The Parish Community of Our Lady of the Angels founded July 2005 Church of the Immaculate Conception (ICC), est. 1875 Church of Saint Joachim (SJC), est. 1901 Parish Office: 21-23 Bayard Street, Trenton, NJ 08611-1344 Email: [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday–Thursday -9:00am-8:30pm Friday – 9:00am-5:00pm No Office Hours on Saturday & Sunday Parish Clergy: Rev. Fr. Cesar Rubiano, ext. 119 (Pastoral Administrator) Rev. Fr. Raymond Hughes (Weekend Assistant) Rev. Fr. Philip Cordisco, O.Ss.T Mr. Guido Mattozzi, Deacon Mr. Benito Torres, Deacon Parish Overseers: Mr. & Mrs. Benedict & Clara Gioe Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Maritza Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Barbara Sanna Business Manager: Mr. Edwin Sevillano, ext. 115 Faith Formation: Sr. Carolyn Houck, MPF ext. 121 Pastoral Care: Sr. Domenica Troina, MPF ext. 110 Worship & Music: Miss Yuko Unehara, ext. 106 Mr. Joseph Pucciatti, choir director Ms. Monica Pollich, organist Mr. Alvaro Rivera 609-695-6089 fax: 609-695-4376 EL DIABLO y EL PATO Hubo un niño pequeño visitando a sus abuelos en el campo. Se le había dado una flecha para que jugara en el bosque. El practicó pero no pudo darle al blanco. Se desanimó y se regresó para la cena. En su camino el vio a la mascota de la abuela, un patito. Él uso la flecha, ¡y qué crees, le dio en el mismo centro de la cabeza y lo mató! ¡Él se asombró y lloró! Aterrorizado, escondió el pato muerto en una pila de leña solo para entonces darse cuenta que su hermana lo vigilaba. Después del almuerzo el siguiente día, la abuela dijo, “Salí, vamos a lavar los trastes.” Pero Salí dijo, “Abuelita, Juanito me dijo que él quería ayudar en la cocina.” Entonces ella le susurró, “¿recuerdas el patito?” Por cuya razón, Juan lavó los trastes. Más tarde ese día, el abuelo preguntó si los niños querían ir a pescar y la abuela le contestó, “Lo siento, pero necesito que Salí me ayude con la cena.” Salí sonrió y dijo, “Bueno no importa porque Juan me dijo que él quería ayudarte”. De nuevo le susurró, “¿recuerdas el patito?” De modo que ella se fue con el abuelito y Juan se quedó para ayudar. Después de varios días Juanito ya no podía más, fue a donde su abuela y le confesó que él había matado el patito. La abuela se arrodilló delante de él, le dio un abrazo y le dijo, “mi adorado, ya lo sabía. Tú ves, yo estaba ahí en la ventana y vi todo, pero porque te quiero, te perdoné. Solo me estaba preguntando por cuánto tiempo más ibas a permitir que Sali te tuviera de esclavo.” Un pensamiento para hoy y todos los días que siguen Lo que sea que esté en tu pasado; lo que sea que hayas hecho, el diablo seguirá tirándotelo en la cara (sea una mentira, un engaño, deuda, miedo, mala maña, odio, coraje, amargura, etc.) Sea lo que sea, tú necesitas saber que Dios estaba ahí mismo en la ventana y ya vio lo sucedido. Él quiere que sepas que Él te quiere y que te ha perdonado. Solo se está preguntando por cuánto tiempo vas a permitir que el diablo te tenga de esclavo. Lo mejor que tiene Dios es que cuando pides perdón É no solo te perdona sino que olvida. Es por la gracia de Dios y su misericordia que somos salvos. (For the English version please turn to page 10) Office Support Staff: Mr. Walter Muñoz ext. 102 Mrs. Jennifer Campos (eve) ext.100 Ms. Felícita Martínez (eve) ext.127 Facilities Staff: Mr. Joseph Pica ext. 104 Mr. Mario Huitz Mrs. Xinia Monge CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PARISH COMMUNITY OF OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS $1,205.00 In memory of Catherine Romeo Gift of family and friends at the time of her funeral Please remember Our Lady of the Angels in your will Page Two 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 594 "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." Today we officially begin "Ordinary Time" of the liturgical year, the Word of God never ceases to surprise and challenge us. What a good example we have when Samuel listens to the call of God and when Jesus answers the two disciples of John the Baptist: "Come and see". Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?” “Rabbi”, where are you staying?” “Come and you will see.” So they went and saw and they stay with him that day. Samuel is the only son of Hannah, the son she gave birth to after she begged God to give her a son knowing of her sterility, a son later consecrated to God. The Lord actually answered her prayers and she named him "SHMU-el (Samuel)," which means "God has heard." Hannah gives her son as an "offering" to the Lord, trusting her young son to the old priest Eli at the Shiloh Temple "where the ark of God was." What God gives us is a gift, what we return to Him is our poor offering. This story of the impossible made possible is repeated again. How many things have we considered impossible that we have achieved! What seemed unreachable was obtained! What was difficult, with constancy and perseverance became easy! But when we talk about our relationship with God, there is something different. He does not want us just to hear him or find him for one hour a week. He wants us to live in a relationship with Him and for Him. God wants to be part of our lives and our history, and expects us to do the same. The best way to nurture His presence is through the Eucharist and the Holy Word. Hence all the resources that the Church promotes are ways in which we can grow and believe more and more. What are you looking for? This question still echoes in each of us when we feel restless and eager for more ... many times we do not know what we want ... But as St. Augustine said, my soul was restless, until I found rest in Thee. God grant that our parish community will continue to be holy so that we can together establish the Kingdom in our midst. What a blessing it is to begin this year knowing, that our Holy Father will soon be so close to us. It will be another opportunity to pray for strength in our families and why not the church family? So let us all say, “Speak Lord your servant is listening”. Fr. Cesar Rubiano 594 18 January 2015 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY begins today 18 January 2015 and continues through Sunday, 25 January. The theme for 2015 is Jesus said to her, “Give Me A Drink.”? Use the Daily Scripture and Prayer Guide to join with Christians around the world praying. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR DAY Monday, 19 January 2015. Mass will be celebrated at 9:00AM. THERE WILL BE NO 12:15PM MASS. Parish Office will close at 5:00PM. ATTENTION There will be no Adult Choir and Children's Choir rehearsal on Monday, January 19 due to an early closure of the parish office in observance of Martin Luther King Jr, Day. INCLEMENT WEATHER In case of inclement weather on the weekend, we will have a special recording on the Parish Office number 609-695-6089 with any change in mass schedule, should it be necessary. Please check this recording before venturing out in inclement weather. THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Will be celebrated on Monday, 2 February 2015 at 7:00PM, ICC. This feast is often known as “Candlemas Day” since candles are blessed on this day. Candles are not used liturgically for the purpose of giving light, but as a mark of joy and to show honor to God or holy things. You may bring candles with you to Mass to be blessed. Also at this time our Confirmation candidates will be presented to the community and will profess their faith in front of the altar. Please join us in this special event. Page Three LETTURA DEL GIORNO IN ATTESA DEL MESSIA La storia nel Vangelo di oggi di Giovanni e dei suoi discepoli che vedono e seguono Gesu’ sembra cosi’ semplice e casuale che e’ facile non capire i significativi atti di fede compiuti. Giovanni indica Gesu’: “Guardate,” egli dice,”Ecco l’Agnello di Dio”. La fede di Giovanni in Gesu’ e’ evidente, cosi’ evidente che i suoi discepoli immediatamente lo lasciano e seguono Gesu’. I due discepoli professano il loro atto di fede. Seguono Gesu’, passano il tempo con lui, e sono pronti a divulgare la buona notizia della loro scoperta: “Noi abbiamo trovato il Messia”. E’ facile dimenticare che le aspettative di generazioni, le speranze di molte epoche di fedeli erano realizzate in questi semplici atti di fede. L’Agnello di Dio, il Messia, previsto dai profeti, era finalmente arrivato. Quasi ognuno dei Giudei aspettava il Messia allora; chi oggi nella nostra societa’ e’ in aspettativa per segni della presenza del Messia? FEAST OF ST. BLASÉ: Tuesday, 3 February 2015 is the memorial of St. Blasé, Bishop and Martyr, who is venerated for the protection against ailments of the throat. Throats will be blessed at 12:15PM Mass at SJC. All are welcome! FEAST OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES 11 February has become associated with the celebration of the World Day of the Sick for the past years. We are reminded of the gift of life, we are reminded to pray for the sick and to appreciate and pray for caregivers. Thank you and God bless all who provide compassionate care, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the homebound, Healthcare Workers and caregivers. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE For Weekly Bulletin, Liturgical Minister Schedule, Up-Coming Events, Parish Calendar, Sacramental Records Request, Wedding and Baptism Registration Forms and more Tutta la terra ti adori, o Dio, e inneggi a te: inneggi al tuo nome, o Altissimo. 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Four SAVE THE DATE Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 11 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Feast of St. Blasé – Blessing of Throats Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Valentine’s Day Presidents day “PARISH CARNIVALE NIGHT” Tuesday, 17 February, 2015 6:30 to 10:30PM A night of Fun, Food & Dancing in Centennial Hall Adults only. $25.00 per person. Tickets can be purchased at St. Joachim Saturday 31 January before and after 4:00PM Mass or 1 February before and after the 11:00AM Mass or call Dina at 4334395 or 585-2750. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR THE NIGHT OF THE EVENT. OLD PALMS We will be collecting old palms on the weekends of January 31, February 1, February 7/8 and February 14/15 only. Parishioners are asked to bring back your old palms to the church before all weekend Masses. The palms will be burned for Ash Wednesday. Baskets will be placed near the baptismal font in the naves of ICC and SJC. Join us in facebook 20-WEEK CLUB DINNER NEXT DRAWING FRIDAY, APRIL 24 2015 To benefit Our Lady of the Angels Parish - $5.00 per week for 20 weeks. Included full course dinner including wine and cash bar, live entertainment cash prizes from $1,000 to $100, the evening of the reception, prize amounts are determined by the number of paid participants for the particular 20 week cycle. Winners need not be present to win. For additional information or to purchase tickets, please contact the parish office at 609-695-6089 and leave a message. You will be contacted by one of the committee members. 594 READING OF THE DAY WATCHING FOR THE MESSIAH Today’s Gospel story of John and his disciples seeing and following Jesus sounds so simple and casual, it’s easy to miss the significant acts of faith that are made. John points to Jesus: “Look,” he says, “there is the Lamb of God.” John’s faith in Jesus is evident, so evident that John’s disciples immediately leave his side to follow this Jesus. The two disciples make their own act of faith. They follow Jesus, spend time with him, and are quick to spread the good news of their discovery: “We have found the Messiah.” It is easy to forget that the expectations of generations, the hopes of many ages of faithful people were being fulfilled in these simple acts of faith. The Lamb of God, the Messiah, foretold by the prophets, had finally come. Nearly everyone among the Jewish people was watching for the Messiah back then; who in our own society watches for signs of the presence of the Messiah today? TODAY’S READINGS: First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a Gospel: John 1:35-42 Through baptism we have been joined to the Lord who calls us to be his disciples. How well do we listen to his voice? How willing are we to do his will?. From ORDO 2015 REFLECTION QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK ADULT: In what ways do you experience being called by Jesus? CHILD: What can you do this week to show that you are a follower of Jesus? All the earth shall bow down before you, O God, and shall sing to you, shall sing to your name, O Most High! (Psalm 66 (65):4) 594 18 de Enero de 2015 Página Cinco ¡Habla Señor que tu Siervo escucha! Hoy, comenzamos oficialmente el "Tiempo Ordinario" del año litúrgico, la Palabra de Dios nunca deja de sorprendernos y desafiarnos. Un ejemplo lo escuchamos en el llamado de Samuel y la respuesta de Jesús "Venid y lo veréis" a los dos discípulos de Juan el Bautista, uno de ellos es Andrés, hermano de Simón Pedro. Samuel es el único hijo de Hannah, el hijo que ella dió a luz después de que ella le rogó a Dios que le regalara un hijo en su esterilidad, un hijo al que consagraría a Dios. El Señor de hecho responde a su oración y ella lo llama "SHMU-el (Samuel)", que significa "Dios ha escuchado." Hannah le entrega a su hijo como una "ofrenda" al Señor, confiando su pequeño hijo al anciano sacerdote Elí en el templo de Shiloh "donde estaba el arca de Dios." Lo que Dios nos da, es un regalo, lo que nosotros le entregamos a Él es nuestra pobre ofrenda. Esta historia de lo imposible se repite una y otra vez en nosotros. Tantas cosas que creíamos imposibles ¡las hemos logrado! ¡Lo que parecía inalcanzable lo hemos obtenido! Aquello que antes era difícil, con la constancia y la perseverancia se volvió corriente. Sin embarg, cuando hablamos de nuestra relación con Dios, hay algo diferente. El no quiere que solamente le escuchemos o le encontremos una hora a la semana. Él quiere que vivamos en una relación con Él y para Él. Dios quiere ser parte de nuestras vidas y de nuestra historia, así mismo espera que nosotros hagamos parte de la suya. La mejor manera de nutrirnos de su presencia es con la Eucaristía y con la Palabra. De allí se derivan todos los recursos que la Iglesia promueve para que podamos crecer y creer más. Jesús se volvió, y les dice: “¿Qué buscáis?” “Rabbí ¿dónde vives?” Les respondió: “Venid y lo veréis”. Fueron, pues, vieron dónde vivía y se quedaron con él aquel día. ¿Que estás buscando? Esta pregunta sigue haciendo eco en cada uno de nosotros que nos sentimos inquietos y con deseos por más… muchas veces no sabemos ni de que… Pero como dijo San Agustín, mi alma estaba inquieta, hasta que encontró reposo en Ti. Dios quiera que nuestra comunidad parroquial se siga enriqueciendo espiritualmente para que podamos juntos establecer el Reino en medio de nosotros. Que bendición comenzar este año, sabiendo que en Septiembre tendremos al Santo Padre tan cerca de nosotros. Es una oportunidad más para orar y fortalecer nuestras familias y ¿por qué no la familia eclesial? Así es que digámosle juntos: "Habla, Señor, que tu siervo escucha". Padre Cesar Rubiano. Página Seis Segundo Domingo Tiempo Ordinario La Epifanía del Señor Feb. 2 Feb. 11 Feb. 14 PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS Fiesta de la Presentación del Señor Fiesta de Nuestra Sra. De Lourdes Día de San Valentín SEMANA DE ORACIÓN POR LA UNIDAD CRISTIANA 2015 Del 18 al 25 de enero 2015 Jesús le dice: «Dame de beber» A través del 2015, acompañemos a los cristianos de todas partes en oración "para que todos seamos uno" uniendo nuestras oraciones con las de Nuestro Señor, Jesucristo. Para más información visite: DÍA DE MARTIN LUTHER KING Lunes, 19 de enero 2015. La misa se celebrará a las 9:00AM en la Iglesia San Joaquín. La oficina parroquial cerrará a las 5:00PM. LA PRESENTACIÓN DEL SEÑOR o la "Fiesta de la Candelaria" será celebrada el lunes 2 de febrero de 2015 a las 7:00PM en la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción. Si lo desea puede traer sus velas o candelas a la misa para que sean bendecidas. Además nuestros candidatos para la Confirmación serán presentados a la comunidad y profesarán su fe delante del altar. Acompáñenos en este acontecimiento tan especial. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! EN CASO DE MAL CLIMA, las misas pueden ser canceladas. Si así fuera, usted puede informarse antes de venir llamando a la oficina parroquial, al 609 695-6089. Se dejará un mensaje grabado si hay misas canceladas. Que se postre ante ti, Señor, la tierra entera; que todos canten himnos en tu honor y alabanzas a tu nombre. (Salmo 65, 4) 594 LECTURA DEL DÍA EN BÚSQUEDA DEL MESÍAS El relato del Evangelio de hoy en el que Juan y sus discípulos ven y siguen a Jesús, suena tan sencillo e informal, que fácilmente pasan desapercibidos los importantes actos de fe que ocurren. Juan señala a Jesús: “Miren”, les dice, “este es el Cordero de Dios”. La fe de Juan en Jesús es evidente, tan evidente que los discípulos de Juan inmediatamente se van de su lado y siguen a Jesús. Los dos discípulos a su vez hacen un acto de fe. Ellos siguen a Jesús, pasan tiempo con él, y no demoran en compartir la buena nueva de su descubrimiento: “Hemos encontrado al Mesías”. Es fácil olvidar que las expectativas de generaciones, las esperanzas de muchos siglos de fieles se estaban cumpliendo en estos sencillos actos de fe. El Cordero de Dios, el Mesías, anunciado por los profetas, finalmente había llegado. Prácticamente todo el mundo en el pueblo judío estaba a la búsqueda del Mesías en esa época; ¿quién de nuestra sociedad busca señales de la presencia del Mesías hoy día? FIESTA DE SAN BLÁS Acompáñenos el martes 3 de febrero 2015 para honrar a San Blás y continuar con la tradición de bendecir las gargantas de los feligreses. Invitamos a toda la comunidad a participar, las gargantas se bendecirán en la misa del martes 3 de febrero a las 12:15PM. FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOURDES El 11 de Febrero se recuerda su primera aparición en Francia, este día se ha asociado a la celebración del Día Mundial del Enfermo por los pasados 12 años. Oremos por el regalo de la vida, por los enfermos y por los que les proveen cuidado compasivo, los Ministros de la Sagrada Comunión y los profesionales de la salud. 