LaserCom Cover Sheet St. Mary - 513345 (661) 947-3306 Rocky Aranda St. Mary’s Catholic Church 1600 East Avenue R-4, Palmdale, CA 93550 Tel. 661-947-3306 • Fax 661-947-8687 Parish Office Hours Monday: 1:00PM-7:30PM, Tuesday-Friday: 8:00AM-12:00 noon, 1:00PM-7:30PM, Saturday: 8:00AM-12:00 noon, 1:00-3:00PM Pastor: Monsignor Stephen Downes [email protected] Associate: Fr. Ed Garcia Associate: Fr. Chris Bazyouros Deacon: Elvys Perez In Residence: Fr. Tomas White [email protected] Associate: Fr. Loji Pilones [email protected] [email protected] Deacon: Ed Caputo [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] St. Mary’s School 273-5555 [email protected] Office of Religious Education 273-5554, FAX: 273-5525 [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 AM-3:00PM Office Hours: Mon-Wed: 1PM-7:30PM, Thursday: 8AM-4PM Summer schedule from June-August, see inside Bulletin Youth Ministry/Confirmation 273-5554 ext.222 Sunday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misa Saturday Evening Vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM Misas en Español: Sabado 7:30 PM Domingo 12:30 Mediodia y 2:30 PM Confessions/Confesiones Saturday 3:30PM - 5:00PM & 6:30PM until 6:45PM Sabado 3:30 PM-5:00 PM y 6:30 PM hasta las 6:45 PM ———————————————– Weekday Masses/Misa Durante la Semana Devotions/Devociones Monday Through Friday: 6:30 AM and 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 before 8:30 AM Mass Adoration/Adoración: Wed. 6 PM-7 PM Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: Wed. 7 PM Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday, 6:00 PM Rosary: after the 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM daily Mass Right to Life Rosary: Friday 12:00 noon Cenacle of Prayer for Vocations: Monday 9 AM Holy Days /Dias Santos Vigil Mass~7:30 PM (English)~Vigilia Misa Ingles 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 6:30 PM are all in English and 7:45 PM (Spanish) Lake Los Angeles Mission At Lake Los Angeles School 16310 East Avenue Q Contact Karen Bateman: 274-2272 Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM (Bilingual) Our Lady of the Desert Mission 35647 87th St. East Littlerock, CA 93543 Contact: 944-1406 Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM (Español) 10:30 AM (English) Adoration/Confession: Fri./Viernes: 7-8 PM Acton Mission At High Desert Jr. High School 3620 Antelope Woods Road Contact: Irene Mullins 818-439-3960 Sunday Mass 8:30 AM (English) Page 2 St. Mary’s Catholic Church Un Mensaje De Nuestro Pastor, A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR, FATHER STEVE PADRE STEVE (Rev. Monsignor Stephen N. Downes, Pastor) (Rev, Monsignor Stephen N. Downes, Pastor) E The birth of any child is a sign of hope, new life and blessing, of “God with us”, keeping his promises. But King Ahaz in today’s First Reading couldn’t see it that way. The Kingdom of Judah was being invaded and he was afraid that he was about to lose his kingdom. The prophet brings a message from God: the King’s new wife will have a child as a sign that God is with his people and the Kingdom will survive. Like King Ahaz, Joseph is deeply troubled in today’s Gospel. This man of faith has just learned that Mary, his espoused wife, is pregnant. But he is open to God’s Good News that this Child is from God and is God, Emmanuel, God with us, who will save his people from their sins. Joseph believes and responds in love and caring for Mary and her expectant Child. May we follow the example of Joseph and open our hearts to every child who comes and especially to Jesus born a Savior for us in Bethlehem! • “May you have a happy and blessed Christmas and a wonder ful New Year” is the hope and prayer of the priests and staff of St. Mary’s Parish. • The Christmas schedule of Masses will be found in today’s bulletin. Please note that there is no 7:30 PM Mass on Christmas Eve; that the Midnight Mass will begin at 11:00 PM with Carols beginning at 10:00 PM and on Christmas Day there will be no 2:30 PM or no 5:30 PM Masses. • There will be no 6:30 a.m. Mass this week. The 6:30 AM Mass will begin again on Monday, January 7th. • Masses on Tuesday, January 1st, New Year’s Day will be at 8:30 AM and 12 Noon (bilingual). • There will be a special second collection