DEACONS’ MEETING SUNDAY , October 12 ~ 7:00 PM MEN’S PRAYER FELLOWSHIP FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, October 14 ~ 7:00 PM Saturday, October 11th 7:00 AM ~ Church Library BUSINESS MEETING WEDNESDAY, October 15 ~ 6:00 PM CLOTHES CLOSET 10/11 - Roger & Jennifer McNelly USHERS FOR OCTOBER Jimmy Lewis, Everette Black, Bill Watson, Byron Jones, David Ripley, Chuck Holland GREETERS for OCTOBER 12th 7:45 - Bill & Lana Sanders 9:00 - Raymond & Irene Sims SOUND SYSTEM 8:00 - Michael Doolin 10:30 - Larry Charles TRANSPORTATION 10/12 - Chris Corkill NURSERY 10:30 - Melissa Pointer & Regan Godsey EXTENDED SESSION Denise Parris & Bekah Houston DISCIPLE NOW (November 7th-9th) Theme: Called to Greatness The deadline in order to receive a T-Shirt is October 19th. The cost is $20. The T-Shirts Please join with our men to begin the day and weekend with prayer. We pray for strength, will be ordered on the 20th and will require wisdom and guidance. We pray lifting up the two weeks to get the shirts back. If your youth needs of our nation, community and church has not registered yet, make sure they do as soon as possible. Last year we had 27 youth family. and it was a great year. I would like to see that ALL MEN ARE WELCOME! happen again this year. Erik Pressure Points MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Open to all Ages Begins Tuesday, October 14th Books are $5.00 from Scott Lane We will meet in the Crusaders’ SS Class Room at 7:00 PM “Plan to join and participate as we look at the many areas of temptation facing men.” MORNING WORSHIP REFLECTIONS BIBLE STUDY TUESDAY, October 14th 6:30 PM or WEDNESDAY, October 15th 9:00 AM “The Family of Jesus” By Karen Kingsbury This is a 6 week study. Come, learn and share as we read about the Family of God. 8:00 & 10:30 AM Special Music Jubilee Ringers Worship Choir Message Pastor Mike “The Golden Key of Faith” Hebrews 11:1-2 EVENING WORSHIP 6:00 PM Special Music Larry Long Message Pastor Mike “The Potter and the Clay” Jeremiah 18:1-6 MEN’S MINISTRY TRIP Missouri State Penitentiary Jefferson City, MO Saturday, November 1st 8:45 AM - Depar t Chur ch par king lot 9:30 AM - Golden Cor r al Br eakfast 11:45 AM - Ar r ive at pr ison entr ance 12:00 Noon - Tour 4:00 PM - Retur n to Chur ch par king lot Give your $25 to Scott Lane to save your seat on the bus. LADIES’ FALL EVENT Friday, October 10th ~ 6:30 PM MENU Caribbean pork loin, Chinese fried rice, California blend vegetables, Oriental cole slaw and Italian bread. For dessert you will have a choice of Greek Baklava, Bavarian Crème Cake or Sugar Free Strawberry Mousse. Men who are serving, be at the church by 6:00 PM. Please wear black slacks and white shirts. Black ties will be provided. A WORD FROM YOUR PASTOR THYATIRA: The sin of toleration (Rev. 2:18-29) Thyatira was a center of trade, especially in royal purple. This city was noted for its trade guilds and its guilds were closely connected with the heathen religions and immoral pagan feasts. Jesus begins by commending this church. This church started with work and ended with work. The Christ of the Candlesticks credits them with love and ministry to others and faithfulness. This was a growing, going and glowing church. And yet, the church at Thyatira needed to repent. What was wrong with this church? Jesus does not generalize, He particularizes: “ tolerate the woman Jezebel and she leads my servants astray so that they commit acts of immorality…” (v.20). The church had a Jezebel of a woman within their fellowship and she was teaching that you did not have to live a separated life. You did not have to live a Godly life. In arrogance people were saying “We are free to do whatever we want and whenever we want it!” No, the Bible calls that spiritual adultery! We are not free to do what we want. We are free to do what we ought. Jezebelism is very popular these days. She advocates a liberalism that leads to libertinism. She would mix the altar of Baal with the worship of Jehovah, the mystery of iniquity with the mystery of godliness. Any philosophy that makes it easier to sin is of the devil. Some chur ches boast that they have grown out of their narrow views into a broader outlook. Some call it a “mellowness” of spirit. A lot of things, however, grow mellow just before they spoil. The problem of Thyatira was that they were so nice and pleasant, they tolerated anything, including Jezebel. This church developed a sweet amiability and wanted to get along with everything and everybody including the devil himself. Until Jesus returns we are to keep our eyes on Him. We ar e not left without char t or compass. We have a Book! When everything else fails and we cannot see our way, we can still mount up with wings as eagles and fly by the instrument of the Word of God. I will see you on Sunday! Your Pastor loves you, Bro. Mike T H E B U L L ET I N OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS For the Homebound October 16 - Bill Arthur 106 E. Mission Marshall, MO 65340 October 19 - Bill Cox 730 Briarwood Marshall, Mo 65340 October 23 - Evelyn Pointer 1260 S. Ravenal Marshall, MO 65340 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Marshall, Missouri 65340 Telephone: 660.886.5546 Website: ___________________________________________________________________________ VOLUME 43 October 8, 2014 NUMBER 39 «Name» «C/O» «Address» «City» «State» «Zip Code» Thank You to those who helped deliver Meals-On-Wheels: M ariam & Ruth Ann Anderson, Brenda Clayton, Louise Cunningham, Wayne Doolin, Mary Beth Frazee, Verna Sue & John Gibson, Phyllis Goss, Karen Heerman, Janice Jones, Joy Little, Cathy Rector , Frank, Virginia & Rodney Riffert, Bill & Lana Sanders, Marcy Sater, Lois Turner and Billie Vardiman. CHURCH STAFF $ 14,541.18 $ 9,925.00 $ 472.00 $ 270.00 $ 1,576.03 $ 73.11 $ 260.00 $ 269.00 First Baptist Church Odell Avenue at East Arrow Marshall, MO 65340 Budget Receipts Weekly Budget Needs Building Fund Missouri Missions MMO to date: World Hunger Lottie Moon Offering Fund for the Needy 250 270 THE BULLETIN Bible Study Worship Pastor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. M ichael B. Parris Education/Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wayne Doolin Minister of Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Erik Houston Church Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jeanie Tucker Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruth Ann Anderson Financial Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lynn Seelow Custodians . . . . . . . . . . .Jim R uff & Buddy W eaver October 1, 2014 Published weekly (except Christmas week and 4th of July week) by First Baptist Church, Marshall, Missouri 65340. Second class postage paid at Marshall, Missouri. “VITAL SIGNS” FOR SUNDAY Baptist Global Relief World Hunger Sunday October 12th Worldwide, 870 million people don’t have enough to eat - and the vast majority of them have no idea how much God loves them. The World Hunger Fund - and the new Global Hunger Relief initiative is a tangible way for Baptist Christians to feed hungry people in Jesus’ name. When IMB uses Southern Baptist hunger funds among the unreached, however, “Every project is tied to a long term strategy, not only for evangelism and discipleship, but for planting reproducing churches.” Healthy churches that want God to use them in transforming lives and communities will touch needy people with the love of Jesus. Every dollar given goes directly into the hands of our Missionary Personnel to minister to the needs of people as the Gospel is proclaimed at home and around the world.
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