The Parish Community of Our Lady of the Angels founded July 2005 Church of the Immaculate Conception (ICC), est. 1875 Church of Saint Joachim (SJC), est. 1901 Parish Office: 21-23 Bayard Street, Trenton, NJ 08611-1344 Email: [email protected] 609-695-6089 fax: 609-695-4376 ¿POR QUÉ DIOS PERMITE EL DOLOR? Esta es una de las mejores explicaciones que he visto, sobre por qué Dios permite el dolor y sufrimiento... Parish Office Hours: Monday–Thursday -9:00am-8:30pm Friday – 9:00am-5:00pm No Office Hours on Saturday & Sunday Parish Clergy: Rev. Fr. Cesar Rubiano, ext. 119 (Pastoral Administrator) Rev. Fr. Raymond Hughes (Weekend Assistant) Rev. Fr. Philip Cordisco, O.Ss.T Mr. Guido Mattozzi, Deacon Mr. Benito Torres, Deacon Parish Overseers: Mr. & Mrs. Benedict & Clara Gioe Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Maritza Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Barbara Sanna Business Manager: Mr. Edwin Sevillano, ext. 115 Faith Formation: Sr. Carolyn Houck, MPF ext. 121 Pastoral Care: Un hombre va a una barbería para hacerse u corte de cabello y una afeitada. Mientras el barbero inicia su trabajo, ambos inician una interesante conversación. Ellos empezaron a conversar sobre diferentes cosas y temas. Después, eventualmente tocaron el tema de Dios, y el barbero dijo: “Yo no creo que Dios exista”. “¿Por qué dice eso?” preguntó el cliente. “Bueno, sólo basta salir a las calles y ver que Dios no existe. Dígame, si Dios existiera ¿podría haber tanta gente enferma?, ¿habrían tantos niños abandonados? Si Dios existiera, no habría sufrimiento o dolor. No puedo imaginar como un Dios amoroso puede permitir que sucedan esta clase de cosas.” El cliente pensó por un momento, pero no quiso responder porque no quería iniciar una discusión. El barbero terminó su trabajo y el cliente salió del local. Justo después de abandonar la barbería, el cliente vio a un hombre en la calle, con el cabello largo, sucio, desmarañado y una barba sin cortar. Se veía sucio y desordenado. Entonces el cliente regresó a la barbaría y dijo: “¿Sabe qué? Los barberos no existen”. “¿Cómo puede decir eso?, ¡Yo soy un barbero y acabo de hacerle un trabajo!”, dijo el barbero. “¡No!”, exclamó el cliente. “Los barberos no existen realmente, porque si existieran, no habría gente con el cabello largo y sucio y la barba sin cortar, como ese muchacho que está afuera de su barbería”. “¡Ah, los barberos si existen!. Lo que pasa es que la gente no viene a mí”, dijo el barbero. “¡Exactamente”!, dijo el cliente. “¡Ese es el punto”!, ¡Dios también existe! Lo que pasa es que la gente no va hacia Él en busca de ayuda. Es por eso que hay tanto dolor y sufrimiento en el mundo.” Sr. Domenica Troina, MPF ext. 110 (For the English version please turn to page 10) Worship & Music: Miss Yuko Unehara, ext. 106 Mr. Joseph Pucciatti, choir director Ms. Monica Pollich, organist Mr. Alvaro Rivera CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PARISH COMMUNITY OF OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS $2,945.00 In memory of Orsola Gervasio Gift of family and friends at the time of her funeral Office Support Staff: Mr. Walter Muñoz ext. 102 Mrs. Jennifer Campos (eve) ext.100 Ms. Felícita Martínez (eve) $540.00 Facilities Staff: $420.00 Mr. Joseph Pica ext. 104 Mr. Mario Huitz Mrs. Xinia Monge In memory of Pauline Capasso Gift of family and friends at the time of her funeral In memory of Sarah Barnwell Gift of family and friends at the time of her funeral Please remember Our Lady of the Angels in your will. Page Two 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 594 LOVE IS ABOVE EVERYTHING! We can sometimes think of Jesus in a way that sets him apart from the Jewish tradition in which he was raised. There is no doubt that Jesus taught that one could transcend ceremonial and Sabbath laws of the Hebrew Scriptures when human needs called for immediate response. But the moral laws of his people were quite another question. Jesus rarely took exception and did not lighten the moral mandates of the Law and the Prophets. He Lived that Law and sometimes even deepened on it. This Sunday’s readings offer a great opportunity to appreciate Jesus’ commitment to the moral vision of the Hebrew Bible. With all the questions from his persecutors and detractors, he was wise in his responses. Jesus declared nothing new, so the two commandments were already included in the Law -respectively from Deuteronomy 6,5 and Leviticus 19:18, but also in the long list of minor laws (more than 10,000). He said: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. In these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Nothing new in reality, but with these words Jesus gave to the life of faith radically a new imprint: We are very important! My brothers and sisters we are not only God’s family but also mine. It is surprising that Jesus equates his love for God, the Almighty, with the sometimes