COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: St. Mary’s Catholic Church 310 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314 PHONE: 703.836.4100 CONTACT PERSON: Mayra Saunders or Emily Liutkus SOFTWARE: Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 PRINTER: HP Laserjet 1320 PCL 6 BULLETIN NUMBER: 511428 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 through 6 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION: October 31, 2010 TRANSMISSION TIME: 2:05 P.M. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Thank you for your help! God bless you! St. Mary’s Catholic Church FOUNDED IN 1795 310 SOUTH ROYAL STREET • ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA Rev. Dennis W. Kleinmann, Pastor Rev. Robert L. Ruskamp, Parochial Vicar Rev. Michael J.R. Kelly, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jean Claude Atusameso, In Residence Rectory 310 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 • 703-836-4100 • Fax: 703-549-3605 Website: St. Mary’s School (PK-8) - Mrs. Janet Cantwell, Principal (703-549-1646) • Fax: 703-519-0840; Main Building 400 Green Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; Website: Stephens Hall (Jr. High & Registrar) 703-549-3488 St. Mary’s School of Religion (CCD) and (RCIA) - Jeanne Guerin, Director of Religious Education, (703-836-5450), Marianne Skees - Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Outreach (571-319-1975) Director of Music - Dr. Charles Saik (703-684-5308) Sunday Masses: Saturday Eve Vigil - 5:00 PM Sunday - 7:00 AM & 8:30 AM, (9:15 AM - Children’s Mass, St. Mary’s School, 400 Green St.), 10:00 AM (Nursery in Lyceum, 313 Duke St.) 11:30 AM, 1:00 PM & (Vespers - Evening Prayer 4:30 PM) 5:00 PM Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday - 6:30, 8:00 AM, 12:10 PM Federal, National Holidays and Holy Days - Please see bulletin for schedule of Masses Saturday - 8:00 AM only Novenas and Adoration at the Church: Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday - noon Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Thursday 12:30 to 7:30 PM Mother of Perpetual Help Novena and Holy Hour Thursday - 7:30 PM Nocturnal Adoration - every First Friday, 9 PM to Saturday 6 AM Holy Hour for Life - every First Saturday following 8:00 AM Mass Confessions: Monday - Friday following the 12:10 PM Mass Saturday - 4:00 to 5:00 PM and 7:00 to 7:30 PM Thursday - 7:30 PM (during Holy Hour) First Saturday - 8:30 AM (during Holy Hour) Baptisms: Every Sunday at 2:15 PM. Please call the Rectory to register in advance and obtain regulations concerning godparents, etc. Marriages: Contact Parish Priest at least six months before possible wedding date. Couples who are living together will be asked to live separately during marriage preparation time. Project Rachel, post-abortion help Gabriel Project, pregnancy help 1-888-456-HOPE 1-866-444-3553 Page Two October 31, 2010 FROM GREEN TO GOLD A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. ALL SAINTS DAY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2010 Dorothy Hill Jamie McLaughlin Albert and Catherine Wavering, Sr. Special Intention: Walter Robinson 6:30 8:00 12:10 7:30 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. ALL SOULS DAY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2010 All Souls Novena Helen P. Sudder, Birthday Charles and Louise Montavon Deceased Parishioners of St. Mary 6:30 8:00 12:10 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMEBR 3, 2010 A.M. Mary E. Conway, Anniversary A.M. All Souls Novena P.M. Special Intention: Roberta Bauer, Birthday 6:30 8:00 12:10 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2010 A.M. All Souls Novena A.M. Karen P. Murphy P.M. Domenico Caporaletti, Anniversary 6:30 8:00 12:10 7:30 FRIDAY, NOVEMEBR 5, 2010 6:30 A.M. Harold W. Barnes 8:00 A.M. All Souls Novena 12:10 P.M. Melissa A. Mosqueda 8:00 5:00 SATURDAY, NOVEMEBR 6, 2010 A.M. Thomas and Pamela Janora P.M. All Souls Novena (Fr. Kelly) THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 7, 2010 7:00 A.M. Stephen A. Jurcak (Fr. Kelly) 8:30 A.M. Parishioners of St. Mary (Fr. Kleinmann) 9:15 A.M. All Souls Novena (Fr. Ruskamp) 10:00 A.M. Dorothy Hill (Fr. Jean Claude) 11:30 A.M. Jerry Lepisko (Fr. Kelly) 1:00 P.M. Marjorie DuFosse (Fr. Ruskamp) 5:00 P.M. Richard Livingston, Estelle and René Robichaux (Fr. Kleinmann) We welcome through the Sacrament of Baptism Sarah Elizabeth Danshaw Cecilia Estelle Brid McCormack Leia Marie Penetrante Veronica Kathleen Sitton PRAYER TO THE SAINTS AND ANGELS BEFORE MASS Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, Powers, heavenly Virtues, Cherubim and Seraphim; all Saints of God, holy men and women, and especially my patrons: intercede for me that I may be worthy to offer this Sacrifice to almighty God, to the praise and glory of His name, for my own welfare