594 18 de Enero de 2015 Página Siete NOTICIAS DE ORGANIZACIÓNES DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOS ÁNGELS Y DE LA COMUNIDAD PALMAS VIEJAS Recolectaremos palmas viejas todos los fines de semana del 31 de enero, 1 de febrero, 7/8 y 14/15 de febrero solamente. Les pedimos que por favor nos donen sus palmas viejas que serán usadas para el miércoles de ceniza. Se colocaran canastas en ambas iglesias cerca de la pila bautismal. Gracias por su colaboración. LA PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOS ÁNGELES Les invita a nuestro carnaval anual el martes 17 de febrero, 2015 a las 6:30PM en los bajos de la Iglesia San Joaquín (Centennial Hall). Boletos estarán en venta en la Iglesia San Joaquín el sábado 31 de enero antes y después de la misa de las 4:00PM y el 1 de febrero antes y después de la misa de las 11:00AM. NO SE VENDERÁN BOLETOS EN LA PUERTA LA NOCHE DEL EVENTO. GRUPO DE ADULTO PIEDRAS VIVAS EN CRISTO Te invitamos a que seas parte de este grupo parroquial de adultos. Se reúne todos los sábados a las 5:00 PM en el los bajos de la oficina parroquial. LES RECORDAMOS Que para la celebración de sacramentos las familias deben ser feligreses registrados en la parroquia, con una antigüedad no menor de seis meses. Para demostrar su participación activa, deben hacer uso de sus sobres de ofrenda. Muchas gracias por su colaboración. BAUTISMOS Se celebran todos los meses durante las misas (a excepción de las temporadas de Adviento y Cuaresma). Los bautismos se programan de la siguiente manera: El 3er sábado del mes en la Iglesia San Joaquín a las 6:30PM y el 1er domingo del mes a las 8:00AM en la Iglesia San Joaquín y el 4to Domingo del mes en la iglesia Inmaculada Concepción a las 12:30PM. Los padres deben registrar a sus bebés en la oficina parroquial con al menos 3 meses de anticipación de la fecha deseada. NUESTRA PROMESA DE PROTEGER La Diócesis de Trenton se compromete a las iniciativas resumidas en la Carta Estatuita de los Obispos Católicos Estadounidenses para la Protección de Niños y Jóvenes acerca de reportar e investigar alegaciones de abuso sexual involucrando a menores de edad. Si usted fue abusado(a) cuando era menor de edad por un miembro del clero o de cualquier persona representando a la Iglesia Católica, o si conoce a alguien quien fue abusado(a), se puede reportar ese abuso usando la Línea Diocesana Directa del Abuso: 1-888-296-2965 o por correo electrónico al [email protected]. La Diócesis de Trenton reporta toda alegación sexual a las autoridades oficiales. Urgimos que también se reporte cualquier alegación sexual a las autoridades legales apropiadas. Para información de los contactos de las personas diocesana o parroquiales que coordinan esfuerzos de crear ambientes seguros y sanos por la Diócesis de Trenton, pulse aquí. REPORTE DE CONTRIBUCIONES DE FIN DE AÑO Las personas que necesiten una copia del Reporte de sus contribuciones de fin de año 2014, pueden solicitarlo llamando a la Oficina Parroquial o depositando un sobre con su nombre y dirección con estampilla en la canasta de ofrendas de la Parroquia a partir del Viernes 30 de enero. Los reportes se prepararan los días VIERNES para ser recogidos en la oficina. La colecta de Navidad será publicada en los próximos boletines. Aquellas personas que aún no han enviado su regalo de Navidad, por favor háganlo lo antes posible. Que Dios los bendiga por su continua generosidad. CORRESPONSABILIDAD DE OFRENDA El dinero recaudado en las misas hispanas el fin de semana del 10 y 11 de enero fue de $5,376.00. El detalle de la colecta se encuentra en la página 9 del boletín. Por favor recuerden hacer uso de sus sobres de ofrenda, es la mejor manera de llevar la cuenta de sus ofrendas familiares. ¡Mil gracias por su generosidad! 