imperfected, limited and defected love we have for one's neighbor. Jesus gives to those who want to follow the noble task of doing what he did: to love without mesure. It is incredible for me to see your testimony of this love for Him, in your participation at the daily Mass, at your generous offering, in your spiritual and prayerful life. And you know how I know that, because last week according with the counting we did it for the Diocese about our participation at all Weekend masses we came out with these incredible numbers: 1,817 persons. And this without mentioning your generous donation for World Mission Sunday. Thank you for building God’s Kingdom in your midst, with your families, and with your brothers and sisters. If I can help you in any way to bring you or your beloved ones closer to God, please let me know. I am not perfect but even with my infirmities I strive to serve Him in the best way! Love and Peace, Fr. Caesar Rubiano 594 26 October 2014 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Thank you for your generous response to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith on World Mission Sunday. Our parish raised $3,332.00 generous help that will reach the Church in Mongolia and local churches throughout the Missions, where the poor receive practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. For more information, please visit SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS Saturday, 1 November 9:00AM SJC Bilingual Mass SJC “Let us rejoice in all the men and women, blest in the eyes of the Lord, who celebrate the heavenly liturgy. They stand in God’s holy place and sing of the love the Father has bestowed upon them through the blood of the Lamb.” DAY OF PRAYER AND INSTRUCTION SATURDAY 1 NOVEMBER 9:00AM TO 1:30PM Attention all Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors. FACILITATORS: Rev. Msgr. Sam Sirianni and Rev. Fr. Roberto Padilla. You are invited and encouraged to attend this special day! 9:00 AM BiLingual Mass for the Solemnity of All Saints. Spirituality Presentations, Light Lunch, & Prayer service and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. RSVP by October 27 to [email protected] or by phone at 695-6089 x121. DON’T FORGET! To turn your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday, 1 November 2014. COMMEMORATION OF ALL SOULS Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:30AM Immaculate Conception Church 11:00AM St Joachim Church See enclosed insert for the list of those being remembered in a special way Page Three LETTURA DEL GIORNO VIVERE GIUSTAMENTE “Ritornalo adesso!” Quanti di noi abbiamo sentito quella frase, probabilmente piu’ di una volta, quando crescevamo? Noi torniamo a casa con il trofeo che pensavamo era un buon affare, soltanto per vedere i nostri genitori cancellare i nostri profitti facendoci ritornare il bottino. Essi avevano un’altra idea di quello che costituiva un “accordo giusto”. La giustizia nell’aver a che fare con gli altri continua ad essere una misura del nostro carattere, e come un buon genitore, Dio si cura molto di come ci trattiamo e come gli altri ci trattano. Dio ascolta il pianto dei poveri, e risponde alla chiamata degli oppressi. I figli amati di Dio non debbono comportarsi da prepotenti. PRAYER FOR ALL SOULS During the month of November, every Catholic should pray for the souls of our dear deceased & for all the souls in Purgatory. We shall continue the custom of placing the names of our beloved deceased upon the side altar. Please clearly write on the envelope in your packet the names of your beloved deceased and place it in the collection basket as soon as possible. The envelopes will be placed on the side altar for the month of November. This is a wonderful way to remember our deceased relatives. A SPECIAL THANK YOU We would like to especially thank all those parishioners who, while away during the summer months, have put in their envelopes in order to continue to support our parish community. May God continue to bless you for your generosity. Gioisca il cuore di chi cerca il Signore. Cercate il Signore e la sua potenza, cercate sempre il suo volto. (Sal 105,3-4) Page Four 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time SAVE THE DATE Nov. 11 Nov. 23 Nov. 27/28 Dec. 8 Dec. 12 Veterans Day Sol. Christ the King Eucharistic Day Thanksgiving Day/Parish office closed Sol. of the Immaculate Conception Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe THANKSGIVING FOOD CONTRIBUTION Our November 15 and 16 food collection date will be specifically devoted to Thanksgiving canned and boxed goods. Dry/Canned foods: Cranberry sauce, canned vegetables, stuffing mix, Corn bread mix, Cereals, Gravy, Canned yams & canned fruit are a few suggestions. To donate a frozen turkey or chicken, we ask you to drop it off at Mount Carmel Guild, 73 N. Clinton Ave Trenton, NJ 08609, during the week of November 17, 