and also that of all His holy Church. Amen. The Packers did it! They did what they could not last year; they beat the Vikings and their former quarterback, who has been embroiled in all kinds of controversy of late. It was a rather sloppy game last Sunday in Green Bay, but the Packers came out on top. It is now questionable, ironically, after so many consecutive starts, whether that Vikings field chief even starts this weekend as he suffered two ankle fractures. Where the rest of the season goes for both the Packers and the Redskins is yet to be determined. One thing that is determined is that this Sunday is the day for our parish’s annual Oktoberfest, our German festival for good times, good music, good food, and good drink. It runs from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. Sunday afternoon at the school. There are games for the children, the succulent roasted pig, the great sausages, and wonderful desserts. This event is not a parish fundraiser, although donations are accepted. It is meant to be a time to bring parishioners of all ages together for an afternoon of fun and sharing one another’s fellowship. That can be somewhat difficult for a parish our size. This fest, however, seems to overcome that potential problem and to fulfill that task. I certainly hope and pray it goes well again this year, so plan on joining us! Pray also for good weather. Last week here I mentioned that I was truly inspired by what I encountered on the parish pilgrimage to Poland. I particularly found the city of Krakow to be a place of great faith. I said last week that I would continue that discussion this week. It really is hard to describe in words what was experienced. We were told that, thankfully, Krakow was not destroyed by the War, so unlike some other cities in Poland the Communists did not have to rebuild this city. It, therefore, maintains the exquisite charm that many European cities have. In addition there are Catholic churches everywhere. It helps that Poland is predominately Catholic. Of course so too is France and Italy along with some other European countries. What makes Poland different, however, is that the people there still actually practice the Faith. In these other places the Catholic culture is there, as it is in Poland to some extent, but the majority of the people, sadly, no longer attend church. Their faith seems to mean little to them. Not in Poland! Young and old fill the churches we had the privilege of visiting in Poland. As I commented last week nearly every church had adoration, i.e., the Blessed Sacrament was exposed somewhere in the church and people were there praying. I realize this country has been through much with the Nazis (we visited Auschwitz) and the Communists, but one could not help but be struck by what the Faith meant to these people. That in turn was contagious. It was so moving to enter these churches and see the local people, not just the visiting pilgrims, there praying and participating in the various liturgical services—Mass, adoration, vespers, etc. I only wish and pray we here in this country and at St. Mary’s could have similar priorities and a similar willingness to really take the Faith so seriously that it would have central place in our lives. This does not mean that we don’t live our Faith. Our country is much better than most European ones right now and I think people here at St. Mary’s do make God a priority. We, however, could be doing so much more. I remember what it was like when I was growing up in Wisconsin. It is a different situation today, but it need not be. Something we all can work on. As we conclude this month of October, the month of the Rosary, of respecting life, and of a greater awareness of those with disabilities, we might want to try and make more time for prayer. As November begins we also pray for our deceased loved ones. In Christ, Fr. Kleinmann Thirty-first Sunday In Ordinary Time VOCATIONS Lord Jesus, You search us and You know the depths of our hearts. Grant us the grace not to be afraid to follow Your call to holiness and bless all those whom You have chosen to serve Your people as priests, deacons and consecrated religious sisters and brothers. Amen. “The Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.” Will you share in Christ’s saving mission as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Call Father Brian Bashista at 703.841.2514, or write: [email protected]. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You! LEGION OF MARY: Members now meet Mondays, 7:35 P.M., in the St. Joachim Room of the Lyceum for prayer, discussion, and assigned apostolic works. For more information, please contact Fidel Delgado, 703.721.9677 or [email protected]. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS): Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or in learning more about the Catholic Faith? God the Son, Jesus Christ (Catechism 430-478), presented by Fr. Kleinmann, is the RCIA topic for November 1st. While classes are directed to those inquiring about the Catholic faith, ALL are welcome. Parish priests lead the 90minute sessions in a systematic review of the teachings of the Catholic Church. The 2010 schedule of class topics is posted at the parish website. RCIA meets most Mondays at 7:30 P.M. in the Auditorium of the St. Mary Lyceum at 313 Duke Street. FEAST OF ALL SAINTS: Due to November 1st falling on a Monday, the Feast of All Saints is not a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be one additional Mass offered that day at 7:30 P.M. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE Parishioners are invited to inscribe the names of their beloved deceased in our Book of Remembrance located in the Sacred Heart Shrine. WINE TASTING FUNDRAISER: The Catholic Daughters, Court Kavanaugh #54 will hold their 5th Annual Wine Tasting on Saturday, November 6, 6:30 P.M. in the Lyceum Auditorium, 313 Duke Street. Please come join us for an evening of foods and wines recalling the lives of the great saints. Donation: $35.00. For tickets please contact Elizabeth Scheuren,[email protected], or Marjorie Niehaus, [email protected]. STS. ANNE AND JOACHIM SOCIETY is planning a trip to St. Bridget of Ireland Church in Berryville, VA. on November 10. They will attend a Mass at 12 noon celebrated by Father Krempa and then have lunch with Father Krempa at the historic Battletown Inn. The cost for bus transportation, lunch and a contribution is $45 for members and $50 for non-members. The bus limit is 25 people. Any additional attendees will need to provide their own transportation, but are more than welcome to join the group at Mass and lunch. The cost without transportation is $25. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Tom May at 703.960.9344 (email [email protected]) or Barbara Juszczyk at 703.683.6834 (email [email protected]). ST. MARY’S TEENS Our next event for teens is a hike on November 6th to Great Falls, MD and the Billy Goat Trail. It will have fantastic fall views and lots of fun. Check out our website with up to date information at Interested in helping out with our teen events? We are need of members to be on our adult team of volunteers! Contact our coordinator, Marianne Skees, at [email protected] or by phone at 571.319.1975 to learn more about the commitment. Have an extra couch, DVD player or game system? Our teens are looking for some items for our youth room and would love donations. Please contact our office at 571.319.1975 if you have something we might be able to use. ST. MARY’S CONTEMPORARY CHOIR welcomes singers and instrumentalists. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 P.M. For more information please contact Claire Fallon at 703.683.2509 or [email protected]. THE PARISH CHOIR rehearses every Wednesday evenings at 7:30 P.M. in the Lyceum. Please call Dr. Saik at 703.684.5308 for details. Page Three PRO-LIFE CORNER The family is fundamental because it is the place where there germinates in the human soul the first perception of the meaning of life. … This perception grows in the relationship with the mother and with the father, who are not the owners of the life of the children but the first collaborators with God in the transmission of life and the faith. Pope Benedict XVI, Palermo, Italy, 10/4/10 Immaculate Heart of Mary, please pray for us. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE POTLUCK DINNER AND VICTORY CELEBRATION All are invited to the 40 Days for Life - Alexandria, VA potluck dinner and Victory Celebration, which will be held on Sunday, Oct. 31st, from 2-5 P.M. at the Mount Vernon Knights Of Columbus Hall, 8592 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA. Come and hear stories about our campaign, enjoy food and fellowship, and see local pro-life representatives. Confirmed speakers include Dr. John Bruchalski, Dr. Janice Crouse, and Mr. David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life. Attendees are asked to RSVP by calling the Knights' event reservation line, 703.360.1964, ext. 4, and leaving a voicemail with your last name, the number in your party, and your potluck contribution. Last names beginning with A-I are asked to bring a main dish, J-R a side dish or salad, and S -Z a dessert or drinks. For more information visit alexandria. THEOLOGY ON TAP-FALL 2010: All young adults (20s and 30s) are welcome to join us for our Fall 2010 Theology on Tap program, “Love One Another: Exploring the Meaning of Christian Love!” Presenters and topics include: Bishop Loverde on Catholic Social Teachings; Fr. Donald Planty on Catholics and Immigration; Seyoum Berhe on Relieving Refugees; Mike Mackey on Mentoring High Risk Kids; Soren Johnson on Prison Ministry, and more! This “sixpack” will take place Monday evenings now through Nov. 29, from 7-8:30 P.M. at Pat Troy's Ireland's Own (111 N. Pitt Street) in Old Town Alexandria. For more info please contact Kateri Schmidt at 703. 