PARISH STAFF - Ascension Catholic Church

Fr. Angelo Te, x11
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar
Sat 12/20:
Sun 12/21:
Fr. Moises Leal-González, x19
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Veronica Aguilar, x13
[email protected]
Business Manager
Linda Royal, x12
[email protected]
Care Ministry
Melanie van der Veen, x14
Mon 12/22:
Tues 12/23:
Wed 12/24:
Hispanic Ministry-Ministerio Hispano
Maria Solis, Director, x17
[email protected]
Maintenance Supervisor
Thur 12/25:
Fri 12/26:
Paulo Gomez, x20
Sat 12/27:
Music Ministry
Sun 12/28:
Sr. Celeste Clavel, OSF, Music Director, x18
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate
Sharon Grigar, x21
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Mon 12/29:
Tues 12/30:
Wed 12/31:
Sandy Martinez & Kim Petros, x16
[email protected]
Thur 1/1:
Fri 1/2:
Elizabeth (Ely) Guerrero
Only for emergencies requiring an anointing
(for example is someone is near death and requires
anointing of the sick.)
Closed Fridays
9:00am - 3:00pm – Monday through Thursday
Alcohol and Drug Youth Line: 503-244-1611
Archdiocese Director of Child Protection
(Cathy Shannon): 503-233-8302
Franciscan Province Pastoral Outreach Coordinator:
(Angelica Jochim, MFT) 1-800-770-8013
Hispanic Hotline: 503-669-8350
Portland Women’s Crisis Line: 503-235-5333 SafeNet (clergy
abuse survivor’s alliance): 650-588-2665Clergy Abuse Survivor
Advocate, Elizabeth Goeke, M.ED, [email protected],
Sat 1/3:
Sun 1/4:
Mon 1/5:
Tues 1/6:
Wed 1/7:
Thur 1/8:
Fri 1/9:
Sat 1/10:
Sun 1/11:
Youth Choir Practice-Spanish
Spanish Mass
Posada Navideña
Sunday School
Spanish Choir Practice
Children’s Choir & Nativity Practice
Middle School Youth Group
Spanish Mass
Posada Navideña
Posada Navideña
Altar Service Training & Pizza Party
Posada Navideña
Family Christmas Mass
Spanish Mass
Midnight English Mass
Christmas - Parish Office Closed
English Mass
Parish Office Closed
Spanish Mass
Spanish Choir Practice
Spanish Mass
Mary, The Holy Mother of God- Parish Office Closed
English Mass
Spanish Mass
Parish Office Closed
Men’s Group
Spanish Mass
Spanish Choir Practice
High School Youth Group
Spanish Mass
1st Communion Classes-Span
Couple’s Group
Choir Rehearsal
Women’s Group
Parish Office Closed
*10:00am Youth Choir Practice
Spanish Mass
Sunday School
Spanish Choir Practice
Confirmation Class
Spanish Mass
Welcome to Ascension Parish!
If you would like information on becoming a member of this parish community,
please visit the hospitality table on the third weekend of the month.
December 21st, 2014
December 28, 2014
Reading I: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16
Reading II: Romans 16:25-27
Gospel: Luke 126-38
Reading I: Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14
Reading II: Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Colossians 3:12-21
Gospel: Luke 2:22-40
January 4t, 2015
Reading I: 1 Isaiah 60:1-6
Reading II: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6
Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12
Christmas Mass Schedule
December 24:
4:00pm Family Mass with Children’s Choir
7:30pm Spanish Mass
Midnight Mass with Adult choir
Come early to Midnight Mass and enjoy the
caroling! The choir will begin at 11:25 p.m.
December 25:
9:30am Mass with Adult Choir
Mary, the Holy Mother of God
Mass Schedule
(No vigil Masses)
January 1:
9:30am English Mass
12:30pm Spanish Mass
For the past four weeks, we spent the
beginning of the liturgical year in a more
reflective and penitential disposition during
advent. Now, we finally come to the celebration
of the birth of our Lord in the season of Christmas. I know
this is a joyous yet also a busy time for all of us. I hope we
are still able to continue to recognize the reason for our
celebration. Below are some questions and insights to help us
grow in our understanding of this wonderful feast.
