HMS/HSE FOLDER FIRE 110 POLICE 112 FIRST AID 113 SMS: FORUM..... TO 2440 HMS VISJON ONS skal fremstå som det beste arrangementet i Norge når det gjelder helse-, miljø og sikkerhet. Ditt bidrag er viktig for at vi skal oppnå vår målsetning! • Hjelp oss å sortere avfallet riktig. • Hold din stand ryddig. • Tenk på ditt energiforbruk. Slå av lys, projektor med mer når dette ikke er i bruk. • Bruk av stige/gardintrapp – Maks høyde/lengde 2 m. • Innkjøring og opphold av kjøretøy inne på utstillingsområdet vil bli strengt regulert i alle faser. • Synlighetsvest og vernesko skal alltid benyttes på utstillingsområdet, utenom under arrangementsdagene. • Det er ikke tillatt å nyte alkohol eller narkotiske stoffer på området under opp- og nedriggsperioden. • Likeledes er det ikke tillatt å oppbevare alkoholholdige drikkevarer, narkotika eller sløvende medikamenter på Stavanger Forum AS sine områder. • Det er røykeforbud i alle haller. • Meld tilbake til oss uønskede hendelser som oppstår eller forslag til forbedringstiltak som kan hjelpe oss i vårt videre HMS arbeid frem mot ONS 2016. Dette kan gjøres ved å sende SMS med kodeord FORUM til 2440. HSE VISION ONS aims to be the best event in Norway with regards to Health, Safety and the Environment. Your contribution is vital in order for us to achieve our goal. • Please help us recycle properly. • Please keep your stand tidy. • Please be aware of your energy consumption, and switch off all electrical appliances when not in use. • Use of ladders/step ladders must be kept to a maximum height/ length of 2m. • Driving and parking vehicles in the exhibition area will be strictly controlled throughout the different stages of ONS. • High-visible vests and protective footwear shall always be used in the exhibition area, except on the days of the event. • The consumption of alcohol or narcotics is not permitted in the area during assembly and disassembly periods. • Moreover, the storage of alcoholic beverages, narcotics or sedative medications on the premises of Stavanger Forum AS is prohibited. • Smoking is prohibited in all exhibition halls. • Please inform us of any comments you might have or suggestions on how we can improve our work regarding HSE towards ONS 2016. This can be done by sending us an SMS to 2440. Start the message with: FORUM TILTAKSKORT GENERELT Alvorlig ulykke/førstehjelp Alvorlige personskader: Ring lege/ambulanse telefon 113 -Ta ledelsen -Sikre skadested (pass på at ikke flere personer blir skadet) -Gi førstehjelp -Når hjelp er på vei varsles FORUM KO beredskapstelefon 51 11 34 50 Brann: Ring brannvesenet telefon 110 -Ta ledelsen -Sikre skadested (evakuer slik at personer ikke blir skadet) -Start slukking -Når hjelp er på vei varsles FORUM KO beredskapstelefon 51 11 34 50 Ordensforstyrrelser: Ring politiet 02800 eller 112 ved nød - Ta ledelsen - Sikre skadested (skjerm publikum) - Når hjelp er på vei varsles FORUM KO beredskapstelefon 51 11 34 50 Mindre personskader Ta kontakt med en av vaktene eller ring 51 11 34 50 Tyveri/mistanke om tyveri/hærverk Ring politiet telefon 02800, kontakt en av vaktene eller ring 51 11 34 50 HMS – melding om uønsket hendelse Send SMS/MMS til 2440 med kodeord FORUM for å melde om uønsket hendelse. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Serious accident / first aid Serious injuries: Call doctor / ambulance phone 113 - Take the lead -Secure the area (make sure that no more people are injured) -Give first aid -When help is on the way, alert the FORUM KO emergency phone +47 51 11 34 50 Fire: Call fire department phone 110 -Take the lead -Secure the area (evacuate so that people are not injured) -Start extinguishing -When help is on the way, alert the FORUM KO emergency phone +47 51 11 34 50 Police matters: Call police 02800 or 112 if emergency -Take the lead -Secure the area (shield the public) -When