841.2550 or [email protected]. THE SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER is an 800-year old lay order of Catholic men and women called to follow Jesus Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. St. John the Beloved Apostle Fraternity will hold an Open House on Saturday, November 13 from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. at St. Mary’s Lyceum at 313 Duke Street, in Old Town Alexandria and welcomes new prospects. For further information, please call Sadie Martins at 703.548.8063. SNOW REMOVAL HELP NEEDED: Parishioners wishing to help with snow removal during the upcoming winter season can sign-up in the book at the back of the church. Please include your name and telephone number . Shoveling the walkways will be the primary assignment. If you are willing and able, please sign -up to lend a hand. Last year’s record snowfall may be repeated. Thank you in advance for your assistance! ST. MARY’S SCHOOL ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2010: Raffle tickets are on sale today after Masses outside the church (as well as on Nov 6-7th and Nov 13-14th). Great prizes, including a trip for two to Cancun, Mexico. $2 each or a book of 15 for $25. Used book donations to support Yesterday's Book Sale are needed! We will be accepting donations after Masses outside the church; on Saturdays, November 6th and November 13th from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. in the school cafeteria; and during school hours in the lobby of the school. Please contact Theresa Burgess at [email protected] with questions. Thank you for supporting our school! ST. MARY’S SCHOOL 2011-2012 REGISTRATION FOR NEW FAMILIES AND OPEN HOUSE: Parents of prospective students applying for the 20112012 school year are invited to pick up a registration packet and visit St. Mary’s School on Tuesday, November 16, at 8:30 A.M. Please join us in the school gym where application packets will be available during a brief coffee reception. A guided tour of the school will follow. St. Mary’s School offers an educational and spiritual experience for children in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade founded in the Catholic philosophy of education, which fosters rich religious training as well as solid academics. For more information and to RSVP, contact Lisa Bright, registrar, at 703.549.3488, ext. 12 or [email protected]. If you are unable to attend, contact Mrs. Bright to request an application. Applications are not available before Nov. 16, 2010. October 31, 2010 TODAY'S READINGS First Reading: Lord, you love all things that exist (Wisdom 11: 22—12:2). Psalm: I will praise your name forever, my king and my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading: May the name of Christ be glorified in you and in him (2 Thessalonians 1: 11—2:2). Gospel: Zacchaeus, a tax collector, considered to be a sinner, is converted to the Lord (Luke 19: 1-10). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Rv 7: 2-4, 9-14; 1 Jn 3: 1-3; Mt 5: 1-12a Suggested: Wis 3: 1-9, Rom 5: 5-11 or 6: 3-9; Jn 6: 37-40 or any reading taken from the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Phil 2: 12-18; Lk 14: 25-33 Phil 3: 3-8a; Lk 15: 1-10 Phil 3: 17—4: 1; Lk 16: 1-8 Phil 4: 10-19; Lk 16: 9-15 2 Mc 7: 1-2, 9-14; Ps 17; 2 Thes 2: 16—3:5; Lk 20: 27-38 [27, 34-38] Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time; Priesthood Sunday All Saints Day Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) St. Martin de Porres St. Charles Borromeo First Friday First Saturday; Blessed Virgin Mary Please pray for all those who are ill, including: Ebosa Aguele Richard Alger, Jr. Chris Ballard Baby Dana Barber Gary Barteldt Nicholas Bartick Lucille Bassett Tori Benecchi Chris Bosworth Rosemary Brice James Carroll, II William Carroll Ron Celeste James Clark Liz Clark Terri Clark Dina Clemmer Ann Conjura Thomas Connor Wallace P. Cooney Dorothy Cotton Carolyn Daly Chandler John D’Antoni Mary F. Davis Cecilia Dawley Dan De Celles Theresa DeFore Columbine Delenclos Ardith Dentzer Eileen Doherty Carla Dutzman Monica Estill Baby Lily Fitzgerald Sean Franko Barbara Furey Katie Gaietto Vincent Gaudioso, Jr. Elizabeth German Georgia Gleason Catherine Gomez Lovanne Graham JoAnn Griffin Jean Heins Debra Hill Daniel Scott Holden Mark Holenchik Rosemary Wolf Hogan Steve Hoogland Phyllis Hook Helen Hoover Tyler Hovey Becky Hsu Mark Hulkower Denise Jensen Dick Johnson Sylvia Johnson Bob Johnston Sheila Jurinski Erik Kemp Breda Kiely Emily Knisley Mary T. Kocourek Jack Koehler Karen Kollmansperger Barbara Kramer Jim Lake Brenda LaRochelle Conrad Lass, Sr. Joe Leonard Etelvina Leon John Linehardt Jane