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Page Eight 594 Worship Schedule INTENTIONS REQUESTED BY Saturday, 17 January 4:00 PM (SJC) English 6:30 PM (SJC) Spanish † Elsie & John Pollich † Gabriel Santitore † Sam Scharibone † Anthony J. Frascella, Jr. † Mario De León † 9 días de fallecido Eladio De León Feligreses, ex alumnos, amigos y Benefactores vivos y fallecidos de nuestra parroquia Pollich Family Norma Santitore Petix Family Nieces & Nephews Rosemary C. Frascella, MD Carolina De León Su familia Parroquia Sunday, 18 8:00 AM (SJC) Spanish 9:30 AM (ICC) English 11:00 AM (SJC) English 12:30 PM (ICC) Spanish † Frank Frascella † En acción de gracias por la recuperación de José Rivas † 16 años de fallecida Rocío Pérez García † Mary Faubl † Anthony Bevilacqua † Rose Bell † Lena & Andy Galletti † Dolores Rosetti † Antonette Micai † John & Anne Gottlieb † Alfonso Bruno † En acción de gracias al Divino Niño Jesús † Joseph & Rosann D’Errico Su familia Padres y hermanos Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Pege Birth – Wife Marie Helen Potash Ed & Jo Bogacz Rosetti Family Lorraine Lee Parish Jerry & Darlene DeLorenzo Julissa Maza Monday, 19 January Martin Luther King Jr. 9:00 AM (SJC) English † Jennifer Castaldo † Robert Conti Vivian Abbott Abbott Family Tuesday, 20 January 12:15 PM (SJC) English † Alex & Anna Persichilli † Carlo Benedetti Daughter Gilda Persichilli Richard & Marie Innocenzi Wednesday, 21 January 12:15 PM (SJC) English † Stephen Kovacs † Josephine Scartocci Sanctuary Guild John & Adeline Amodio Thursday, 22 January 12:15 PM (SJC) English 7:00 PM (SJC) Spanish † Salvatore Gioe † Filomena Romeo † Catherine Romeo † Ben & Clara Gioe Daughters Clara & Catherine Romeo Joseph DeMarco Special Intention of Sr. Domenica Troina † Carmen Pantaleoni Sr. Carolyn Houck Wife Anna Friday, 23 January 12:15 PM (SJC) English Saturday, 24 January 4:00 PM (SJC) English 6:30 PM (SJC) Spanish † Josef M. Pollich † Orsola Gervasio † Carmelo Amantia † Germán Vásquez † María Luisa Villegas † Pollich Family Norma Santitore Zina Amantia & Family Familia Vásquez Rodas Familia Maldonado Vásquez Sunday, 25 January 8:00 AM (SJC) Spanish 9:30 AM (ICC) English 11:00 AM (SJC) English 12:30 PM (ICC) Spanish En acción de gracias por la salud y trabajo † † Sr. Maria Figliamonti, MPF † John Pege † Ann & Emanuel Wolf † Lillian Docie † Carmen Gallo † Rino Belardo † Frank J. Morillo † Dr. Francis Gerry DeBlois † Feligreses, ex alumnos, amigos y Benefactores vivos y fallecidos de nuestra parroquia Chiguil Sapon Parish Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Pege Radice Family Andrew & Cathy Falsetti Wife Erma & Children Wife Paola & Children Ronald & Emily Conti Rosemary C. Frascella, MD Parroquia 594 18 January 2015 Page Nine STEWARDSHIP… A Way of Life Sharing Our Treasure 10/11 January Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship Offering $9,028.00 Masses in English $3,652.00 Masses in Spanish $5,376.00 Envelope Contributions $6,131.00 Youth envelopes $250.00 Loose Money collected $2,647.00 Number Registered Households 1,178 Families Number Using Envelopes Last Week 339 Families $18.09 Average Envelope Contribution Candle offerings $538.00 Poor box offerings $475.00 Rest inPeace Caroline Anselmi Bernard Bonifazi Josephine Santini Angelo Barbero Mary Gualfetti Thomas Sheleskie YEAR END CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS Anyone wishing a copy of their 2014 contribution statement must request it by either calling the parish office or dropping a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) in the collection basket or at the Parish Office. If you call your request in, please leave your name and telephone number and we will call you when the statement is ready to be picked up. Statements and will be delivered on Fridays only; statements will only be mailed to those sending a SASE. If there are any questions or concerns regarding statements, please contact the parish office at 609-695-6089 The Christmas collection will soon be published. Those of you who have not yet sent in your Christmas Gift, kindly do so as soon as possible. May God bless you for your continued generosity. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE PROGRAMACIÓN DE MINISTROS, LECTORES Y MINISTROS Day/Date/Time/Place Día/Fecha/Hora/Lugar Ritual Occasion Celebración Sat, 24 Jan 4:00pm SJC Sab, 24 de ene 4:00pm SJC Sat, 24 Jan 6:30pm SJC Sab, 24 de ene 6:30pm SJC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español C. Di Costanzo P. Donini 3 Sunday in Ordinary Time Sun, 24 Jan 8:00am SJC Dom, 25 de ene 8:00am SJC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español Sun, 25 Jan 9:30am ICC Dom, 25 de ene 9:30am ICC Sun, 25 Jan 11:00am SJC Dom, 25 de ene 11:00am SJC Readers Lectores 3 Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario I. Calixto F. Soto Precious Body Cuerpo de Cristo Celebrant I Deacon I (BM) Celebrante I A. Ramirez (BM) O. Cerna G. Lopez Celebrante I R. Locane M. Tancredi Celebrant I Deacon I A. Pantaleoni Celebrant I Deacon I (BM) C. Avila H. Linton Celebrante I G. Zárate Readings in Italian/Lecturas en Italiano Sun, 25 Jan 12:30pm ICC Dom, 25 de ene 12:30pm ICC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español Precious Blood Sangre de Cristo Altar Servers Monaguillos A. Barnila M. Massi S. Minelli (CM) A. Macario I. Macario F. Rivera (CM) J. De Marco L. Baron E. Rhodes M. Calvo V. Lorenzo T. Martinez G. Martinez C. Rivas (CM) R. Castaldo J. Pege E. Schmidt K. Schmidt M. Amantia A. Persichilli R. Ponticiello (CM) Diácono I E. De Leon F. Martinez M. Ovalle W. Villalobos K. Villalobos C. Ortiz D. Martinez M. Escamilla A. Cambronero A. Macario J. Macario G. Cenerino M. Rubino A. Manzanarez C. Rubino J. Foley G. Fúnez J. D. Perez J. Abarca M. Huitz N. Linton M. Velasquez Page Ten 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time SANCTUARY LAMP (SJC) In Loving Memory of: Carmen Gallo Requested by: Wife Erma NO SANCTUARY LAMP OFFERING FOR ICC THIS WEEKEND Sanctuary Guild Cleaning Group # 2 Friday, 23 January Gloria Frome—Sacristan, Maryann Pauline, Millie Kovacs, Dolly Amodio, Fran Mulé. LINEN SCHEDULE Katia Umaña & Edna Rodríguez Please pick up linens by Friday, 23 January. Thank you so much for your services! ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA: Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; To give and not to count the cost; To fight and not to heed the wounds; To toil and not to seek for rest; To labor and not to ask for reward; Save that of knowing that I do your will. THE DIOCESE OF TRENTON Is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and to its own policies and guidelines in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know of someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan ABUSE HOTLINE: 1-888-296-2965 or via e-mail at [email protected]. The Diocese of Trenton reports any allegations of sexual abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Anyone with an allegation is also encouraged to provide that information to local law enforcement authorities. 594 THE DEVIL & THE DUCK There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He practiced, but he could not hit the target. Getting discouraged, he headed back for dinner. While walking back, he saw Grandma's pet duck. He let the slingshot fly, hit the duck square in the head and killed it! He was shocked and grieved! In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile; only to see his Sister watching! After lunch the next day Grandma said, 'Sally, let's wash the dishes.' But Sally said, 'Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.' Then she whispered to him, "Remember the duck?' So Johnny did the dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, 'I'm sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.' Sally just smiled and said, 'Well that's all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help?’ She whispered again, 'Remember the duck?' So Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed to help. After several days of this, he finally couldn't stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck. Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug and said, 'Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you.’ Thought for today and every day hereafter Whatever is in your past, whatever you have done, the devil keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, cheating, debt, fear, bad habits, hatred, anger, bitterness, etc.) Whatever it is, you need to know that God was standing at the window and He saw the whole thing. He has seen your whole life. He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven. He's just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you. The great thing about God is that when you ask for forgiveness, He not only forgives you, but He forgets. It is by God's grace and mercy that we are saved. 