help is on the way, alert the FORUM KO emergency phone +47 51 11 34 50 Minor injuries Please contact one of the security guards or call +47 51 11 34 50 Theft / suspicion of theft / vandalism Call the police telephone 02800, contact one of the security guards or call +47 51 11 34 50 HSE - notification of incident Send SMS / MMS to 2440 for notification of incident. Start the message with FORUM VERNEUTSTYR Følgende krav til bruk av verneutstyr gjelder: Type ustyr: Brukes i følgende område/ved følgende arbeider: Hjelm Ved alle arbeider med fare for fallende gjenstander/heiseoperasjoner/lasting og lossing Arbeidsområder med slik fare skal sperres av og skiltes. Vernesko Alle innenfor prosjektområdet Hørselvern Ved behov, f eks ved pigging, skyting med boltepistol og spikerpistol, boring i betong og tre, saging og for øvrig ved generelt støyende arbeider. Øyevern Ved behov, f eks ved boring i betong og tre, saging og for øvrig ved arbeider med fare for sprut. Åndedrettsvern Ved behov, f eks hvor arbeidet utvikler helse farlig støv eller gass. Fallsikring Ved behov, f eks ved stillasmontering, brakkemontasjer, arbeider i stige og ved andre montasjearbeider der det ikke er muligheter for stillaser/lift. Sikkerhetsvest m/refleks Alltid innenfor prosjektområdet. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT The following requirements apply regarding the use of protective equipment: Equipment type: Hard hat To be used in the following areas/in connection with the following work: During all operations where there is a danger of falling objects/lifting operations/ loading and unloading. Work areas involving hazards of this type shall be cordoned off and sign posted. Protective footwear Must be worn by all personnel within the project area. Ear protection As appropriate, e.g. when installing studs, using bolt and nail guns, drilling into concrete/wood, sawing and otherwise for operations that are generally noisy. Protective eyewear As appropriate, e.g. when drilling into concrete/wood, sawing and other tasks involving a risk of splinters/splashing. Respiratory protection As appropriate, e.g. where the operation involves the generation of harmful dust or gases. Fall protection As appropriate, e.g. when erecting scaffolding, temporary buildings, during work on ladders and other installation work where scaffolding/lifts cannot be used. Reflective safety vest Must be worn at all times within the project area. AVFALLSHÅNDTERING Leverandørene må selv fjerne eget avfall. Alt avfall skal kildesorteres! Westco Miljø etablerer bemannede miljøstasjoner. Disse stasjonene finner du 4 plasser på området: - Mellom Hall B og Hall C - Ved Hall M - Ved Hall F - Ved Hall J Følgende avfallsfraksjoner hentes på stand etter oppsatt rute i de ulike hallene: papp/papir, plast og restavfall. Standbyggere kan selv hente avfallsbeholdere etter behov på miljøstasjonen knyttet til deres hall. Ta kontakt med miljøvert for registrering. Alt avfall skal leveres tilbake til miljøstasjonen ferdig sortert. Ved mangelfull sortering vil standeier bli fakturert. Trevirke skal leveres på anvist sted. Ta kontakt med miljøvert. Miljøfarlig avfall skal deklareres og leveres til Westco Miljø. Leverandører og utstillere skal rydde etter egne arbeid før arbeidsstedet forlates. Det skal foretas daglig opprydding. Ved behov flere ganger pr. dag. Generelt skal støv tas hånd om av den som produserer det, dvs at det skal benyttes utstyr med avsug, alternativt kan det aktuelle arbeidsområdet avlukkes og støvsuges i etterkant. Det skal hindres at støv spres til naboområdet. WASTEDISPOSAL Suppliers must remove all their own waste. All waste must be sorted! Westco Miljø will set up staffed waste disposal stations at four locations in the exhibition area: -Between Hall B and Hall C -By Hall M -By Hall F -By Hall J The following waste segments