Merry Christmas to our Parishioners
In gratitude for your participation in the life of
Ascension Parish, we have a gift for you!
Each registered family will receive a complimentary
copy of the inspiring book:
Rediscovering Catholicism
written by Matthew Kelly.
We hope you will read and enjoy!
Books are available to pick up after Mass this
weekend and the weekend of January 3rd and 4th.
We need to answer the same question as the Christians in
the 4th century: “Who is Jesus Christ? Who is Jesus Christ
for you?
Christmas is fundamentally a feast of the manifestation of
God. Seeing and holding the invisible God. For us, Jesus
came so we can be drawn into the Trinity. It’s a call to
personal holiness; Christ became flesh, he sanctified the
Christmas is the feast of God’s expression of Divine love.
The incarnation theologically forces us to look at Christian
anthropology. The apex of creation is the majestic reality of
the human being. The profundity of Christmas is love and
respect for every human person. Every human being is
called to return to the Father. Christmas calls us out of
selfishness to love.
Christmas is the beginning of what we’ve been considering
the Paschal mystery. The great feast days (Easter triduum)
begin with Christmas. Christmas makes no theological or
spiritual sense outside this context.
Christmas is a feast of today. Christ becomes present in his
mysteries. Christ is reborn in our church and our world.
Christmas is a renewal event because it’s the coming of the
mystery of salvation. Christmas calls us all to conversion
and communion. To love in real order.
I wish you all a joyful and faith-filled celebration of
Christmas that hopefully starts off our new year in the right
direction. You will be in my prayers as I celebrate masses in
the Philippines for the next three weeks of my vacation time
with my family.
~Fr. Angelo
Melanie van der Veen &
Peggy Farrell x14
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015
from the Ascension Care Ministry team.
Sat. December 20
+Sam Piro
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Sun. December 21
+Donna Diericks
All Parishioners
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Tuesday, December 23
Communion Service at Courtyard - 10:30am
Tuesday, January 6
Mass at Cherrywood – 10:00am
In thanks giving for the life of: Esperanza Campos and Irene Fink.
Ill parishioners and family members: Allan Acker, Janet Adolf,
Ana Angel, Delfina Arenas Galindo, Baby Sophie, Ellie Mae
Blackmon, June Burke, Sr. Carol Carter, Stan Clattenburg, Vi
Costanzo, Kim Cox, Elvis Gutierrez Cuevas, Fatima Gutierrez Cuevas,
Sarah DeCarlo, Lexie delos Reyes, Ron Dove, Margaret Dupree,
Phillis Farrelly, Sara Flores, Victoria George, Madelyn Goucher,
Rueben Guerrera, Paul Guerrero, Linda Heller, Alfredo Fuerte
Hernandez, Chloe Hess, William Highfield, Ken Hobson, Zita Howell,
Linda Johnson, Larry Laws, Patti Lind, Maureen Lundquist, Mary
Marino, Dan McCormick, Bernie McDonnell, Jessenia Mendoza,
Dorothy Neelan, Antonio Nerio, Shelly Oglesby, Hector Olave, Helen
Orico, Patricia Pierie, Kathleen Pierie, Ricardo Portillo, Helen
Quirino, Nizha Rask, Ron Richard, Jose Salazar, Atanacia Salto
Sanchez, Sherry Santor, George Schall, June Schmeer, Nancy
Scuderi, Chiara Severino, Tim Smith, Dave Smith, Donald Southard,
Kathy Suter, Beth Traxler, Celia Valle, Pete Viviano, Sr. Katie
Wagner, and Margaret Zywicki.
If you know of someone in our community
in need of our presence or prayers, please give us a call.
Baptism Preparation Class. Our next class will be
Sunday, January 4 at 11:45am in the St. Clare Rm.
Please register in advance by contacting Sharon Grigar.
Baptisms will be celebrated on Sunday, January 10th at the
10:30am Mass.
Mon. December 22
Tues. December 23
Wed. December 24
Thurs. December 25
Fri. December 26
Sat. December 27
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Sun. December 28
All Parishioners
+Irene Fink
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Mon. December 29
Tues. December 30
Wed. December 31
Thurs. January 1
+Esperanza Campos
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
+John Scuderi
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Fri. January 2
Sat. January 3
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Sun. January 4
All Parishioners
+Irene Fink
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Mon. January 5
Tues. January 6
Wed. January 7
Thurs. January 8
Fri. January 9
Sat. January 10
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Sun. January 11
Ascension Choir will be taking part in the Epiphany Choir
Fest that benefits Human Solutions’ Daybreak Shelter. Come
and enjoy music from the various churches that join us in
reaching out to families that stay in our shelter.