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm and also on Sunday, November 23 9:00AM - 2:00PM. PLEASE DO NOT BRING TURKEYS TO THE CHURCHES OR THE PARISH OFFICE. Thank you for your continued support! SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Sunday 23 November, 2014 Solemn Mass will be celebrated at 11:00AM SJC. At the end of the Mass, we will have the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and time for Adoration, and conclude with Benediction. Please save the date to come and share a spiritual moment with our Lord as we prepare ourselves for the beginning of the new liturgical year. All are welcome. THANKSGIVING DAY MASS Please join us on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, 27 November 2014. Let us together offer our gratitude to God by attending the Mass. The Mass will be celebrated at 9:00AM at SJC. The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday and the following day Friday in observance. There will be no 12:15PM mass on both days. Friday, 28 November, Mass will be also celebrated at 9:00AM. 594 READING OF THE DAY LIVING JUSTLY “You give that back right now!” How many of us have heard that line, probably more than once, as we were growing up? We come home with the trophy of what we thought was a really sweet deal, only to have our parents undo our profits by making us return the spoils. They had a different idea of what constituted a “fair trade agreement.” Justice in our dealings with others continues to be an important measure of our character, and like a good parent, God cares very much about how we treat each other and about how others treat us. God hears the cry of the poor, and answers the call of the oppressed. God’s beloved children are not to behave like bullies. TODAY’S READINGS: First Reading: Exodus 20:20-26 Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c10 Gospel: John 14:23. We are to love the Lord with our whole heart, and neighbor as ourselves. By thus fulfilling these two great commandments, we hope to become models of faith and imitations of the Lord who gave himself totally for our sakes. From Ordo 2012 REFLECTION QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK ADULT: What does it mean for you to “see”? Is there blindness in your life? CHILD: What would you like to ask Jesus for? VISIT OUR WEB PAGE Let the hearts that seek the Lord rejoice; turn to the Lord and his strength; constantly seek his face. (Cf. Psalm 105 (104):3-4) 594 26 de Octubre de 2014 Página Cinco ¡POR ENCIMA DE TODO ESTA EL AMOR! A veces podemos pensar que Jesús de alguna manera se diferenciaba y distanciaba de la tradición judía en la que se crió. Ciertamente en algunas ocasiones enseñó que uno puede trascender leyes ceremoniales y el precepto hebreo del sábado cuando la necesidad humana llama para una prioridad y respuesta inmediata. Pero las leyes morales de su pueblo eran otro asunto. Jesús las respetaba, las cumplía y las hacía valer. En los mandatos morales de la Ley y los Profetas, Jesús vio un resplandor importante para el ser humano. Las lecturas de este Domingo ofrecen una gran oportunidad para apreciar el compromiso de Jesús con la visión moral de la Biblia y la tradición Judía. Con todas las preguntas de sus perseguidores y detractores, El fue sabio en sus respuestas. Jesús no declaró nada nuevo, pues los dos mandamientos que ofrece ya estaban incluidos en la Ley –como se ve en Deuteronomio 6,5 y Levítico 19,18-, además en la larga lista de leyes de menores (más de 10.000). Él dijo: “Amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente. Este es el mayor y el primer mandamiento. Y el segundo es semejante a éste: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. De estos dos mandamientos dependen toda la Ley y los Profetas.” Nada nuevo hay en realidad con estas palabras de Jesús pero para la vida de fe son radicalmente un nuevo sello: Estas son muy importantes! Mis hermanos y hermanas no somos sólo la familia de Dios, somos familia cristiana, Iglesia, entre nosotros. Es sorprendente que Jesús compara su amor por Dios, el Todopoderoso, con el nuestro que es muchas veces imperfecto, limitado, falso y vacio. El amor que tenemos por el prójimo no se puede comparar con aquel que Dios tiene por su Hijo, o el que Jesús tiene por nosotros. Jesús da a los que le quieren seguir en su noble misión la tarea de hacer lo que El hizo: amar sin medida. Es increíble para mí ver el testimonio de este amor por Él en esta bella comunidad. Y esto lo digo por los hechos: en su participación en la Misa diaria, en su generosa ofrenda, en su vida espiritual y de oración. La semana pasada de acuerdo con el conteo de asistencia que se hizo para la Diócesis, por nuestra participación en todas las misas de fin de semana salimos con estos números increíbles: 1,817 personas. Lo mismo puedo mencionar por su donación generosa para las misiones. Gracias por ayudar a la construcción del Reino de Dios