St. Mary
Bulletin number:
Date of publication:
July 13, 2008
Number of pages transmitted:
Special instructions:
Please call Mayra or Emily at 703-836-4100 if you have any questions.
Thank you for all of your help!! God bless you!!!
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Rev. Dennis W. Kleinmann, Pastor
Rev. Robert L. Ruskamp, Parochial Vicar
Rev. John C. De Celles, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jean Claude Atusameso, In Residence
310 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 • 703-836-4100 • Fax: 703-549-3605
St. Mary’s School (PK-8) - Mrs. Janet Cantwell, Principal (703-549-1646) • Fax: 703-519-0840;
Main Building 400 Green Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; Website:
Stephens Hall (Jr. High & Registrar) 703-549-3488
St. Mary’s School of Religion (CCD) and CYO - Luis Brown (703-836-5450)
Director of Music - Dr. Charles Saik (703-684-5308)
Sunday Masses:
Saturday Eve Vigil - 5:00 PM
Sunday - 7:00 AM & 8:30 AM, (9:15 AM - Children’s Mass, St. Mary’s School, 400 Green St.),
10:00 AM (Nursery in Lyceum, 313 Duke St.)
11:30 AM, 1:00 PM & (Vespers - Evening Prayer 4:30 PM) 5:00 PM
Weekday Masses:
Monday through Friday - 6:30, 8:00 AM, 12:10 PM
Federal Holidays - 9:00 AM Mass only
Saturday - 8:00 AM only
Traditional Latin Mass—(Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, 1962 Missal)
First and Third Fridays of the Month-7:30 PM (6:30 PM during Lent)
Novenas and Adoration at the Church:
Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday - noon
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Thursday 12:30 to 7:30 PM
Mother of Perpetual Help Novena and Holy Hour Thursday - 7:30 PM
Nocturnal Adoration - every First Friday,
9 PM to Saturday 6 AM
Holy Hour for Life - every First Saturday following
8:00 AM Mass
Saturday - 4:00 to 5:00 PM and 7:00 to 7:30 PM
Thursday - 7:30 PM (during Holy Hour)
First Saturday - 8:30 AM (during Holy Hour)
Every Sunday at 2:15 PM. Please call the Rectory
to register in advance and obtain regulations
concerning godparents,etc.
Contact Parish Priest at least six months before
possible wedding date. Couples who are living
together will be asked to live separately during
marriage preparation time.
Project Rachel, post-abortion help
Gabriel Project, pregnancy help
Page Two
July 13, 2008
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
12:10 PM
MONDAY, JULY 14, 2008
Special Intention: Kathryn Braithwaite
Mr. and Mrs. C Ruiz
Paul Guidry
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
12:10 PM
TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2008
Jim Koblensky
Patricia Speno
James Donoghue
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
12:10 PM
John J. Lewis, Anniversary
Urbano de Almeida
Sr. Marie Therese
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
12:10 PM
Father of Sarah Charbonnet
Special Intention: Marcella Hadeed
Michael Gleason
6:30 AM
8:00 AM
12:10 PM
FRIDAY, JULY 18, 2008
Sigmund Bernheimer
Margo Ward
Eva Tutino
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
5:00 PM
Jamie McLaughlin
Edward Weiners (Fr. Kleinmann)
SUNDAY, JULY 20, 2008
Parishioners of St. Mary’s
(Fr. Jean Claude)
Matt Brester (Fr. Kleinmann)
William Riley (Fr. Kleinmann)
Bridget O’Neill (Fr. Ruskamp)
Mrs. Welch, Beloved Mother
(Fr. Ruskamp)
Paddy Griffin (Fr. Jean Claude)
We welcome through the Sacrament of Baptism
Catherine Frances Delaune
Elizabeth Addie Delaune
O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor
of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate
Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help
me and show me herein that you are my Mother.
O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I
humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me
in this necessity; there are none that can withstand
your power. O show me herein that you are my
Our Lady, queen and beauty of Carmel, pray for me
and obtain my requests.
Sweet Mother, I place this cause into your hands.
Last week here I offered some comments on St.