next Sunday, Holy Family Sunday, for the Antelope Valley Pregnancy Counsel ing Center & Women’s Clinic which exists to meet the needs of women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. Your generous donations in the second collection next Sunday will help provide alternatives to abortion and help women make a life affirming decision for themselves and their child. • † You are invited to help clean the Church each Monday from 12:00 to 3:00 PM. No registration, no commitment – just come and help care for God’s House. Scripture Readings for next Sunday (Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph) will be: Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14; Colossians 3:12-21; Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 El nacimiento de un niño es un signo de esperanza, de nueva vida y bendición de “Dios con nosotros”, man teniendo sus promesas. Pero el rey Ajaz en la Primera Lectura de hoy no lo vió así de ninguna manera. El reino de Judá estaba siendo invadido y él tenía miedo de perder sue se reino. El prfeta trae un mensaje de Dios: la nueva esposa del rey tendría un hijo como signo de que Dios está con su pueblo y que el reino sobrevivirá. Como el rey Ajaz, José se siente profundamente turbado en el Evangelio de hoy. Este hombre de fe, recientemente se había enterado de que María, su esposa estaba embarazada. Pero él estaba siempre atento a la Buena Nueva de que este Niño viene de Dios y es Dios, Emmanuel, Dios con nosotros, quien salará a su pueblo de sus pecados. José cree y responde con amor y cuidado hacia María y el esperado Niño. ¡Que sigamos el ejemplo de José y abramos nuestros corzones a cada niño que nace y especialmente a Jesús, nuestro Salvdor, nacido en Belén por nosostros! • “Que tengan todos una Navidad llena de bendiciones y un maravillosos Año Nuevo, es la esperanza y oración de los Sacerdotes y el personal de la Parroquia Santa María. • El horario completo para las Misas de Navidad está en el boletín de hoy. Por favor tenga en cuenta que no habrá Misa de 7:30 PM la Víspera de Navidad (24 de diciembre); que la Misa de Medianoche comenzará a las 11:00 PM y sera precedida por un repertorio de canciones navideñas que comenzará a las 10:00 PM, interpretadas por el coro que cantará esta Misa. y que el día de Navidad no habrá Misa de 2:30 ni de 5:30 PM • Esta semana no habrá MIsa de 6:30 AM. Esta comenzará de nuevo el lunes 7 de enero. • Las Misas el 1º de enero, Día de Año Nuevo, comenzarán a las 8:30 AM y 12:00 mediodía (bilingüe). • Habrá una colecta especial el próximo Domingo, Domingo de la Sangrada Familia, a beneficio del Centro de Consejería durante el Embarazo del Valle del Antílope y Clínica de la Mujer, que se encarga de atender las necesidades de las mujeres que se encuentran en crisis por sus embarazos. Sus generosas donaciones en la Segunda colecta el próximo Domingo ayudarán a proveer alternatives a quienes están considerando la posibilidad del aborto y les ayudarán a tomar una decision afirmativa de vida para ellas y sus bebés. † Las Lecturas de la Sagrada Escritura para el próximo Domingo (Domingo de la Sagrada Familia, Jesús, María y José) serán: Sirácide (Eclesiastés) 3: 2-6,12-14; Colosenses 3: 12-21; Mateo 2: 13-15, 19-23. Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 3 “I Was In Prison and You Came to Visit Me” “Estaba en Prisión y me Visitaron” Volunteers are needed to help with the Archdiocesan program “Get on the Bus”. This program provides breakfast, refreshments and coordination with bus transportation for children to visit their mothers and fathers in prison. If you would like to help with this ministry of service and mercy, please call Father Steve at 947-3306. Training will be provided on January 26th 2008 in La Canada Flintridge (near Pasadena). Se necesitan voluntarios para ayudar en el programa arquidiocesano “Súbete al Autobús”. Este programa prove desayunos, refrigerios y coordinación en la transportación en autobus para niños que visitan a su mama y su papa que están en la cárcel. Si usted desea ayudar con este ministerio de servicio y compasión, por favor llame al Padre Steve al 947-3306. Habrá una reunión para entrenamiento el 26 de enero en La cañada Flintridge (cerca de Pasadena). ANTELOPE VALLEY PREGNANCY