en medio de la sociedad, en sus familias, con sus hermanos y hermanas. Si le puedo ayudar de alguna manera a conocer mejor a Jesús, a Dios y a su Iglesia a usted o a sus seres queridos, para sentirse mejor y más cerca de Dios, por favor hágamelo saber. Les quiero decir que yo no soy perfecto, pero incluso con mis debilidades ¡me esfuerzo para servirle a Él y a ustedes de la mejor manera! Paz y Amor. P. César Rubiano Página Seis Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario XXX Domingo Tiempo Ordinario PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS Nov. 11 Día de los Veteranos Nov. 23 Solemnidad de Cristo Rey Nov. 27/28 Día de Acción de Gracias. Oficina Parroquial cerrada GUARDE LA FECHA SÁBADO 1 DE NOVIEMBRE 9:00AM A 1:30PM Atención Ministros de la Eucaristía y Lectores Retiro de Oración y Formación. Dirigido por: Monseñor Sam Siriani y Padre Roberto Padilla. ¡Usted está cordialmente invitado a asistir en este día especial! 9:00 AM Misa Bilingüe por la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos. Seguida de Presentaciones Espirituales, se proveerá almuerzo ligero. Servicio de Oración y Bendición del Santísimo Sacramento. Favor confirmar su participación contestando por correo electrónico a [email protected] o por teléfono al 609-695-6089 x100 antes del 27 de octubre. NO SE OLVIDEN de atrasar el reloj una hora, antes de acostarse o después de la medianoche el día sábado 1 de noviembre. AVANZANDO CON FE 2010 Meta de la campaña $1.200.000 Un millón doscientos mil dólares ¡Si usted no ha hecho su donación o compromiso aún, hágalo pronto! Muchas gracias por su generosidad. El primer fin de semana de cada mes se tomará una 2da colecta para nuestra campaña. La próxima colecta será el 1 y 2 de noviembre. CONMEMORACIÓN DE TODOS LOS SANTOS Domingo 2 de noviembre 8:00AM Iglesia San Joaquín 12:15PM Iglesia Inmaculada Concepción Vea el inserto adjunto para la lista de aquellas personas que serán recordadas de manera especial en esta misa. Alégrese el corazón de los que buscan al Señor. Buscad la ayuda del Señor; buscad continuamente su presencia. (Salmo 104, 3-4) 594 LECTURA DEL DÍA VIVIR EN JUSTICIA “¡Devuélvelo ahora mismo!”. ¿Cuántas veces hemos escuchado esa frase, probablemente más de una vez, cuando éramos niños? Llegamos a casa con el trofeo que consideramos un dulce hallazgo, para que nuestros padres deshicieran nuestras ganancias haciéndonos devolver el botín. Ellos tenían un concepto muy diferente de lo que constituye un acuerdo “de intercambio justo”. La justicia en nuestros tratos con otros constituye una importante medida de nuestro carácter, como un buen padre de familia, a Dios le importa mucho cómo nos tratamos los unos a los otros y cómo los otros nos tratan a nosotros. Dios oye el clamor de los pobres y responde al llamado de los oprimidos. Los hijos bien amados de Dios no se han de comportar como abusadores. SOLEMNIDAD DE TODOS LOS SANTOS Sábado 1 de noviembre 9:00AM Iglesia San Joaquín Misa Bilingüe “Durante todo el año celebramos la fiesta de muchos “santos famosos”. Pero la Iglesia ha querido recordar que en el cielo hay innumerables santos que no cabrían en el calendario. Por eso nos regala esta solemne fiesta de Todos los Santos que abarca a todos nuestros hermanos que ya están en el cielo.” DURANTE EL MES DE NOVIEMBRE cada católico debe rezar por las almas de nuestros difuntos y por todas las almas en el Purgatorio. Continuaremos la costumbre de colocar los nombres de nuestros amados difuntos junto al altar. En el paquete de sobres de ofrenda hay un sobre destinado para el Día de los Difuntos. Por favor escriba claramente el nombre o nombres de sus familiares o amigos fallecidos y deposítelo en las canastas de ofrenda o envíelo a la Oficina Parroquial antes del 26 de octubre de 2014. Los sobres se colocarán en el altar durante el mes de noviembre. 594 26 de Octubre de 2014 SOLEMNIDAD DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO, REY DEL UNIVERSO Domingo 23 de noviembre de 2014 12:15PM ICC Misa, solemne, Adoración Eucarística y Bendición ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Ven a compartir un tiempo con nuestro Señor, y a prepararnos para el inicio de un nuevo año litúrgico. LES RECORDAMOS Que para la celebración de sacramentos las familias deben ser feligreses registrados en la parroquia, con una antigüedad no menor de seis meses. Para demostrar su participación activa, deben hacer uso de sus sobres de ofrenda. Muchas gracias por su colaboración. COLECTA DE ALIMENTOS PARA EL DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Nuestra próxima colecta de alimentos del 15 y 16 de noviembre, estará dedicada específicamente al día de Acción de Gracias. Se sugieren los siguientes alimentos enlatados o en caja: Salsa de cranberry, puré de papas instantáneo, arroz, leche en polvo, té o café instantáneo y/o postres (gelatina, dulces, otros). Alimentos frescos: camotes, verduras, papas, y