Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Day 102
Recruiter - There will be an Army recruiter here during the lunch periods on Wednesday, Feb. 11th.
Mrs. Klaum (2/9-2/10)
Track - Attention Junior and Senior Track and Field Athletes: There is a meeting being held in the senior
high auditorium for all junior and senior members of the track and field team during activity period on
Wednesday, February 11. If you are planning on participating on this year’s boys’ or girls’ track and field
teams, you need to attend this meeting. If you have not been out for the team in the past and you are
considering participation this year, you should attend this meeting as well. Several important items will
be shared about the upcoming season!
Coach Peaco (2/10-2/11)
Travel –If you want to be a part of an amazing 12 day trip to China during June 2016, bring your parents
to an informational meeting Thursday, February 12 in the senior high room 210. If you have questions,
see Mrs. Kennedy in senior high room 210.
Mrs. Kennedy (2/3-2/12)
Scholarship – The Seneca Valley School District is proud to announce the Ruth Varner Otto Memorial
Scholarship for students planning to attend a post-secondary school next fall. Scholarship applications
are available in the guidance office. CSS Profile Financial Aid applications must be received by the
College Scholarship Service no later than March 1 in order to be considered for the scholarship.
Mrs. Berlin (2/2-2/27)
Spring Sports - Baseline concussion testing, drug testing, and sports physicals will be offered to students
in grades 7-12 on Wednesday, February 18 immediately after school in the senior high school. Only one
initial drug test and physical are required per school year. Baseline and drug testing must be done through
Seneca Valley. If you took a baseline concussion test last year or this year, you do not need to be retested
at this time. There is no fee or consent form required. School administered physicals require a completed
PIAA Comprehensive Physical form and $15. Drug tests require a Drug Testing Consent Form and $30.
Further spring sports information & forms are available on the Athletics website or in the Athletics
Mrs. Poleti (2/9-2/18)