will be collected from the stands along pre-defined routes within the various exhibition halls: cardboard/paper, plastics and non-recyclable waste. Those assembling the stands can collect waste bins whenever they require them from the waste disposal stations attached to their respective halls. Contact one of our waste disposal staff for registration. All waste shall be sorted before being delivered to the waste disposal station. If waste has not been sorted, the stand owner will be invoiced. Waste wood materials must be disposed of at the designated site. Contact one of our waste disposal staff. Hazardous waste must be reported and delivered to Westco Miljø. After completing their work, suppliers and exhibitors must clean up before leaving the site. Waste removal must be carried out on a daily basis or, if required, several times a day. In general, dust must be removed by the party responsible for producing it, i.e. vacuum cleaning equipment must be used. Alternatively, the work site can be enclosed and vacuum cleaning carried out at a later time. The spread of dust to neighbouring areas must be prevented. CONTACT INFORMATION SERVICE OFFICE, HALL E - [email protected], TEL: +47 51 59 81 90 / +47 51 59 81 19 BADGE PICK-UP, HALL B & HALL O SUPPLIERS: MALERBUA UTLEIE AS Furniture – Carpet - Floor covering: MOB: +47 90 64 45 40 STAVANGER INSTALLASJON AS Electrician and internet: MOB: +47 95 82 82 82 OSV SIVERTSEN Plumber: MOB: +47 95 10 93 85 AV AVDELINGEN AS AV equipment: MOB: +47 47 07 94 04 UPHEADS Computer equipment: TLF: +47 51 95 80 00 ISS FACILITY SERVICES - ARENA & EVENT Catering: MOB: +47 51 59 82 31 PSS Security: MOB: +47 99 57 51 59 STAVANGER FORUM Exhibition organiser: TEL: +47 51 59 81 00 HOVE LYSDESIGN Stand Lighting: MOB: +47 90 14 11 33 / +47 47 44 57 60 MESSEPROJEKT Stand design: MOB: +49 3410526 2550 BITMAP Stand design and posters: MOB: +47 90 91 47 59 FOTOGRAF KALLEN Photography: MOB: +47 90 98 96 97 ISS RENHOLD Cleaning: MOB: +47 40 01 13 56 PON RENTAL Lift: MOB: +47 95 19 21 52 WESTCO MILJØ as Waste handling: MOB+47 92 04 21 07 KOLNES-ZWERG Flowers: MOB: +47 92 86 86 33 EFI LOGISTICS Logistical services: MOB: +44 77 68 25 69 76 HSE HSE coordinator: MOB: +47 454 90 559 ALLKOPI Print – Fax service: MOB: +47 98 20 57 79 NORWEGIAN POISON INFORMATION CENTRE +47 22 59 13 00 LABOUR INSPECTION +47 815 48 222 EMERGENCY OFFICE ONS2014 +47 51 11 34 50 FIRE POLICE AMBULANCE 110 112 113 ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY PS: Please note that ONS 2014 opens on Monday 25 August. Access to Hall K, N and O has separate dates! HSE Protection gear For your own safety mark that all personnel on site must use HSE protection wear (visibility vest, ID-badge and protection footwear) during assembly and disassembly in these periods: Assembly until Saturday 23 August 13.00. Disassembly from Thursday 28 August 15.30. See separate HSE plan for further details. 7 - 9 August Large or heavy equipment must be installed on stands by agreement with the forwarding agent. 11 – 16 August Stands involving substantial construction, except stands in hall K, N and O, may be occupied with special permission from organizer. The halls, except hall K, N and O, are open daily: 17 – 23 August 18 - 23 August 21 – 23 August Assembly period indoor stands except hall N and O. Daily opening hours: Mark that Saturday 23 August has special hours. Assembly period indoor stands in all halls. Daily opening hours: Mark that Saturday 23 August has special hours. Assembly period outdoor stands. Daily opening hours: Mark that Saturday 23 August has special hours. 