COUNSELING CENTER CENTRO DE CONSEJERIA DURANTE EL EMBARAZO DEL VALLE DEL ANTILOPE. A special second collection will be taken up at all Masses in our parish on Holy Family Sunday, December 30th. The Antelope Valley Pregnancy Counseling Center and Women’s Clinic exist to meet the needs of women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. This is done in two primary ways. The Center provides a safe, confidential, loving and caring environment in which alternatives to abortion are provided to women in the hope that they will make a life affirming decision for themselves and their child. The Center and Clinic also provide practical services related to a woman’s pregnancy, childbearing and relationships. The Center also seeks to promote sanctity of life principles in the community through education. The Women’s Clinic is located at 2270 East Palmdale Blvd., Suite K, Palmdale. Appointment line is: 947-7633; the office phone number is: 947-0400. The 24 Hour Hotline is: 942BABY (942-2229). El Domingo 30 de diciembre se realizará una segunda colecta en todas las Misas de nuestra Parroquia, en este Domingo de la Sagrada Fmilia. El Centro de Consejería para el Embarazo, y la Clínia de la Mujer, son instituciones que satisfacen las necesidades de las mujeres que se encuentran en crisis debido a un embarazo no deseado. Esto se realiza de dos maneras principalmente: El Centro les prove a las integrantes un ambiente seguro, de confianza, cariño y amoroso cuidado, en el que se les ofrecen alternatives en la etapa del embarazo que están enfrentando, con la esperanza de que elijan el camino de la vida para ellas y sus bebés. La clínica y el centro también proven servicios practices relacionados con el embarazo de una mujer, la lactancia y la relación amorosa de la madre hacia su hijo. El centro busca también promover la santidad de vida y principios en la comunidad através de la educación. La Clínica de la Mujer está situada en el 2270 East Palmdale Blvd., suite K, Palmdale. La línea telefónica para citas es: 9477633; el número de teléfono de la oficina es: 947-0400. La línea de 24 horas de servicio es: 942-BABY (942-2229). Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 4 CONFESSIONS at St. Mary’s, Palmdale Saturday, Dec. 22nd, Regular Confessions starting at 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM and from 6:30 PM — 6:45 PM No Confessions scheduled for Christmas Eve CONFESIONES en Santa Maria, Palmdale Sabado día 22 de Dic. confesiones regular 3:30 PM de 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM No hay confesiones en el horario para la Nochebuena December 23, 2007 FIRST ANNUAL ANTELOPE VALLEY TRI-PARISH NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION! Announcing the first annual NEW YEAR'S EVE CELEBRATION this December 31st at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Lancaster! ALL adults age 21 and over are welcome for an evening of music, dancing, food and fun! Event will be dressy casual, no host bar, and will feature appetizers, DJ and truly amazing raffle prizes. Don't sit at home watching TV! Begin the new year with friends in a safe and responsible environment with everything you need to have a great time!! Advance ticket sales are beginning: $15 per person,$25 per couple. Get your tickets now, because they will go fast! To find out more, please call Emily: 946-7808. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Thank you all who helped with Christmas this year!! God Bless you all. St Vincent de Paul will be Closed December 20th and will reopen February 6th. Looking for St. Mary's Hallelujah Choir members to joyfully sing at the Christmas Eve, midnight Mass. Past members, please bring your last years music book. Reply to Annette via email [email protected] or call church office. New members must be able to sing Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Bass with some music reading skills. Rehearsal Dec. 23rd Rehearsal is at 7 pm DONATE BLOOD Give Blood! Give Life! Sunday, December 30th, 2007 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM. The Red Cross will be located on the school grounds. For appointments please call the Parish Office 947-3306. DONE SANGRE ¡Done Sangre! ¡Regala Vida! Domingo día 30 de diciembre de 8:00—2:00 