When: Sunday, January 11th 2015, Concert begins at 3:00pm
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
All Parishioners
+Irene Fink
Por los Miembros de la Ascensión
Altar Server Training & Christmas Party
Where: Gethsemane Lutheran Church , 1560 SE Market St.
“We can certainly call you friends because of the way you care
for our retired members,” writes a religious brother. Your gift to
last week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious
benefits some 35,000 senior sisters, brothers, and religious order
priests. May God bless you for your generosity!
Tuesday, December 23 at 6pm in the church
followed by pizza party in the Conference Room
This is for ALL Altar Servers (experienced and new).
Please make every effort to attend
this important event.
Adult Faith Formation
Contact Person: Sharon Grigar x21
Angels and Shepherds Practice
for Christmas Eve Family Mass @ 4pm
Sunday, December 21 at 11:45.
1st Grade to 8th Grade
Children’s Christmas Choir:
Practice Sunday, December 21
from 11:45am to 12:30pm
and Tuesday, December 23.
Winter Sunday School Class Schedule:
December 21 - Class
December 28 & January 4 – No Class
January 11 -Class
A huge thank you to the following people who helped
with welcoming guests to our shelter: Steve Lindbeck,
Tully Alford, Anita Trachsel, Sharon Grigar, Josh
Taylor, Florence Dezeix, Rosario Flores, Carmen, Ed
Cooke, Dolores Emmenegger, Diane and Sam Kaiel,
Michael and Kris Sonnleitner, Paulo Gomez, David and Maria Card,
Marylee Stahl, Cheryl Bela, Melanie van derVeen, Helen Quirino,
Michael Gray, Heidi Moses, Peggy Farrell, Phuong and Hoa Nguyen,
Diana Jenness, Dona VanGorder, Jean and Dick Halton, Gabriela
and Alex M. and to anyone who jumped in and helped in any way
you are much appreciated. We will be welcoming guests once
again the week of February 8th, 2015.
Inclement Weather Policy
In case of severe weather:
Please note that we follow the Portland Public School Cancellation
Policy during the week. If Portland Public Schools are closed, our office
will also be closed, and meetings will be canceled that evening. You
may call individual office extensions for specific cancellation notices.
Weekend Masses will be held as usual. Please use prudence before
deciding to venture out in inclement weather.
Social Concerns Ministry
Our mission is to inspire and support our parish in living out our
baptismal call, integrating Catholic Social Teaching in our community
and promoting the dignity of life.
The Traveling Crib will be coming to Ascension Parish for the
month of January. The Crib will be here to collect baby items
and maternity supplies for clients receiving services from
Catholic Charities’ Pregnancy Support. By donating, you are
supporting women faced with an unplanned pregnancy, who
are saying “yes” to new life.
Putting an End to Racism
There have been many recent troubling events involving racism in our
news. As a parish, let us respond.
Let us learn about the root causes of racism and what we can do as
individuals and as a parish.
Video and Discussion Series:
Sundays from noon to 1:15
January 11th, 18th, and 25th
St. Clare Room
Women’s Group
Gatherings are on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays @ 7pm.
Join us on Thursday, January 8 as we continue a video and discussion
series by Fr. Robert Barron/Word on Fire:
The New Evangelization
“The Catholic Faith is not about myths or legends, symbols or literary devices.
It’s about an encounter so overwhelming that you want to tell the whole world,
It is an encounter with Jesus Christ. Throughout history, the call of Christ has
sent people to the corners of the earth with a message of great joy – a message
that has built civilizations, inspired cultures and even sent some believers to
prison and others to their graves. We have the same call. That is
Men’s Group
Meets the first Saturday morning of each month at 9:30am.
Ascension Youth Ministry
Sandy Martínez & Kim Petros
Sandy and I are very excited to be working with all of you!
