Undervisningsbeskrivelse Stamoplysninger til brug ved prøver til gymnasiale uddannelser Termin Termin hvori undervisningen afsluttes: maj-juni 2015 Institution VUC Vestegnen Uddannelse Hfe Fag og niveau Engelsk B Lærer(e) Johan Poulsen & Tim Marqvard Nymann Jensen Hold 1enB51 Oversigt over gennemførte undervisningsforløb Titel 1 Growing Up Titel 2 Crime Titel 3 Clash of Cultures Titel 4 The Black Experience Titel 5 Social Media Titel 6 Relationships Side 1 af 7 Titel 1 Growing Up Indhold Kernestof Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken”, from the internet. Ernest Hemingway, “Indian Camp” (1924), from Contexts, Gyldendal (2004). Alison Fell, “The Shining Mountain” (1992), from Contexts, Gyldendal (2004). Michael Richards, “Just Like That” (1987), from Contexts, Gyldendal (2004). Penelope Lively, “Clara’s Day” (1986), from The Entrance, Systime (1989). Alison Bechdel, “Chapter 2”, Fun Home, (2006). Supplerende stof Harry Chapin, “Cat’s in the Cradle” (1974). Movie: To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Paul Bedard, “Buck Fever”, from Washington Examiner, <http://washingtonexaminer.com/buck-fever-ryan-10-year-old-daughter-bagbucks/article/2514351>. January 20, 2014. Melissa T. Shultz, “How to Fix the Damage from a Bad Father/Daughter Relationship”, from the Huffington Post <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/melissa-tshultz/father-daughter-relationship_b_4191146.html>. January 20, 2014. “Culling of 6,000 kangaroos angers Australian conservationists”, Asociated Press, from the Guardian, <http://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/may/08/australiakangaroo-cull>. January 24, 2014. “Kangaroo Code”, <http://www.environment.gov.au/resource/national-codespractice-commercial-and-non-commercial-humane-shooting-kangaroos-and>. January 24, 2014. Information about the British school system from the internet. Omfang Særlige fokuspunkter Væsentligste arbejdsformer Retur til forside YouTube clips: “Kangaroo Dundee”, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyJp_Sg1M_c>. Skrillex, “Bangarang”, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJVmu6yttiw>. Harry Chapin, ”Cat’s in the Cradle”, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUwjNBjqR-c>. 13. jan – 13. feb. 50 sessions. Introduktion til tekstanalyse med særligt fokus på: Setting (omgivelser). Fiction: Short Story, Film, Novel, Song and Poem. Non-Fiction: Article, Legal Document Grammar: Nouns: Singular, Plural, Countable, Uncountable and Collective nouns. Group Work, Pair Work, Lectures, Power Point, YouTube clips, White Board exercises, Images, and Handout Exercises. Side 2 af 7 Titel 2 Crime Harper Lee, To Kill a Mocking Bird, “Chapter 1 & 2” (1960). Rick Bragg, “Where Alabama Inmates Fade Into Old Age” (1995), from A New Entrance, Systime (2002). “Gary Gilmore’s Letter to Nicole” (1979), from A New Entrance, Systime (2002). Truman Capote, “Then It All Came Down”, (1980), from A New Entrance, Systime (2002). Ande Parks, Capote in Kansas, extracts (2005). Angelo B. Henderson, “Crime Scene” (1998), from A New Entrance, Systime (2002). Supplerende Stof Paul E. Steiger, “Wall Street Journal’s Recommendation of Mr. Henderson for the Pulitzer Prize” (1999), from <http://www.angelohenderson.com/pulitzer>. Angelo B. Henderson, “Crime Scene”, cut passages (1998), from <http://www.pulitzer.org/works/1999-Feature-Writing>. Indhold Kernestof YouTube clips: ”Dying in Prison”, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUPQlXMdZHQ>. “Fault Lines: Dying Inside: Elderly in Prison”, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvqj8hgxRfg>. “The 16-year-old Killer: Cyntoia’s Story”, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLyenhWOwg8>. Omfang Særlige fokuspunkter Væsentligste arbejdsformer Retur til forside Local Detroit News: <http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/2-people-shot-in-home-on-detroits-westside/25152472>. <http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/Son-of-Detroit-candy-store-ownershoots-kills-attempted-robber/18516452> 24. feb. – 27. mar. 44 Sessions Mere tekstanalyse med særligt fokus på: Character og Non-Fiction. Fiction: Novel, Graphic Novel. Non-Fiction: Article, Reportage, Interview, Documentary. Grammar: Articles, Possessive, Verbs: Simple Present, Simple Past, Irregular Verbs. Group Work, Pair Work, YouTube clips, Handout Exercises, White Board exercises, Images, Lectures. Side 3 af 7 Titel 3 Clash of Cultures Indhold Kernestof Movie: American History X, (1998). “Everyone Talked Loudly in Chinatown” (Canada, 1994), Anne Jew, from Departures, Systime (2002). “I Want to Make Changes” (USA, 1995), Sylvia Flute, from Departures, Systime (2002). “One of My Best Friends” (Australia, 1994), Peter Goldsworthy, from Departures, Systime (2002). “The Mark of Vishnu” (India, 1983), Khushwat Singh, from Departures, Systime (2002). “The Bonfire” (Nigeria 1995), Ken Saro-Wiwa, from Departures, Systime (2002). Supplerende Stof YouTube Documentaries: Omfang “Law and Disorder in Philadelphia”, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VElPxhM0BpI>. “Law and Disorder in Johannesburg”, <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGOPVhQ5rhs>. 