frutas. Si desea donar un pavo congelado, puede hacerlo llevándolo a Mount Carmel Guild, 73 N. Clinton Ave Trenton, NJ 08609, durante la semana del 17 de noviembre de 8:30am a 11AM y de 1:00pm a 3:00pm. Y el domingo 23 de noviembre de 9AM a 2PM Por favor no traiga pavos a la iglesia ni a la oficina parroquial. MISA POR EL DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Por favor acompáñenos el jueves 27 de noviembre, Día de Acción de Gracias, a las 9:00AM en la Iglesia San Joaquín (misa bilingüe) con el coro de niños. Manifestemos nuestro agradecimiento a Dios asistiendo a misa. No habrá misa de 7:00PM la oficina parroquial estará cerrada el jueves 27 y viernes 28 de noviembre. Página Siete DOMINGO MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES Gracias por su generosa respuesta para la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe durante el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Nuestra parroquia recaudó la generosa ayuda de $3,332.00 que será destinada a la Iglesia en Mongolia y a iglesias locales en distintas partes del mundo, donde los pobres reciben ayuda práctica y experimentan el amor y la misericordia de Dios, su esperanza y su paz. Para obtener más información, visite LA IGLESIA SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA Y LA DIÓCESIS DE TRENTON LOS INVITA A LOS CURSOS DE FORMACIÓN DE FE 251 Franklin Street. Hightstown, NJ 08650 1 de noviembre - 10:30am - 12:30pm 8 de noviembre - 10:30am - 12:30pm Costo: $10.00 per sesión Regístrese con Carrie Barillas Diócesis de Trenton 609-403-7175. [email protected] instructores: Rev. Rene Pulgarin, Rev. Carlos Aguirre, Rev. Jorge Bedoya y Rev. Fernando Lopez. PRE-CANA EN ESPAÑOL "LA BODA ES UN DÍA, EL MATRIMONIO ES PARA TODA LA VIDA" El programa de Pre-Cana, ofrecido el 8 de noviembre en el Centro Pastoral en Trenton, es un instrumento muy útil que ayuda a las parejas en su preparación al matrimonio ofreciéndoles la oportunidad de reflexionar juntos en las diferentes áreas de su vida y en la profundidad del sacramento del matrimonio. Para registrarse por favor llame a la Oficina del Departamento de Ministerio de Familia y Matrimonio hispano al 609-403-7151. El costo es $150 por pareja. CORRESPONSABILIDAD DE OFRENDA El total colectado en las misas hispanas el pasado fin de semana del 19/19 de octubre fue $4,130.00. El detalle de la colecta se encuentra en la página 9 del boletín. Por favor recuerden hacer uso de sus sobres de ofrenda, es la mejor manera de llevar la cuenta de sus ofrendas familiares. ¡Mil gracias por su generosidad! Page Eight 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 594 WORSHIP SCHEDULE THURSDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2014 SATURDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2014 3:00 PM (SJC) Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation 12:15 PM (SJC) John S. Chester Jr. * Janice C. Swierczek 4:00 PM (SJC) Erminia Stia * Julie Barnila English Mary Gervasio * Daughter, Ginny English Josephine Scartocci * Sandy Minelli FRIDAY, 31 OCTOBER 2014 Anna Iole Faraglia * Mario Zapiccitti 12:15 PM (SJC) Theodore & Amedea Angelini * 5:15 PM (SJC) Sacramento de Penitencia & Reconciliación English Daughter Mary 6:30 PM (SJC) Maria DeMarco * Robin & Nick Ferri Stephen Kovacs * Mary King Spanish Josephine Romano * Melissa Crawford SATURDAY, 01 NOVEMBER 2014 ALL SAINTS DAY Sergio Velasquez * Familia Soto 9:00AM (SJC) Solemnity of All Saints SUNDAY, 26 OCTOBER 2014 Bilingual Carlo Benedetti * Lorraine Lee 8:00 AM (SJC) Carmelo Amantia * Frank Masullo Stephen Kovacs * Ed & Jo Bogacz Spanish Feligreses, ex alumnos, amigos y Amelda Murray * Antoinette Doherty Benefactores vivos y fallecidos de 3:00 PM (SJC) Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation nuestra parroquia 4:00 PM (SJC) Frank Santitore * Wife Norma John & Anne Gottlieb * Parish English Josephine Scartocci * Phyllis Amodio 9:30 AM (ICC) Ida A. Angelini * N. Angelini & Sons Goldy Argenti * Dorothy Parno English Else & Egon Neubacher * 5:15 PM (SJC) Sacramento de Penitencia & Reconciliación Pollich Family 6:30 PM (SJC) Hugo Cornelio Rivas * Sus hermanos Joseph De Marco * Sandy Minelli Spanish Dolores Henry * 11:00 AM (SJC) Erminia M. DeLorenzo Stia * Mr. & Mrs. Albert Carmignani English Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pege SUNDAY, 02 NOVEMBER 2014 ALL SOULS DAY Carlo Benedetti * 8:00 AM (SJC) Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos Mr. & Mrs. Henry Babecki Spanish The Wagner Family * Parish Adaline Carnevale * Sandy Minelli 12:15 PM (ICC) Sarah Barnwell * 9:30 AM (ICC) Commemoration of the Faithful Departed Spanish Anthony & Valerie Levid English Barbiero & Pagnani Families * María Cristina Monge * Dee Pagnani Su Hija Patricia Monge Rose Bolino * Pollich Family Adelida Vivar * Sus nietos Maria DeMarco * Lucy James Padre Ignacio Larrañaga * 11:00 AM (SJC) Commemoration of the