the Lower Bridge, since another one was
built around 180 meters upstream of the Ljubljanica River,
today known as the Shoemaker’s Bridge.
Shoemaker’s Bridge
The Shoemaker's Bridge, designed by Plečnik, was probably the oldest bridge of medieval
Ljubljana. It connects two different parts of the town, the same as the Triple Bridge. The
bridge was originally wooden. As shoemakers, and later also butchers, had their workshops
by the bridge, it got the name the Shoemaker's Bridge. Street theatre, smaller concerts,
street vendors and comedians can often be seen on the bridge.
Slovene (folk) music
Slovenian teenagers like listening to rock, pop, metal and folk music. Children especially like
singing Slovenian songs. A lot of children play an instrument – the piano, guitar, keyboard,
violin, flute trumpet, saxophone and piano are among the most popular ones. More and more
popular today is accordion. Usually it can be heard on different celebrations such as
Special edition Stones
March 2011
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März 2011
weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. Choir singing is also quite popular in our country. In
choirs sing children, men and women. Every choir has its choirmaster. (Matevţ Glavan, 6. a)
Slovenian potica
Potica is a traditional Slovenian festive cake that has become famous around the world.
Poticas are baked in special cake tins, traditionally made of very ornate terracotta that is
nowadays often used as decoration. These tins are usually round, with a tube in the middle.
Baked poticas are mostly round, ring shaped cakes. There are at least fifty different kinds of
potica, differing in fillings. At first, fillings consisted of walnuts, hazelnuts, honey, mint, curd,
cream, cracklings, bacon or dried fruits. In the past, sugar was usually not added because it
was scarce in those days. Today, poticas are often made with cocoa, chocolate or cottage
cheese fillings. The dough is made of wheat flour with yeast used as leaven. It is rolled out flat,
spread with the filling, rolled up and placed in the tin. The ends of the roll are cut off and
placed into separate small tins to make small buns.
The dough:
30 g yeast
300 ml milk 750 g flour
120 g sugar
120 g butter
3 egg yolks
lemon zest
1 tablespoon salt
Mix the yeast with warm mi1k and flour and leave to prove; then knead the dough. Prepare
the filling. Roll out the dough, cover with the filling and roll up. Place in a baking tin, smear
with the yolk and bake at 225°C for an hour and a half.
Potica with walnut filling
70 g butter
3 egg yolks
200-250 g sugar
cinnamon and lemon zest
500 g walnuts
2 beaten egg whites
Carefully mix the ingredients and cover the rolled dough with the filling.
Potica with poppy seed filling
300 g poppy seed
0.5 litre cream or milk
3 egg yolks
200-250 g vanilla flavoured sugar
1 tablespoon breadcrumbs
3 tablespoons fresh cream
70 g fresh butter
3 beaten egg whites
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March 2011
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Cook poppy seed in milk or cream and leave to boil for an hour. Leave to cool then add the
other ingredients and the beaten egg whites at the end.
Potica with tarragon filling
1 tablespoon butter
5 tablespoons breadcrumbs
1 litre cream
3 tablespoons sugar
2 egg yolks
2 tablespoons ground tarragon
Fry breadcrumbs in butter, add other ingredients.
Potica with cottage-cheese filling
500 g cottage cheese
125 ml cream
100 g butter
2 egg yolks
100 g sugar
Lemon zest
2 beaten egg whites
Mix the ingredients and spread over the dough.
(Erik Zorman, 6. a)
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March 2011
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Katarina Dežman
Milena Hribar
Kristina Hribar
Anica Katič Hočevar
Maja Žagar
Helena Vidmar
Mojca Gorenc Ban
Mojca Pacek
Alenka Žabkar
Lea Blažič
Fotografije: Andrej Kovačič
Prevod v angleščino: Marjana Blažič Hočevar, Lea Blažič Hočevar
Prevod v nemščino: Mojca Pacek
Lektoriranje: Mojca Pacek
Oblikovanje: Andrej Kovačič
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März 2011