594 18 January 2015 Page Eleven OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS PARISH ORGANIZATION & COMMUNITY PARISHES NEWS LADIES OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Next Corp. Comm. will be on Sunday, 1 February at the 9:30 AM Mass at ICC. Meeting to follow. SENIOR CITIZENS: Seniors dues of $15.00 being collected for year 2015. Bus trip to to Atlantic City Resort Casino on Monday February 9. Cost $30.00return of $25.00 in slot play. Call Lucille at 609-39669189. SANCTUARY GUILD: Corp. Communion will be on Sunday, 22 February at 11:00AM. HOLY NAME SOCIETY: Corp. Communion during 9:30AM ICC Mass on Sunday, 18 January; active members and spouses encouraged to participate. Thanks to those members who attended the first meeting of 2015. IS GOD CALLING YOU? Vocational discernment groups meet to assist young men who are discerning the possibility that God may be calling them to a life of priestly ministry. These groups are designed to explore a priestly vocation with other like-minded men through prayer and sharing vocation stories and experiences. The group meetings are not meant to convince anyone that the priesthood is their vocation. They are designed to assist you in discovering if the priesthood is your true vocation and build your relationship with Christ along the way. If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to attend this month’s discernment meeting on January 25th, from 4pm to 6pm at Saint Joseph Parish, 685 Hooper Avenue in Toms River, New Jersey. Join Rev. Scott Schaffer, as he shares his experiences of the priesthood, followed by prayer and concluding with a great meal and conversation. Please register with the Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at [email protected] or by calling (609) 406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you discover and respond to His invitation! YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY, PLACES AND TIMES BODY * St. Joan of Arc, Marlton, meets every Saturday evening after Mass. For more information contact Fr. Jorge Bedoya, 856-983-0077. * St. Paul Church, Princeton, meets every Tuesday at 7 PM * St. Peter, Pt. Pleasant, contact Megan Miller for upcoming events at [email protected] * Sacred Heart, Riverton, contact Kaitie Anderson, [email protected] *St. Rose of Lima, Freehold, Español, meets Saturday night after the Spanish Mass. Contact Jose Lopez, Young Adult Minister, [email protected] * St. Mary Cathedral, Trenton meets on the following days. Contact Carlos Rodas, 609-954-0317 1st Friday of the month - Adoration at 7pm 2nd Friday of the month - Novena to Sacred Heart of Jesus, 8pm 3rd Friday of the month - Meets in the Convent for Praise and Worship 4th Friday of the month - Meets in the Convent for Praise and Worship PLEASE JOIN US... Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart, a co-ed Pre-School/Junior Kindergarten and all-girl K-12 school located in Princeton, will be hosting an Open House for prospective students and their families on Sunday, January 25 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM. Meet our superb faculty and discover how Stuart students THINK critically, LEAD with integrity, and CHANGE the world. Please visit our website at to learn more about the opportunities that await your child at Stuart and register to attend our Open House. For more information, please contact Kyle Morse, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, at (609) 921-2330, ext. 235 or [email protected]. Join us in facebook Vizzoni Pharmacy, L.L.C. now has 3 locations to serve you! Vizzoni’s Pharmacy 1616 S. Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08610 Phone: 609-394-5784 Allentown Pharmacy 2 S. Main St. Allentown, NJ 08501 Phone: 609-259-6121 Siegel’s Pharmacy 1201 S. Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08610 Phone: 609-394-8111 Whitehorse Merceville Chapel, LLC Chambers D’Errico & Correnti Funeral Home Joseph A. D’Errico, Mgr. - NJ Lic. No. 3651 2365 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd., Hamilton Joseph A. D’Errico, Dir. NJ Lic. No 3651 Albert D. Correnti, Jr., Mgr. NJ Lic. 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Berkenkopf, RPh EPISCOPO’S PHARMACY 393-3017 • All Major Prescription Plans • Visa-Mastercard-MAC-Discover • Free Delivery Licensed & Insured 1.866.264.8444 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major re hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Also available FRANCISCAN MISSION ASSOCIATION Mass Cards. CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT Our Family Caring for Your Family 1125 CHAMBERS STREET Buklad Memorial Home 2141 South Broad Street • Trenton Christopher Merlino, Manager/Director, N.J. Lic. #4079 • Kenneth E. Moore, Sole Owner / Director, N.J. 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