23 Aug Saturday Assembly indoor and outdoor area. The area is open: All construction work must be completed and all empty packaging ready for removal at 23 August at 13.00. No lorries will be admitted to the area after this date/time. 07.00-19.00 07.00-23.00 07.00-23.00 07.00-23.00 07.00-13.00 23 August Sunday Assembly indoor and outdoor area. The area is open: Only equipment carried by hand can be brought to area in this period. Protection footwear and visibility vest is recommended but not required on site in this period. 13.00-22.00 24 August Sunday CLOSED The exhibition area is closed. There will be no installation on this day. This will be enforced and no exceptions will be authorized. No personnel / exhibitors admitted to the area this day. 25 August Monday Exhibitors will be admitted to the area from 25 – 28 August Exhibition – opening hours 26 – 28 August 28 August 29 – 30 August 29 – 31 August 29 Aug – 1 Sept 06.30-18.00 09.30-17.30 (15.00 last day) Exhibitors will have admission to the area 08.00-18.00 (22.00 last day) Disassembly stands indoor and outdoor. 15.30-22.00 No disassembly on stand before 15.30. Use of trolleys/lifts/trucks is not allowed indoor or outdoor before 16.00 Cars/vans/trucks will be admitted to the area from 17.00 at the earliest. Disassembly outdoor stands. Disassembly must be completed and stands cleared by 30 August at 22.00. 07.00-22.00 Disassembly indoor stands in hall O. Disassembly must be completed and stands cleared by 31 August at 22.00. 07.00-22.00 Disassembly indoor stands all other halls. Disassembly must be completed and stands cleared by Monday 1 September at 22.00. 07.00-22.00 tuesday 26 august Monday 25 august 09.30-15.00 09.30-17.30 09.30-17.30 09.30-17.30 Exhibition Opening hours: Wednesday 27 august O thursday 28 august prEss ENTRANCE EntrancE badgE pick-up Stavanger Airport Sola CLARION HOTEL ENERGY ONS conference Conference Ons shuttlE bus N M PARKING LASSA parking lassa F V C public bus EntrancE ENTRANCE hsE sErvicE OfficE E D J A K B RICA FORUM HOTEL Stavanger city center taxi ENTRANCE EntrancE badgE pick-up INCIDENT I N C IREPORT DENT REPORT HSE Incident Report - (RUH) HSE Incident Report - (RUH) Date: Time: Report nr.: Place: Company: Activity: Type of incident: Real incident Inflow Extent: Personal injury Environment Material/Property Safety Description of incident/occurence: Cause: Immediate effort accomplish: Possible consequence: Minor Serious Extremely serious Corrective action: Reported by (optional): Closed by: Date: TILLØPSRAPPORT T Uønsket I L L Hendelse Ø P S -R A(RUH) PP Rapport HMS ORT Rapport Uønsket Hendelse - HMS (RUH) Dato: Kl.: Rapport nr.: Sted: Firma: Aktivitet: Type hendelse: Reell hendelse Tilløp Omfang: Personskade Ytre miljø Materiell/Eiendom Sikkerhet Beskrivelse av hendelse/tilløp: Årsak: Umiddelbare tiltak iverksatt: Mulig konsekvens: Mindre alvorlig Alvorlig Korrigerende tiltak: Rapportert av(frivillig): Rapporten lukket av: Dato: Meget alvorlig INCIDENT I N C IREPORT DENT REPORT HSE Incident Report - (RUH) HSE Incident Report - (RUH) Date: Time: Report nr.: Place: Company: Activity: Type of incident: Real incident Inflow Extent: Personal injury Environment Material/Property Safety Description of incident/occurence: Cause: Immediate effort accomplish: Possible consequence: Minor Serious Extremely serious Corrective action: Reported by (optional): Closed by: Date: TILLØPSRAPPORT T Uønsket I L L Hendelse Ø P S -R A(RUH) PP Rapport HMS ORT Rapport Uønsket Hendelse - HMS (RUH) Dato: Kl.: Rapport nr.: Sted: Firma: Aktivitet: Type hendelse: Reell hendelse Tilløp Omfang: Personskade Ytre miljø Materiell/Eiendom Sikkerhet Beskrivelse av hendelse/tilløp: Årsak: Umiddelbare tiltak iverksatt: Mulig konsekvens: Mindre alvorlig Alvorlig Korrigerende tiltak: Rapportert av(frivillig): Rapporten lukket av: Dato: Meget alvorlig INCIDENT I N C IREPORT DENT REPORT HSE Incident Report - (RUH) HSE Incident Report - (RUH) Date: Time: Report nr.: Place: Company: Activity: Type of incident: Real incident Inflow Extent: Personal injury Environment Material/Property