PM, la Cruz Roja Estara localizados en la sala de recreo. Por favor haga un cita llame a la oficina parroquial 947-3306. LA SOCIEDAD DE SAN VICENTE DE PAUL Gracias a todos los que ayudaron este ano para la Navidad. Que Dios los Bendiga de parte de San Vicente de Paul, que estara cerrado empezando el 20 de Diciembre y se abrira el 6 de Febrero. T.I.G.H.T. YOUTH GROUP Together in God helping Teens 12-23-07 NO MEETING 12-30-07 NO MEETING 1-06-07 MEETING RESUMES MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! Enjoy the presence of family & friends these days off & see you in January. All teens are invited to join us in the Conference Center after the 5:30 PM Sunday evening Mass an exciting program has been planned for each Sunday in January. Fourth Sunday of Advent CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE HORARIO NAVIDEÑO CHRISTMAS EVE (DEC. 24) • NOCHEBUENA (24 DE DIC.) St. Mary’s Church, Palmdale 5:30 PM English (Children’s Mass) 10:00 PM Christmas Carols 11:00 PM Bilingual Concelebrated Mass • Iglesia Santa Maria, Palmdale 5:30 PM Ingles (Misa de Niños) 10:00 PM Villancicos 11:00 PM MisaBilingüe Concelebrada (No Habra Misa de 7:30 PM en la Nochebuena) (There is no 7:30 PM Mass on Christmas Eve) • • • Acton Mission (3620 Antelope Woods Road) 5:00 PM English Littlerock Mission (35647 87th St,. East) 7:30 PM Spanish Lake Los Angeles Mission (16310 East Ave, Q) 7:30 PM Bilingual • Misión de Acton (3620 Antelope Woods Road) 5:00 PM Ingles • Misión de Littlerock (35647 87th St,. East) 7:30 PM Español • Misión de Lake Los Angeles (16310 East Ave, Q) 7:30 PM Bilingüe CHRISTMAS DAY (DEC. 25) • DÍA DE LA NAVIDAD (25 DE DIC.) St. Mary’s Church, Palmdale 7:00 AM English 8:30 AM English 10:30 AM English 12:30 PM Spanish • (There will be no 2:30 PM Spanish Mass & no 5:30 PM English Mass) • Iglesia de Santa Maria, Palmdale 7:00 AM Ingles 8:30 AM Ingles 10:30 AM Ingles 12:30 PM Español (NO habra Misa de 2:30 PM en Español No habra Misa de 5:30 PM en Ingles) Littlerock Mission (35647 87th St., East) 9:30 AM English • There will not be Mass at 6:30 AM starting this week until January 7, 2008. Page 5 Misión de Littlerock (35647 87th St., East) 9:30 AM Ingles New Years Day Wed., Jan. 1, 2008 St. Mary’s Catholic Church 8:30 AM English & 12 Noon Bilingual No habra Misa a las 6:30 AM empezando esta semana hasta el día 7 de enero 2008. Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 6 December 23, 2007 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM R. E. DECEMBER SCHEDULE LAST WEEK OF CLASSES SCHEDULE — ATTENTION TEENS! Atención jovenes disfruten de estos dos días para jovenes. 1. YOUTH DAY IN ANAHEIM—THURSDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2008 Theme: “About Face! Focused on God!” Youth Day in Anaheim… a fun-filled day at the Anaheim Convention Center filled with thousands of teens, all wanting experience Jesus’ love and words of knowledge being told by wonderful guest speakers. If you would like to witness this event the cost will be $50.00 (includes t-shirt) and a fun bus will be taking High School Teens on a first come first serve basis. Come to the R.E. Office to pick up a packet and get on the list before December 15, 2007. 2. SANTA BARBARA REGIONAL YOUTH DAY—January 26, 2008 Theme: “My Space, God’s Place” Youth Day Santa Barbara… a fun-filled day Organized by Denis Santos—Santa Barbara Region Youth Director and guess speakers: Righteous B, Karen Reynolds and Katie Patrizio— teen comedian. If you would like to witness this event the cost will be $50.00 (includes t-shirt) and a fun bus will be taking High School Teens on a first come first serve basis. Come to the R.E. Office to pick up a packet and get on the list before January 3, 2008. PADRES SI NECESITAN INFORMACION EN ESPAÑOL POR FAVOR LLAMEN A LA OFICINA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Y CON MUCHO GUSTO LE DAREMOS LOS DETALLES. Marriage Encounters Christmas is a time for gift giving, and one of the greatest gifts you can give your spouse is your undivided attention and time. When you ask your spouse to go on a Marriage Encounter weekend, you’re telling them that they’re so special that you want to spend a whole weekend getting to know them better. Our next weekend is Feb. 15-17 in Woodland Hills. For more information, call (805) 648-4244 email [email protected]. Calling All Married Couples The office of family Life’s Marriage Preparation Program is looking for married couples (married in the Catholic Church) to help engaged couples prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony through our One Day Marriage Preparation Classes. If you are interested, please call Candy Metoyer at (213) 637-7250. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Para Matrimonios La Preparación Matrimonial en la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles necesita matrimonies que quieran ayudar a dar charlas a los novios. Es una oportunidad para que también ustedes crezcan en su comunicación y amor de pareja. Si pueden ayudar por favor llamen a : Graciela Villalobos (213) 637-7561 o correo electrónico a [email protected]. Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 7 A EUCHARISTIC EVENING OF THANKSGIVING They shall name him Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” Monday, December 31, 2007 Join us at St. Elijah Convent 17862 Queenglen Ave. Palmdale, Ca 93591 (enter through the garage) 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm Adoration Time 9:00 - 10:00 pm Special Holy Hour for New Year’s Eve For more information call Mount Carmel 264-2811 ACCW Calling all Catholic Women N. San Fernando district of Los Angeles council woman will have a meeting Thursday, January 17, 2008. St. Mary’s Catholic Church 9:30 am Registration 1600 East Ave R-4, 10:00 am Call to order Palmdale, 93550 11:30 am Mass 12:30 pm Luncheon Guest Speaker:Natalie Kigerl, R.N. Pro-Life “Spiritual Steps to Building a Culture of Life” — Matthew 1:23 Sunday Masses December 22nd 5:30 PM † Vicky Zara 7:30 PM † Luis Cardenas December 23rd Fourth Sunday of Advent 7:00 AM † Edwin Hebert Jr. 8:30 AM † Kathy O’Connor 10:30 AM † Dolores Zamot 12:30 PM † Rotilo Estrada 2:30 PM † Antonio De La Torre 5:30 PM † Spiro Falzon Littlerock 8:30 AM † Maria Delia & Jose Domingo Escobar 10:30 AM † Victor & Katherine Everix Lake LA 8:30 AM † Rufina Ignacio Acton 8:30 AM † William Fischer Mass Celebrant: Monsignor Stephen N. Downes Weekly Mass Intentions Please $10.00 pre-paid mail checks to St. Mary’s Church Please write the Church name on the checks memo & Attention ACCW on the envelope. deadline January 10, 2008 to register For information call Wilma Grana 272– 3972 or Aileen Nesmith 272– 3972 CA-14 North toward Palmdale Exit East on Avenue S Left on 10th Street East Right on East Avenue R-4 Mon. Dec. 24th 6:30 AM NO MASS 8:30 AM † William Fischer 5:00 PM † E. W. Ives Jr. 7:30 PM † Fran Lulgjurj 11:00 PM † Margaret Bazyouros Tue. Dec. 25th The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) 6:30 AM NO MASS 8:30 AM † Carlos Alberto Franceschi 11:00 AM PARISH COMMUNITY OF ST. MARY’S Wed. Dec. 26th 6:00 AM NO MASS 8:30 AM † Fidela Perez Thurs. Dec. 27th St. John 6:30 AM NO MASS 8:30 AM † Patrick & Margaret White Fri. Dec. 28th The Holy Innocents 6:30 AM NO MASS 8:30 AM † Ousep Uthup Sat. Dec. 29th St. Thomas Becket 8:30 AM † Oliver Rocha Fourth Sunday of Advent Page 8 St. Mary’s School (661) 273-5555 Christmas Greeting We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and the best of the holiday season. We thank all those who have generously shared their time, talent and treasure during this holiday season and throughout the year. Holiday Schedule December 24, 2007 to January 4, 2008 – Christmas Vacation. January 7, 2008, Monday – regular classes resume. PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Society Annabelle Farmer 609-2744 meet Mon. at 12PM & Thursday at 9AM to help out with Environment & Art of our church R.C.I.A (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) For information and Inquiry classes please speak to Debbie Castillo at 538-1985. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Meet Tuesdays: 7:00 P.M. in the Church. Leader, Celia Cedillo 272-6880. For prayers call Norman at 949-3330. ST. MARY’S FILIPINO-AMERICAN GROUP Praying the Rosary in homes every Saturday. For scheduled visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Statue, call Zeny Bautista 273-3561 or Ross Catalla 285-0850 . ROSARY AND MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA In the Church every Monday at 6:00 PM and after 6:30AM Mass. ST. MARY’S CRAFTY SENIORS Meet every other Monday at 9AM in the Conference Center. Call Marshall and Lou Sullivan at 268-1373. ST. MARY’S PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL & ASSEMBLY Usually meet 1st Monday of the month at 7:30 PM Pres.: Tucker Evans 267-0730. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Meets every Wednesday from 9:30-12:00 noon in the Parish Office (closed for the Summer) 947-2257 VOCATIONS TO PRIESTHOOD OR RELIGIOUS LIFE Contact Priests at 947-3306. ALTAR SERVERS Michelle Carrillo: 269-2392 RESPECT LIFE Crisis Pregnancy & Infant Loss etc. 24 Hour Hot-Line: 942 BABY PARISH FACILITIES RESERVATIONS Contact the Parish Office: 947-3306. LEGION OF MARY Meet Mondays at 7:00 PM call Ursula Garcia 2858152. NAIM CONFERENCE Support group for Catholic widows/widowers. Edie 947-8795. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 273-4737 Meetings every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Grand Knight: John Nemeth 273-8016. YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR MARISELA DIAZ 273-5554 EX. 222 A.V. MINISTRY WITH YOUNG ADULTS Married or single Young Adults 18 to 39. Emily Amado: 946-7808. CUB SCOUTS Meet Thursdays for boys grades 1st-5th contact Anthony Provenza 265-0690. Girl Scouts Janet Guerich (661)537-5736 or Jackie Perez (661) 533-3405 Cenacle Meets Mondays 9am after Mass, praying for priestly vocations Billie/ Manalang Servillana at 723-7988. December 23, 2007 VOCATION RETREAT DAY FOR YOUNG WOMEN Religious Vocation Nazareth House 3333 Manning Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca 90064 Sunday, January 13, 2008 9am - 4pm Call Sister Fintan:(310 216-8170 or Sister Celine: (310) 839-2361 Email:[email protected] MINISTERIOS PARROQUIALES BAUTISMOS, FUNERALES, UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS Ó COMUNIÓN PARA LOS ENFERMOS LLAME A LA OFICINA DE LA PARROQUIA 947-3306 CONFIRMACIONES, PRIMER COMUNIONES, EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa 273-5554. CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD Roberto & Linda Acosta 942-3958. ENFERMOS QUE ESTÁN EN CASA oficina Parroquial 947-3306. MATRIMONIOS Por cita solamente con 6 meses de anticipación. Se require tomar algunas clases 947-3306. QUINCEAÑERAS Cita con 6 meses de anticipación, María Luna 2735554 R.I.C.A. RITO DE INISIACIÓN CRISTIANA DE ADULTOS Cesar y Alba Noriega 272-1509 o Blanca Alcantar 265-7510. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN EL BUEN PASTOR Reuniones todos los viernes de 7PM-9:30 PM -Iglesia. Cesar y Alba Noriega 272-1509 Y El Buen Pastor Grupo Juvenil Carismatico: Jose y Elvira Cova 274-4960 los viernes 7pm - Salon parroquial. “RENOVACIÓN” Grupo Carismatico y Crecimiento/JESUS MAESTRO de Littlerock: Jueves, 7PM-9PM. Armando & Lucila Rosales: 9446829. ASOCIACION GUADALUPANA Guadalupe o María Méndez 285-6215. SENIORS DE SANTA MARIA Marshall y Lou Sullivan 268-1373. LEGION DE MARIA Maria Garcia 274-8909. CONCILIO PASTORAL & ASAMBLEA GENERAL La reunión general es el primer lunes de cada mes ~salón Parroquial, 7:30 PM-9 PM. Todos los miniterios tienen que ser representados. Pres.: Tucker Evans 267-0730. GRUPO CARISMATICO PEREGRINO DEL ROSARIO Y ORACION DE JESUS Reuniones los sábados 7:00 PM. llame Antonio & Margarita Ceron 9473188. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN JESUS EL NAZARENO Reunen en la Iglesia los miercoles a las 7:30 PM. Carmen Melero: 722-2802. SAN VICENTE DE PAUL Cada miercoles de 9:30-12:00 PM en al Oficina Parroquial, (cerramos en el verano ).947-2257. RESPETO A LA VIDA Embarazos en crisis, llame las 24 horas 942-BABY, ó a Carmen 285-3059. Rosario todos los viernes a las 12 PM, en la Iglesia. ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL ANTONIO & YOLANDA IBARRA 533-9291 MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Ministros de Eucaristia- Juan & Martha Corona: 265-0533, Ujieres-Julio Y Nancy Ortega 285-2471, Lectores-Maria Lopez: 274-4792, Monaguillos-Lilibeth Ceballos 533-0224, Coro~Victor Zacarias: 272-0825 Sociedad del Altar Arlene Duran 947-4464 lunes 12PM y jueves 9AM Llame si gusta de ayudar con la limpieza y arreglos de la Iglesia.
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