Lewis Anthony Lodato Michael Lodato Paul Lopapa Thomas Lovely Lauren Luzier Fred Macguire Harry Marson Rev. Francis Martin Karen Martinez Christy Matthias Holden Mauk Constance McAloon Mike McKeon Gina McReynolds Robert McWhorter Frank Medico Patricia Medley Julie Meskill Dorothy Mickler Baby Bennen Manahan Richard Molleur Bishop David Monroe Rachel Ann Mydell Rosemary Naegele Thomas Naegele Ellen Whelan Norris Rev. Francisco Núñez Doris Oshinsky Laura Palmer Ray Paquette Anna Therese Parks Kristy Parnell Marietta Phillips Elton Pollock William Powell Betsy Raposa Walter Robinson Agnes Roesner Ceil Rooney Jaymie Rowland Charlotte Ruelas Janet Russell Eddie Salomns Deanna Satterthwaite James Saunders Jean Schilling Frank Sellitto, Jr. Mike Stachura George Thomas Chris Thurlow Katherine Tolhurst Dr. Trimber Lofton White Carmina Young New additions to the sick list are in bold print. Please pray for all the deceased, including Thomas Elam and James McAloon. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls, please pray for them. Amen. Page Four DIVINE MERCY CORNER My daughter, I want to instruct you on how you are to rescue souls through sacrifice and prayer. You will save more souls through prayer and suffering than will a missionary through his teachings and sermons alone. I want to see you as a sacrifice of living love, which only then carries weight before Me. You must be annihilated, destroyed, living as if you were dead [dying to self?] in the most secret depths of your being. You must be destroyed in that secret depth where the human eye has never penetrated; then will I find you a pleasing sacrifice, a holocaust full of sweetness and fragrance. And great will be your power for whomever you intercede. Outwardly, your sacrifice must look like this; silent, hidden, permeated with love, imbued with prayer. I demand, My daughter, that your sacrifice be pure and full of humility, that I may find pleasure in it. I will not spare My grace, that you may be able to fulfil what I demand of you. ...You shall accept all sufferings with love. Do not be afflicted if your heart often experiences repugnance and dislike for sacrifice. All its power rests in the will, and so these contrary feelings, far from lowering the value of the sacrifice in My eyes, will enhance it...Although you will not feel My presence on some occasions, I will always be with you. Do not fear; My grace will be with you... (Jesus to St. Faustina) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT With our increasingly busy schedules we may find it hard to make time for God, but with any friend (and He is our Best Friend), He is waiting for us to visit. If Jesus were actually visible in church, everyone would run to welcome Him, yet Our Lord is literally present, hidden in the Sacred Host. Our faith takes us beyond human appearances so that when we see Christ in the Sacred Host, we can see Him in the preborn child, the poor, the weak, the terminally ill, and even those who are angry with us. When we come to Jesus in Adoration we can thank Him for all our blessings and He in return will help us to grow in love and holiness and will assist us in correcting our weaknesses. Think of spending just one hour per week with Our Lord. Sign-up sheets for a new session running from November through January will be in the back of the church. Adoration is on Thursdays from 12:30– 7:30 P.M., concluding with a holy Hour. For more information please call Mary Stier at 703.768.7167. TO ALL ST. MARY’S PARISHIONERS: You are cordially invited to attend a special Memorial Mass on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at 7:30 P.M. in remembrance of and for the repose of the souls of all St. Mary’s Parishioners who have departed this life and gone on to the next life. A reception will follow at St. Mary’s Lyceum, 313 Duke Street. CARPENTER’S SHELTER: On November 4th, we will be serving dinner to the residents of the shelter. Sign-up for food donations in the book at the back of the church. Thank you! Questions? Please call Barbara Halicki at 703.370.7026. St. Martin de Porres and St. Charles Borromeo, pray for us. All the Angels and Saints in heaven, pray for us. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS SERVING IN THE MILITARY AND FOR THEIR FAMILIES, INCLUDING: Christy Barry Seamus Barry Christopher Bryant Jeffrey Camerato Matthew Constantino Edward Culbert Peter Culbert Carolyn Theresa Frazier Felix Gumbiner Tom Hanifen Ryan Maple Allbert Martins Mark Martins Edward Joseph Parry, III Brian P. Riva Keith Sylvia Frederick Tackaberry Michael J. Turner Gerard Wager Ezra Wells MILITARY FAMILIES: If you have a relative or friend serving in the military, at home or overseas and would like to include their name in our prayer list, please call the rectory office at 703.836.4100.
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