Safety Description of incident/occurence: Cause: Immediate effort accomplish: Possible consequence: Minor Serious Extremely serious Corrective action: Reported by (optional): Closed by: Date: TILLØPSRAPPORT T Uønsket I L L Hendelse Ø P S -R A(RUH) PP Rapport HMS ORT Rapport Uønsket Hendelse - HMS (RUH) Dato: Kl.: Rapport nr.: Sted: Firma: Aktivitet: Type hendelse: Reell hendelse Tilløp Omfang: Personskade Ytre miljø Materiell/Eiendom Sikkerhet Beskrivelse av hendelse/tilløp: Årsak: Umiddelbare tiltak iverksatt: Mulig konsekvens: Mindre alvorlig Alvorlig Korrigerende tiltak: Rapportert av(frivillig): Rapporten lukket av: Dato: Meget alvorlig INCIDENT I N C IREPORT DENT REPORT HSE Incident Report - (RUH) HSE Incident Report - (RUH) Date: Time: Report nr.: Place: Company: Activity: Type of incident: Real incident Inflow Extent: Personal injury Environment Material/Property Safety Description of incident/occurence: Cause: Immediate effort accomplish: Possible consequence: Minor Serious Extremely serious Corrective action: Reported by (optional): Closed by: Date: TILLØPSRAPPORT T Uønsket I L L Hendelse Ø P S -R A(RUH) PP Rapport HMS ORT Rapport Uønsket Hendelse - HMS (RUH) Dato: Kl.: Rapport nr.: Sted: Firma: Aktivitet: Type hendelse: Reell hendelse Tilløp Omfang: Personskade Ytre miljø Materiell/Eiendom Sikkerhet Beskrivelse av hendelse/tilløp: Årsak: Umiddelbare tiltak iverksatt: Mulig konsekvens: Mindre alvorlig Alvorlig Korrigerende tiltak: Rapportert av(frivillig): Rapporten lukket av: Dato: Meget alvorlig SIMPLIFIED SAFE JOB ANALYSIS Person responsible for SJA: Company: Description of work: Work section Hazard Measures Person responible Is the overall risk acceptable? Date: Signature: Yes Signature: No Signature: FORENKLET SIKKER JOBB ANALYSE SJA-ansvarlig: Firma: Beskrivelse av arbeidet: Deloppgave Faremoment Tiltak Er den totale risikoen akseptabel? Dato: Signatur: Ansvarlig Ja Signatur: Signatur: Nei SIMPLIFIED SAFE JOB ANALYSIS Person responsible for SJA: Company: Description of work: Work section Hazard Measures Person responible Is the overall risk acceptable? Date: Signature: Yes Signature: No Signature: FORENKLET SIKKER JOBB ANALYSE SJA.ansvarlig: Firma: Beskrivelse av arbeidet: Deloppgave Faremoment Tiltak Er den totale risikoen akseptabel? Dato: Signatur: Ansvarlig Ja Signatur: Signatur: Nei YOUR CONTRIBUTION COUNTS Many accidents at work are caused by hazardous behaviour and/ or conditions. The statistics show that there are 3 000 such dangerous acts or conditions behind each serious personnel injury. We depend on your commitment to the work of protecting health, safety and the environment to avoid accidents and injuries. You must do your work in a safe manner and ensure that your workplace is secure. You also have a duty to use this notepad to report any hazardous actions and conditions which you might detect. This will be a considerable help in reaching our goal of an injury-free workplace. But it depends on your contribution. If you have any questions, please contact the HSE coordinator. DITT BIDRAG TELLER Farlige handlinger og/eller farlige forhold er årsaken til mange arbeidsulykker som skjer på arbeidsplassen. Statistikk forteller oss at bak hver alvorlig personskade er det utført 3.000 farlige handlinger og/eller farlige forhold. Skal vi unngå skader og ulykker, så er vi avhengige av din innsats i HMS arbeidet. Du må utføre arbeidet ditt på en sikker måte og du må sørge for at arbeidsplassen din er sikker. I tillegg plikter du å bruke denne blokken og rapportere alle de farlige handlinger og de farlige forhold du måtte oppdage. Kan du bidra med dette, så er vi langt på vei med vårt mål om et skadefritt arbeidsmiljø, men dette avhenger av din innsats. Ved spørsmål, ta kontakt med HMS - Koordinator. NOTES NOTES NOTES
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