We are urging all young people to attend our meetings, so
that we can hear your voice and plan for what you want
out of your Ascension Youth Group. Soon we will be
available on most social media. We will keep you posted!
Last week our Confirmation class focused on the concept of
joy and happiness, much like how Fr. Angelo’s homily
spoke to us at our December Youth Mass. It was a pleasure
to have Fr. Angelo participate in the activities this past
weekend and his questions continue to stump our youth.
Starbucks seems to be a motivating factor!
We are looking forward to the Middle School Group on
December 21st at 11:45 in San Damiano Hall. We will
be making cookies and of course we will have pizza!
Classes will resume again in the New Year!
High School Youth Group is Sunday, January 4th at
11:45 and Confirmation class is on Sunday, January
11th at 11:45 in San Damiano Hall following our January
Youth Mass.
And finally if any parishioners are interested in donating
Starbucks gift cards in increments of $10, it would be
greatly appreciated. They can be purchased at our SCRIP
table in the sub-vestibule.
Any questions or concerns, please contact us:
Sandy or Kim at 503 256 3897 ext. 16 or email
[email protected].
Cuarto Domingo de Adviento
La Sagrada Familia de Jesús, Maria y Jose
Epifanía del Señor
Misa en Español
Sábado - 7:00pm
Domingo - 12:30pm
Hace cuatro semanas comenzamos un nuevo año
litúrgico de una manera más penitencial y llenos
de reflexión para disponernos a recibir a la
temporada de adviento. Ahora por fin estamos
celebrando la espera del nacimiento de nuestro Señor en la
temporada navideña. Entiendo que esta es una temporada llena
de alegría pero al mismo tiempo llena de tareas para todos
nosotros. Les invito a que sigan reconociendo la razón
principal de esta celebración. Aquí les presento algunas
preguntas y pensamientos para ayudarnos en nuestro
crecimiento y entendimiento de esta maravillosa fiesta:
Misa Bilingüe
Miércoles - 6:15pm
Horario de Oficina
De lunes a jueves de 9am a 3pm
(503) 256 3897
Sábados 3:30-4:30pm y con previa cita
Lunes y Miércoles - 5pm
Escuela San Andrés-Clases de Evangelización:
Jueves - 7pm.
Hora Santa:
Primer viernes del mes- 7pm.
Misa de Sanación:
Tercer viernes del mes - 7pm.
Asamblea de Oración:
Segundo y cuarto viernes - 7pm.
“Ciertamente les podemos llamar amigos por la manera en que
cuidan a nuestros miembros jubilados”, escribe un hermano
religioso. Su donativo a la colecta de la semana pasada al Fondo
para la Jubilacion de Religiosos ayuda a cerca de 35,000
hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes en la tercera edad de ordenes
religiosas. ¡Que Dios los bendiga por su generosidad!
Necesitamos preguntarnos la misma pregunta que todos
los cristianos del siglo 4: ¿Quién es Jesucristo? ¿Quién
es Jesucristo para mí?
Navidad es fundamentalmente la fiesta de la
manifestación de Dios. Ver y tocar a un Dios invisible.
Para nosotros, Jesús viene para acercarnos más a la
Divina Providencia. Es un llamado de santidad personal;
Cristo se hizo carne, y santifico el cuerpo.
Navidad es una fiesta de la expresión el inmenso amor
que Dios tiene para nosotros.
La encarnación teológica nos fuerza a ver la antropología
Cristiana. La cumbre de la creación es la realidad
majestuosa del ser humano. La profundidad de Navidad
es el amor y el respeto a todo individuo. Todo ser
humano es llamado a regresar al Padre. Navidad nos
llama a salir del egoísmo y llenarnos de amor.
Navidad es el comienzo de lo que consideramos el
misterio pascual. Los días grandes de fiesta (el triduo
pascual) comienzan el dia de Navidad. La navidad no
llega a tener ningún sentido, espiritual o teológico, fuera
de este contexto.
Navidad es una fiesta de hoy. Cristo se hace presente en
sus misterios. Cristo vuelve a nacer en nuestra iglesia y
en nuestro mundo. Navidad es una época de renovación
porque es la llegada del misterio de salvación. Navidad
nos invita a la conversión y a la comunión. El amar en un
orden real.