31. mar. – 15. maj. 56 Sessions Mere tekstanalyse med særligt fokus på: Theme. Fiction: Short Story, Film. Non-Fiction: Interview, Documentary. Særlige fokuspunkter Væsentligste arbejdsformer Grammar: Vocabulary tasks, Adjectives, Verbs: Perfect Tense, Progressive Tense, Future Tense, Modal Verbs and “Do”. Group Work, Pair Work, YouTube Documentaries, Handout Exercises, Oral Presentations, Lectures. Side 4 af 7 Titel 4 Indhold Kernestof The Black Experience Rose Williams Slave Narrative. I: Works Projects Administration: Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves: Volume XVI, Texas Narratives, Part 4. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/35381/35381h/35381-h.html Harriet Jacobs: Incidents in the life of a slave girl. Chapter 5: The Trials of Girlhood. 1861 Smithsonian: Separate is not equal: Segregated America. Smithsonian http://americanhistory.si.edu/brown/history/1-segregated/segregatedamerica.html Jim Crow Experiences - Laurel Grove. http://chnm.gmu.edu/laurelgrove/exhibits/show/lesson4/lesson-plan/oralhistories Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. http://www.holidays.net/mlk/rosa.htm Martin Luther King: I Have a Dream (excerpt) 1963. Tate Taylor: The Help. 2011 Supplerende Stof Edited from Wikipedia: “Slavery in the United States” Shea Higgins: Little Rock Nine History Project Documentary. YouTube 2007. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iH4Zx96xbY Martin Luther King: ”I Have a Dream”, 1963. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEqnnklfYs Omfang Særlige focuspunkter Væsentligste arbejdsformer Joe & Tony Gayton: Hell on Wheels - Season 1, episodes 1 & 2. 2011 48 lektioner. Tekstanalyse: Non-fiction, Setting, Characterisation and Theme, appelformer: ethos, pathos, logos. Grammatik: Vocabulary task, Verbets tider simpel og udvidet tid, henførende stedord, ejefald Gruppearbejde, oral presentations, independent research, par arbejde, handouts og klasseundervisning. Side 5 af 7 Titel 5 Indhold kernestof Social Media David Patterson et al.: ”Why Do They Do It? Portrayals of Alcohol on Facebook and MySpace” http://neuroanthropology.net/2009/05/22/why-do-they-do-it-portrayals-ofalcohol-on-facebook-and-myspace/ Julie Buntin: “She’s Still Dying on Facebook” http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/07/shes-still-dying-onfacebook/373904/ Sam Grobart: “Should I be a Jerk or a Human Being on Facebook?” May 9, 2011. The New York Times. Henry Joost & Ariel Schulman: ”Catfish”. 2010. Supplerende stof Rhett & Link: “The Facebook Song” Brian Knappenberger: ”We are Legion”. 2012 PBS Frontline: ”Generation Like”. February 18, 2014. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/generation-like/ Omfang Særlige fokuspunkter Væsentligste arbejdsformer Rhett & Link: “The Facebook Song” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSnXE2791yg 39 lektioner Tekstanalyse: Non-fiction, outline, summary, poetry analysis Grammatik: Forholdsord, biord, biordenes placering, do-omskrivning, vocabulary tasks Gruppearbejde, pararbejde, handout, group discussions, class discussions, klasseundervisning, independent research Side 6 af 7 Titel Indhold kernestof Relationships Kate Chopin: ”The Story of an Hour”, 1896. Katherine Mansfield: ”Bliss”, 1921. Nadine Gordimer: ”Country Lovers”, 1961. Eve Merriam: ”TEEVEE”, 1979. Tobias Wolff: “Say Yes”, 1985. Joe R. Lansdale: ”Love Doll: A Fable”, 1991. Jay McInerney: “Third Party”, 2001. The Smiths: “Hand in Glove”, 1983. Grinderman: “No Pussy Blues”, 2007. Supplerende stof Lone Scherfig: “An Education”, 2007. Songs: The Smiths: ”Hand in Glove”, 1983. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh2bonnjv70 Grinderman: “No Pussy Blues”, 2007. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtIrifqGLt8 Youtube clips and documentaries: “TEEVEE” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVOOrEEzvmg “Apartheid Explained” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7yvnUz2PLE “Nelson Mandela’s Life Story” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgQBoXsxr8w Omfang Særlige fokuspunkter Væsentligste arbejdsformer 42 lektioner Fiction: theme, symbols, short story, poetry, characterisation, composition, narrator, setting, atmosphere, mood and tone. Grammatik: Do-omskrivning, aktiv/passiv, forholdsord, kongruens, ejefald Gruppearbejde, handouts, group discussions, class discussions, CL øvelser, klasseundervisning Side 7 af 7
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