Faithful Departed Grupo Talleres de oración English Paul & Sestilia Pontani * MONDAY, 27 OCTOBER 2014 Mary Pontani & Children 12:15 PM (SJC) Mary Pagano * Rosa Amodio Kathie Foggia * Mother Kay Roskai English Lillian Docie * Emilia, Haley & Frank Lino Creo * Mom & Dad TUESDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2014 12:15 PM (ICC) Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos 12:15 PM (SJC) Anna Yole Faraglia * En Agradecimiento a Todos Los Spanish English Mr. & Mrs. Al Tallone Santos Difuntos * Rosa Castellanos Josephine Radice * Clara & Ben Gioe María Cristina Monge* WEDNESDAY, 29 OCTOBER 2014 Su Hija Patricia Monge 12:15 PM (SJC) Michael Mazzatelli * Daughter Feligreses, ex alumnos, amigos y English Helen Potenzone * Benefactores vivos y fallecidos de Marie Silvestro & Family nuestra parroquia SANCTUARY LAMP (SJC) In Loving Memory of Theodore & Amadea Angelini Requested by: Daughter, Mary (ICC) No intention requested for the week of October 26th JOIN US! Anyone who regularly worships with our parish community we invite you to register to become a new member of Our Lady of the Angels. Please contact the Parish Office 695-6089. Tell the heavens and earth to celebrate and sing! Command every mountain to join in song! 594 26 October 2014 Page Nine STEWARDSHIP… A Way of Life Sharing Our Treasure 18/19 October Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship Offering $10,898.00 Masses in English $6,768.00 Masses in Spanish $4,130.00 Parish Pay Contributions (22) $2,465.00 Envelope Contributions $6,386.00 Youth envelopes $97.00 Loose Money collected $1,950.00 Number Registered Households 1,138 Families Number Using Envelopes Last Week 408 Families $20.58 Average Envelope Contribution Candle offerings $368.00 Poor box offerings $92.00 LINEN SCHEDULE Lucille Gargione Please pick up linens by Friday, 31 October. Sanctuary Guild Cleaning Group # 5 Saturday, 1 November Lola Rossi—Sacristan, Rita Capone, Cheryl Baron, Collen DeBlois, Theresa Naprawa, Lisa Bronski Last weekend our second collection for World Mission Sunday was $3,332.00. Thank You for your generosity. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE PROGRAMACIÓN DE MINISTROS, LECTORES Y MINISTROS Day/Date/Time/Place Ritual Occasion Readers Precious Body Precious Blood Día/Fecha/Hora/Lugar Celebración Lectores Cuerpo de Cristo Sangre de Cristo Sat, 1 Nov 9:00AM SJC Sab, 1 de nov 9:00AM SJC Solemn Mass Bilingual Misa Solemne Bilingüe Solemnity of All Saints Altar Servers Monaguillos M. Tancredi M. Paz Duarte Celebrant I Deacon G. Persichilli J. Pege C. Carabelli A. Barnila J. Foley J. De Marco Sat, 1 Nov 4:00pm SJC Sab, 1 nov 4:00pm SJC P. Donini M. Peroni Celebrant I Deacon L. Bronski S. Minelli R. Ponticiello (CM) P. Baron L. Baron Sat, 1 Nov 6:30pm SJC Sab, 1 nov 6:30pm SJC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español R. Fernández M. Recinos Celebrante I R. Barrera Diácono I A. Ramírez M. Barrera C. Mateo A. Sun, 2 Nov 8:00am SJC Dom, 2 de nov 8:00am SJC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español Misa de Conmemoración Solemnidad de Todos los Santos Commemoration of the Faithful Departed Sun, 2 Nov 9:30am ICC Dom, 2 de nov 9:30am ICC Mass of Commemoration Sun, 2 Nov 11:00am SJC Dom, 2 de nov 11:00am SJC Readings in Italian/Lecturas en Italiano Mass of Commemoration Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos Sun, 2 Nov 12:15pm ICC Dom, 2 de nov 12:15pm ICC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español Misa de Conmemoración Cambronero D. Ramos A. Vicente G. Lopez H. Linton Celebrante I G. Torres Diácono I G. Linton E. Ramirez C. Ortiz M. Calvo N. Linton M. Escamilla J. Swierczek M. Karpowicz Celebrant I Deacon I C. Candelori R. Castaldo E. Schmidt K. Schmidt F. Berson G. Cenerino K. Martinez B. Rodriguez A. Pantaleoni F. Gargione Celebrant I Deacon I G. Del Aversano B. Gioe C. Gioe M. Rubino G. Funez M. Albarran J. ReyesGonzález Celebrante I J. Rivas Diácono I R. Rivera R. Hernandez R. Mora E. De León M. Ovalle J. Abarca B. Garro A. Garro M. Chávez Page Ten 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time PARKING AT IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH If you attend mass at ICC, we remind you there is an ample parking lot entering from Division St with an easy access to the side ramp entrance. Please use this parking lot instead to allow visitors to park in the Chestnut Avenue one. Thank you for your support and collaboration. CONTINUING IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF OUR FOREBEARS OCTOBER 5 - 15, 2015 VISITING: VENICE, PADUA, FLORENCE, SPOLETO, ROME Package includes; Round trip airfare to Venice return from Rome, 10 nights first class accommodations, breakfast daily, 6 dinners , Sightseeing with English speaking Tour guide via air-conditioned motor coach. Some of the place included are the Shrine of Saint Anthony of Padua, St Lucy Filippini, and