Les deseo que esta navidad sea una celebración alegre y llena
de fe, y que les permita comenzar el nuevo año en la dirección
correcta. Estarán en mis oraciones las tres próximas semanas
cuando celebre misas en la Filipinas donde pasare mis
vacaciones con mi familia.
Que Dios los bendiga.
~Padre Angelo
Entrenamiento y Fiesta Navideña
Para Acólitos y Servidores
Martes, 23 de diciembre, 6pm
En la iglesia para seguir con un convivio navideño
en el salón de Conferencias
Se requiere la presencia de todos los acólitos y
servidores (nuevos y con experiencia).
Gracias a todos los ministerios que participaron en las
posadas, y a los papas de los niños del catecismo. Les
deseo que tengan una Feliz Navidad y un próspero Año
Nuevo. Que el Señor los llene de muchas bendiciones.
~Maria Solis, Directoria del Ministerio Hispano
Para todos los papas que tienen sus niños en el catecismo
se les avisa que no tendremos clases por los siguientes
dos martes: diciembre 23 y diciembre 30, 2014.
Regresamos a clases el 6 de enero, 2015. Espero que
tengan unas bonitas fiestas navideñas, que esperen el
nuevo año con mucha alegría y que sea un año lleno de
~Maria Solis
La Iglesia de Ascensión le invita a un evento
parroquial, empezando con un concierto con Koren y
Jessica (líderes de nuestro coro de la Misa en español
los sábados a las 7pm), siguiendo con la Hora Santa
por el Padre Armando que viene desde California,
para terminar con una Posada Navideña.
Domingo, 21 de diciembre
comenzando a las 4:00pm.
Evento Totalmente Gratuito.
Koren y Jessica estarán presentando su nuevo disco.
Si necesita más información puede llamar a los
teléfonos 503-830-6874 & 503-810-9432.
Ministros de Jóvenes:
Sandy Martínez y Kim Petros
503-256-3897, ext.16
[email protected]
Grupo de Jóvenes en la secundaria
Domingos de 11:45am a 1:15pm
Domingo, 21 de diciembre
Domingo, 18 de enero
Grupo de Jóvenes en la preparatoria
Miércoles, 24 de diciembre, Noche Buena:
4:00pm – Misa Familiar con el Coro de Niños en Ingles
7:30pm – Misa en Español
Misa de Medianoche con el Coro de Adultos en Ingles,
(el coro comenzara a cantar villancicos navideños en
ingles desde las 11:25pm)
Jueves, 25 de diciembre, Navidad
9:30am Misa con el Coro de Adultos en Ingles
Jueves, 1 de enero, Santa Maria Madre de Dios
9:30am – Misa en Ingles
12:30pm – Misa en Español
Ministerio de Preocupaciones Sociales
La Cuna Viajera, estará aquí en nuestra parroquia
durante el mes de enero.
Podrás depositar tus
donaciones de artículos para bebe y de maternidad
dentro de la cuna.
Este es un programa del Departamento de Maternidad de
Caridades Católicas. Al donar estas ayudando a futuras mamás
enfrentando embarazos no deseados que han decidido decir si
a la bendición de ser madres y a dar a luz a una nueva vida.
Para todas las personas que ya se registraron para los
bautizos el 3 de Enero el bautizo será a las 10:30am. Por
favor les pido lleguen temprano.
Los próximos bautizos serán el 7 de febrero a las 10:30am.
Si están interesados en bautizar para esa fecha por favor de
registrarse con tiempo, puede llamar o venir durante las
horas de oficina de lunes a jueves de 9:00am a 3:00pm,
recuerde que los viernes está cerrado.
Domingos de11:45am a 1:15pm
Domingo, 4 de enero
Domingo, 1 de febrero
Horario de Clases de Confirmación
Domingos de 11:45am a 1:15pm
en el salón San Damiano
Domingo, 11 de enero
En caso de malas condiciones climaticas:
Ascensión sigue las reglas de cancelación del distrito escolar de
Portland. Si las escuelas públicas de Portland se declaran
cerradas o retrasadas entonces lo mismo sucederá en la
parroquia, cancelando o retrasando nuestro horario de
oficina y juntas programada para ese día.
Por favor utiliza tu sentido común y no pongas en riesgo tu
vida ni la de tu familia al exponernos al peligro.