Paul to whom these next twelve months have been
dedicated by Pope Benedict XVI as he has declared a
special jubilee “Year of St. Paul.” The timing of this is
wonderful as we need the example of this man of faith. As
a Jewish religious leader Saul, as he was known then, was
very devout. After his conversion he was a tremendous
witness of the Gospel and a true instrument of Christ here
on earth. He was never afraid to suffer for Christ, and suffer
he did. Although well educated, he was not known as being
extremely eloquent, yet he never hesitated to preach the
truth. This is important in general in this world of ours today
and in particular as we face another presidential election
year. We too should never be afraid to proclaim and live the
truth. Our Holy Father in declaring this year urged “every
Christian to sacrifice willingly for our faith, to pay in person,
for our fidelity to Christ in every circumstance.” As St. Paul
illustrates by his life and with the grace of God and Paul’s
intercession we can indeed do this.
St. Paul truly is an inspirational figure. In regards to
our Faith he is no doubt also a significant individual. He is
the author of 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament. In
addition tradition says he also authored the Book of
Hebrews. His letters provide us a beautiful body of
theological insight. Not only do they give us his personal
testimony, but they have had a tremendous impact on most
of our Church’s doctrinal teachings, as much of what we
believe and teach is rooted in Paul’s letters. For the most
part what Paul has done is to write to the people in the
places he had evangelized. He at times is calling them to
task for becoming somewhat casual about their new-found
faith. At other times he simply reminds them of the
expectations before God. Still other times he clarifies
teachings or is encouraging them to live the faith despite the
challenges that may come their way. Paul also writes to
Timothy (twice) and Titus, two of his close associates.
These letters are basically instructions on how to organize
and administer the Church in the areas entrusted to these
two individuals. As a good spiritual father Paul directs them
on how to handle certain difficulties that they have
As mentioned earlier we do learn of the many
difficulties Paul himself encountered during his life as a
Christian, whereby, he symbolically but truly carried the
cross of Christ. He was beaten, stoned, and left for dead
more than once. Although a powerful Church leader in his
own right, he submitted to the papal authority of St. Peter.
At the end of his life, appropriately it would seem, he ended
up in Rome where he was martyred by beheading. In a
special way and by mandate of our Holy Father, we honor
St. Paul throughout this year until his (and St. Peter’s) feast
day on June 29th next year. May we call upon him often
and look to him for inspiration as we try to live our Faith.
I hesitate to say anything further because so much
has been said already, but I was asked to clarify one more
matter in regards to pilgrimages. There was a question
raised if I used parish funds to pay for my attendance on
these trips. I can assure you that not one penny came from
any of the parish coffers. It is true that typically the priest is
not charged the tour fee as that is the responsibility of the
tour company. Speaking of funding I did briefly want to
bring you up to date on the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal. You
may recall that our goal was $400,000; to date you have
pledged $461,000. Thank you!
In Christ,
Fr. Kleinmann
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Let everyone heed what they hear.” Is the Lord inviting you to
know, love and serve Him more closely in the priesthood or
consecrated life? Call Father Brian Bashista at 703.841.2514, or
write [email protected].
Lord Jesus Christ, during this Year of St. Paul and through his
intercession, may all those You are calling to serve You in lives of
celibacy for the sake of the kingdom, respond with confidence in
the Holy Spirit’s power and love with the fruit of faithfulness and
self-control. Amen
QUO VADIS DAYS– JULY 27-31, 2008: All high school young
men from the Diocese of Arlington are invited to Quo Vadis Days,
which is a camp for young Catholic men to deepen their faith, learn
more about the priesthood, and to better discern God’s call in their
lives. The camp will be held at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in
Emmitsburg, Md., and will cost $50, assistance available. Contact
Fr. Brian Bashista, Director of Vocations at 703.841.2514 or at
[email protected] or visit the website at
SUNDAY, JULY 13th: BBQ, music, social, meeting, and
more. 6:30 to 8:30pm in the Lyceum. Rising freshmen are
welcome to attend. Check out St. Mary's CYO!
guys and gals! Let’s meet up in front of the parish Lyceum at
10am, walk to Lee St. Park, then return back by noon. Cold
drinks and snacks will be provided.
Summertime Events for Teens: Great upcoming events
scheduled! Please see bulletin flyers at the back of church for
more information. If you have any questions or comments, please
contact Theresa at (703)836-4100 ext. 13 or
[email protected]. Thanks!
NEW TO THE AREA? Are you a young adult in your 20’s or
30’s, married or single, who would like to get connected with
other young adults? Sign up for the Young Adult Ministry’s
information-packed and up-to-date “e-newsletters” on our
young_adult.php. We keep you informed of parish events, local
retreats, educational series, canoe trips, festivals, picnics, and
our very own Theology on Tap program. For more information,
contact Mary-Rose Lombard, Coordinator of Young Adult
Ministry at 703.841.2550 or [email protected].