Papal Audience with Pope Francis. For Additional information, contact: Karla Rhodes @ 609-577-2715 or Email at [email protected]. LOVING LIFE LOGO CONTEST 2015 Loving Life Logo Contest - Calling All High School Students – Here’s your chance to compete to win an Apple MacBook! Here’s the challenge: use your own unique artistic and creative skills to design a pro-life logo for Loving Life 2015. The logo can be computer generated or hand drawn. Most importantly, the logo should reflect your understanding of how we show respect for God’s gift of life. Your logo can be submitted electronically or by mail and must include a signed release. The contest is open to all high school students living in or attending school in the Diocese of Trenton. The five finalist logos will be posted on, and the contest winner will be chosen by the number of votes received on the website. The winning logo will be displayed on Diocesan respect life promotions. The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2014. Please see: for contest rules or contact Donna Goodwin at 609403-7192 or [email protected]. 594 WHY GOD ALLOWS PAIN This is one of the best explanations of why God allows pain and suffering that I have seen... A man goes into a barbershop to have his hair cut and get a shave. As the barber began his work, they began to have a good conversation. They were talking about so many different things and topics. Then they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists. "Why do you say that?" asked the customer. "Well, you just have to go out on the street to see that God does not exist. Tell me, if God exists would there be so many sick people?, would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be no suffering or pain. I can't imagine how a loving God would allow such things.” The customer thought for a while, but didn't respond as he did not want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the shop, he saw a man on the street with long, dirty, stringy hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt. The customer went back into the barbershop and said: “You know, barbers don't exist.” "How can you say that? I'm a barber and I just worked on you!”, said the barber. "No!", the customer exclaimed. "Barber's don't exist, because if they did, there would be no people with long dirty hair and untrimmed beards, like the guy outside your shop." "Ah, but barbers do exist! That's what happens when people do not come to me", said the barber. "Exactly!", said the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! That's what happens when people don't look to Him for help. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world." Join us in facebook 594 26 October 2014 Page Eleven OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS PARISH ORGANIZATION NEWS OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS PARISH COMMUNITY NEWS LADIES OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Next Corp. Comm. will be on Sunday, 2 November at 9:30AM Mass ICC. NEW SEPARATED AND DIVORCED SUPPORT GROUP - HEALING HEARTS Healing Hearts Support Group is for adults that are affected by the pain of separation and divorce. I am pleased to announce our new session which will cover topics such as stress, anger, blame, guilt forgiveness, annulment, spirituality and much more. Divorce and Beyond will begin on Thursday, October 30th from 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM, at St. Veronica’s School Library, Howell, NJ. Registration and a small fee ($15.00) are required for those attending the program. This small fee will include participant book, journal, pen, and beverages. Participants in this program will experience hope and healing simply by listening and sharing experiences and insights with others. Please contact Maria at 732-363-5698 or email [email protected] for additional information or directions. Pre-registration and prepayment for materials is required. Space is limited. SENIOR CITIZENS: Bus to Atlantic City will be on Monday, 17 November at Resorts Casino. Cost $30.00, return of $25.00 in slot play. Call Lucille at 609-396-6918. SANCTUARY GUILD: Corp. Communion Sunday 16 November. HOLY NAME SOCIETY: Corp. Communion taking place during 9:30AM ICC Mass on Sunday, 9 Novermber. Final raffle ticket sales following weekend masses of 8-9 November: 4PM SJC (Saturday, 8 November), 9:30AM ICC and 11AM SJC (Sunday, 9 November). Drawing of three winning tickets on Friday, 21 November. CYO OF MERCER COUNTY HALL BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME DINNER CYO Basketball Hall of Fame Dinner and Awards Banquet Sunday, November 16, 2014 starting at 3:00 at the Nottingham Ballroom in Hamilton. 