Senior Center will be hosting a “Living with Diabetes” workshop
Thursday, July 31st from 10:30am to 1:30pm. There will be a
presentation about living with diabetes, followed by blood pressure
and blood sugar screenings, and fittings for diabetic shoes. The
presentation and screenings are free of charge, bring your
medicare card if you are interested in shoes. If you wish to join us
for lunch, reservations must be made by Tuesday, July 29th. Call
703.751.2766 for more information.
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, please pray for us. Amen
Page Three
"Worship pleasing to God can never be a purely
private matter, without consequences for our
relationships with others: it demands a public witness
to our faith. Evidently, this is true for all the baptized,
yet it is especially incumbent upon those who, by
virtue of their social or political position, must make decisions
regarding fundamental values, such as respect for human life,
its defense from conception to natural death, the family built
upon marriage between a man and a woman, the freedom to
educate one's children and the promotion of the common good
in all its forms (230). These values are not negotiable.
Consequently, Catholic politicians and legislators, conscious of
their grave responsibility before society, must feel particularly
bound, on the basis of a properly formed conscience, to
introduce and support laws inspired by values grounded in
human nature (231). There is an objective connection here with
the Eucharist (cf. 1 Cor 11:27-29). Bishops are bound to
reaffirm constantly these values as part of their responsibility to
the flock entrusted to them (232)."
~ Sacramentum Caritatis, Pope Benedict XVI ~
COME PRAY THE ROSARY every third Saturday following the
8am Mass, in front of the Annandale Women’s Clinic, 2839 Duke
Street (near Bishop Ireton H.S.), with other St. Mary’s parishioners.
Our next gathering to pray for pregnant mothers and their unborn
children will be July 19th.
Catholic Church in Springfield will host a conference celebrating
Humanae Vitae on July 18-19. Speakers include Dr. John
Bruchalski, founder of Tepeyac Family Center, Fr. Richard Hogan,
popular writer and speaker, and Fr. Thomas Euteneuer of Human
Life International. Tickets: $15 student, $35 single, or $50 couple
until July 11th.
Email [email protected] or call
703.455.3193 to register or for questions.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES NEWS: Please contact CCDA if you are
interested in housing women during their pregnancy who are in
need of a stable, loving environment in which to make decisions
about their future and that of their unborn child. As a licensed child
-placing agency Catholic Charities will need to conduct a a home
study that meets the requirements of the Commonwealth of
Virginia. Please call the intake worker at 703.425.0100 for further
DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD through a letter writing
campaign—Another way to help defund Planned Parenthood is
through a letter writing campaign called The Project Mustard Seedit really works as 160 companies have already decided to stop
giving donations to PP through persistent prolife writers who
expose the truth about PP! (If you’d like to get on the email
distribution list, contact John at [email protected].) Sample
letters that are easy and effective are available.
O my Savior! whom am I that You should invite me to receive You
for the food of my soul? Is it possible that You, the God of infinite
purity, should come and dwell in my heart, which has been so long
the abode of Your enemy, and the sink of so much sin? Lord, if
You will, You can make me clean. Say but the word and my soul
shall be healed. I come then, O my amiable Savior, to receive You
this morning, but I come covered with shame and confusion at the
sight of my sins, but full of confidence in Your mercy, and in the
love which You didst bear to me.
July 13, 2008
First Reading: -My word will not return to me void, but will achieve the
end for which it was sent (Isaiah 55: 10-11).
Psalm:-The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest
(Psalm 65).
Second Reading:-We, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan with
ourselves awaiting the redemption of our bodies (Romans 8: 18-23).
Gospel: -Some seed fell on the path, some on rocky ground, and
some among thorns. But some also fell on the rich soil and produced
fruit (Matthew 13: 1-23 [1-9]).