19 individuals being inducted into coach, referee, player, and special contributor category. For more information contact Patrick Hardiman at (609) 5854280 x102. Or via e-mail at [email protected] Madison Avenue is coming to Leonard Avenue, as the GAA (Girls Athletic Association) presents the Third Annual Iron Mike Alumni Association Fashion Show and Luncheon on Sunday, November 9, at 1:00 pm. Featuring men’s, women’s and children’s fashions from Lord & Taylor, models will include alumni, their children and current Trenton Catholic Academy students. Last year’s show was a sellout. Advance tickets are $25 ($30 at the door), and includes a full luncheon and gift auction. For information and tickets, call 609-586-3705, x135, and visit the Facebook page “Iron Mike Turns 50.” CATHOLIC TV The Catholic TV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available to cable and satellite providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful resource to the people of our area and the entire nation. To help, simply visit as an easy way to petition your cable or satellite provider. If you are unable to access the internet please follow up with postcard or letter to your provider. Remember the address: CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE ALL SOULS DAY MASS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD, 2014 10:00AM St. Mary's Cemetery & Mausoleum Bldg. "A" 1200 Cedar Lane, Hamilton NJ 08610 Celebrant: Msgr. James H. Dubell Please enter the cemetery thru the Olden Ave. Gate. Vizzoni Pharmacy, L.L.C. now has 3 locations to serve you! Vizzoni’s Pharmacy 1616 S. Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08610 Phone: 609-394-5784 Allentown Pharmacy 2 S. Main St. Allentown, NJ 08501 Phone: 609-259-6121 Siegel’s Pharmacy 1201 S. Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08610 Phone: 609-394-8111 Whitehorse Merceville Chapel, LLC Chambers D’Errico & Correnti Funeral Home Joseph A. D’Errico, Mgr. - NJ Lic. No. 3651 2365 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd., Hamilton Joseph A. D’Errico, Dir. NJ Lic. No 3651 Albert D. Correnti, Jr., Mgr. NJ Lic. No. 3538 609-587-9050 825 Chambers Street • Trenton, NJ 08611 • 609-396-3354 Esmeralda’s BRENNA FUNERAL HOME Fashions Sport The Original Since 1929 340 Hamilton Avenue 609-393-2857 Daniel Brenna Founder Frank M. Immordino Owner-Manager, N Lic. No. 3673 609.599.9301 CHIACCHIO Southview Funeral Home Vestidos para Todas las Ocasiones: 10% 990 South Broad Street David C. Chiacchio, Mgr. DESCUENTO 1127 S. Clinton Trenton, NJ 08611 N.J. Lic. No. 3449 Modest Cost / Parking SINCE 1977 609-695-8234 224 WOODLAND ST TRENTON NJ 08611 LIC# 13VH00282500 GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 GUTTER DOCTO RX Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or ofce. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 396-4686 609-278-0026 325 Jersey Street Trenton, NJ 08611 Tel: 609.394.3400 A family approach to Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Care Up to 7 days a week short term rehab including Physical, Occupational and Speech therapies post hospitalization Some of our meical specialties include Cardiac, Orthopedic, Respiratory and Post-Surgical Care Admissions accepted 24/7 Please stop by anytime or call to schedule a tour Jardineria/Vivero Se necesitan trabajadores de estacion para trabajar en un vivero. Trabajo al aire libre a tiempo completo. Varias funciones de trabajo: Podado, envios, irrigación, siembra aplicación de pesticidas. Si eres bilingüe y tienes experiencia en jardineria o en el trabajo en un vivero, aun mejor. Para mas información contacta a Medford Nursery al (609) 280-5969 o aplica en persona en nuestras ocinas 560A Eayrestown Rd., Lumberton, NJ 08048 311 Chestnut Avenue, Trenton Toni Gruerio, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 2634 393-4966 Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 202 Edgehill Road • Merion Station, PA 19066 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF 20% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Check out our reviews on: 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair John W. Berkenkopf, RPh EPISCOPO’S PHARMACY 393-3017 • All Major Prescription Plans • Visa-Mastercard-MAC-Discover • Free Delivery Licensed & Insured 1.866.264.8444 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major re hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Also available FRANCISCAN MISSION ASSOCIATION Mass Cards. CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT Our Family Caring for Your Family 1125 CHAMBERS STREET Buklad Memorial Home 2141 South Broad Street • Trenton Christopher Merlino, Manager/Director, N.J. Lic. #4079 • Kenneth E. Moore, Sole Owner / Director, N.J. Lic. #3412 609-695-1868 Buklad Yardville Memorial Chapel 30 Yardville - Allentown Road • Yardville Buklad Memorial Homes, Inc. 594 Our Lady of the Angels ~ Trenton, NJ ~ Rt. Tr Kenneth E. Moore, Sole Owner / Manager, N.J. Lic. #3412 Christopher Merlino, Director, N.J. Lic. #4079 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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