Is 1:10-17; Mt 10:34—11:1
Is 7: 1-9; Mt 11: 20-24
Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Mt 11: 25-27
Is 26: 7-9, 12, 16-19; Mt 11: 28-30
Is 38: 1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Mt 12: 1-8
Mi 2: 1-5; Mt 12: 14-21
Wis 12: 13, 16-19; Ps 86; Rom 8: 26-27;
Mt 13:24-43 [24-30]
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
St. Bonaventure
Our Lady of Mount Camel
St. Camillus de Lellis
Blessed Virgin Mary
Please pray for all those who are ill, including:
John Amberg
Charmaine Atkenson
Chris Ballard
Joe Barbano
David Baughan
Kelly Bell
Heidi Bibber
Arden Bucher
Jeffrey Cader
Sis Carroll
Jane Casey
Natividad Castro
Terri Clark
James Clark
Liz Clark
Elizabeth Collins
Holly Coors
Robert Correale
Dorothy Cotton
Alan Davidson
Columbine Delenclos
Alidz Derian
Deborah Dubrul
Etelvina Duarte
Cathie Filippone
JoAnn Fisher
Dan Fowler
David French
Sara Gehrig
Garret Golubin
Caterine Gomez
Lovanne Graham
Jean Gray
Todd Hansen
Jody Hartley
Bette Jean Heins
Don Hoogstra
Daniel Scott Holden
Rosemary Wolf Hogan
Karl Hovey
Tyler Hovey
Mark Hulkower
Eleanor Hyde
Cissie Jordan
Emily Knisley
Karen Kollmansperger
Cecilia Kowalik
Margaret Kraft
Jim Lake
Brenda LaRochelle
Joe Leonard
Patricia Leon-Duarte
Jane Lewis
John Linehardt
Lawrence Marousek
Patricia Medley
Helena Meyer
Merideth Montoya
Jean Mowbray
Paula Murphy
Laura Palmer
Lauren Pettit
Marietta Phillips
Fr. Mark Pilon
Ceil Rooney
Eddie Salomns
James Saunders
Edward Schnug
Denise Snyder
George Stelluto
Deborah Tencza
George Thomas
Len Thomas
Michelle Thorell
Baby Thorne
Shannon Thorne
Connell Trimber
Thomas Warren
Mark Whitaker
Walter Whitt, Jr.
Jeanette Wright
Anita Zapalac
New additions to the sick list are in bold print.
Please pray for all the deceased, including
Ed Hodowoud.
St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls, please pray for them. Amen.
Page Four
“Jesus Christ finds means to console a soul that remains with a
recollected spirit before the Blessed Sacrament, far beyond what
the world can do with its feasts and pastimes. Oh, how sweet a joy
it is to remain with faith and tender devotion before an altar, and
converse familiarly with Jesus, who is there for the express
purpose of listening to and graciously hearing those who pray to
Him; to ask His pardon for the displeasures which we have caused
Him, to represent our wants to Him as a friend does to a friend in
who he places all his confidence, to ask for His graces, for His love
and His kingdom.” ~ St. Alphonsus Ligouri
Think of spending just one hour per week
with Our Lord. It can truly be the most
peaceful and satisfying time of our week.
Sign up sheets for a new session running
from August through October are in the
rear of the Church. Adoration is on
Thursdays from 12:30-7:30pm, concluding
with Holy Hour. For more information call
Mary Stier at 703.768.7167.
TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS: Every first and third Friday of the
month, at 7:30 pm, St. Mary’s will offer the Mass according to the
Roman Missal of 1962. This form of Mass is also known as the
“Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite,” the “Mass of Blessed
John XXIII,” the “Tridentine Mass” or the “Traditional Latin Mass.”
This celebration will normally be a “Low Mass” with a schola or
cantor. All are invited to participate in this Mass. For more
information on this form of Mass, visit
HELP WANTED: St. Mary’s School Extended Day Care Program
is now hiring Instructors for its after-school program. Patience,
reliability, and a love of children is a must. We offer flexible hours,
a fun environment, and competitive pay. If interested, contact Tom
Noone at 703.628.2337.
St. Mary’s is offering an opportunity for parishioners to memorialize
loved ones by donating one of the 2 flower arrangements adorning
the tabernacle for a given week. The memorials will be announced
in that week’s bulletin.
Donations may be made in one of 2 ways:
by visiting the rectory M-F from 9-4 or by calling ahead to check on
availability, at which point you can be “penciled in.” Then follow-up
with a note including the memorial information and your check.
Arrangements are $100.00 each and are ordered and cared for
exclusively by the Mary Martha Guild.
YOUNG MEN’S PRAYER GROUP meets for prayer and
discussion on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from
7:00 to 9:00pm in the “white house” at 314 Duke Street next door
to the Rectory. Dinner will also be served, and participants are
asked to bring $5 to defray the cost of the meal. Fr. De Celles is
the Spiritual Director. Please contact him at the Rectory if you
have any questions.
CHRIST HOUSE DINNER: St. Mary’s will be serving dinner at
Christ House on July 29th at 5pm. Please use the sign-up
sheet located in the back of the Church to donate listed food
items. Deliver before 3pm to Christ House on day of dinner,
St. Bonaventure, please pray for us. Amen