28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Fr. Federico Capdepón, V.F. Dean, Pastor MISSION STATEMENT Fr. Damian Flanagan Acting Pastor St. Hugh Catholic Church is a diverse community of faith manifesting our love for God through our generosity, and putting our faith into action by working together to impact positively the lives of our parishioners, visitors and the community in general. Mrs. Mary E. Fernández, Ed.S. School Principal Mrs. Patricia Zapatero Director of Religious Education Roberto Berrocal Music Director OFFICE HOURS (Horas de Oficina) Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 8:00am-4:30pm Phone: 305-444-8363 [email protected] CHURCH HOURS (Horas de la Iglesia) Daily/Diario 9:00am-7:00pm MASS SCHEDULE (Horario de misas) SATURDAY VIGIL 5:30pm (English) SUNDAY 9:00am (English) 10:30am (English, live broadcast) 12:30pm (Español, transmisión en vivo) 5:30pm (English) 7:00pm (Español) DAILY MASS (Chapel) Misa Diaria (Capilla) 8:00am (English) 7:00 pm (Spanish, Tue. & Thurs.) RECONCILIATION (RECONCILIACIÓN) Saturdays/Sábados 4:30-5:15 pm Before Sunday Masses if a priest is available. Antes de las misas del domingo si hay un sacerdote disponible. BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES (Bautizos y Matrimonios) For information, call the office. Para información, llame a la oficina. Page 2 October 12, 2014 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Lecturas de la semana Sunday Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31–5:1; Ps 113; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday Saint Hedwig, Religious; Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98; Lk 11:47-54 Friday Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday Saint Luke, Evangelist 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145; Lk 10:1-9 “Could you not watch one hour with me?” (Mk 14:37) JOIN US FOR EUCHARISTIC ADORATION THROUGHOUT THE DAY ON THURSDAYS IN THE CHURCH From 8:30 am to 7:00 pm 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A) Pastor’s Corner Today’s gospel presents us another interesting parable. The king represents God, who invites us to a feast, a banquet. He first sends his servants, the prophets, who were rejected and martyred. The second set of servants represent the apostles. The Kingdom is already among them, the banquet is ready, but even so, these emissaries are rejected; the ones invited are too busy with their own affairs, and some are so annoyed that the mistreat the emissaries, even killing them. The King becomes angry and sends his soldiers to destroy the city and its inhabitants. The wedding feast is ready, but those invited did not deserve to come. The Kingdom of God originally prepared for Israel, will now be given over to the pagans, the gentiles. God has also called us to salvation in a special way. We belong to a family that has raised us in the faith; some of us have received a religious education. The Church reminds us constantly about God’s call through preaching, the Mass, and the various parochial groups. Perhaps we have had friends who have pointed us towards God. In the face of this calling by the Lord to take part in His kingdom, what is our response? Do we accept His call, or rather, like the Jews of His time, reject salvation? Domingo 28o. del Tiempo Ordinario (Ciclo A) Rincón del Párroco “¿No podían velar una hora conmigo?” (Mc. 14, 37) ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA LOS JUEVES DURANTE TODO EL DÍA EN LA IGLESIA De 8:30 am a 7:00 pm El evangelio de hoy nos presenta de nuevo otra parábola bien interesante. El rey representa a Dios que invita a una fiesta, a un banquete. Manda a los primeros criados, los profetas, que fueron rechazados y martirizados. Los segundos criados representan a los apóstoles. El Reino está ya entre ellos, el banquete está a punto, pero con todo, los enviados son rechazados; todos los invitados están muy ocupados con sus asuntos y hay algunos que en su irritación maltratan a los enviados hasta matarlos. El Rey monta en cólera y manda que sus soldados destruyan la ciudad con sus habitantes. El banquete de boda está preparado, pero los invitados no lo merecían. El Reino de Dios preparado primariamente para Israel sera dado a los paganos, a los gentiles. Dios nos ha llamado también a nosotros a la salvación de una manera especial. Hemos tenido una familia que nos ha inculcado la fe; algunos hemos recibido una educación religiosa. La Iglesia nos recuerda constantemente este llamado de Dios através de la predicación, la misa y los grupos parroquiales. Quizá hemos tenido personas amigas que nos han orientado hacia Dios. Frente a este llamamiento del Señor a participar en su Reino, ¿cuál es nuestra actitud? ¿Aceptamos el llamamiento de Dios, o bien, como los judíos de aquel tiempo, rechazamos la salvación? Fr. Federico Page 3 Page 3 STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION COMUNIDAD EN ACCIÓN Commemorating the feast of St. Francis of Assissi, parishioners brought their pets for the traditional “blessing of the animals” last October 4th. En conmemoración de la fiesta de San Francisco de Asís, los parroquianos trajeron a sus mascotas a recibir la tradicional “bendición de los animales el 4 de octubre. MASS INTENTIONS Intenciones Misas Sat/Sab, October 11 5:30 pm América Serret Arturo Quintana Sun/Dom, October 12 9:00 am Graciela Abril Rita Whelton 10:30 am Special Intention Héctor & Carolina Escobedo and Baby Mía 12:30 pm Acción de Gracias Juan Alberto Cordero Acción de Gracias Sta. Teresa de Jesús 5:30 pm Félix Rodríguez José & Consuelo Fernández 7:00 pm Arturo Castano Ricardo D’Marco Mon/Lun, October 13 8:00 am Eberhardt & Erika Brandt Tue/Mar, October 14 8:00 am Special Intention Dr. Juan Manuel Gómez 7:00 pm Juana & Víctor Fernández Wed/Mier, October 15 8:00 am Special Intentions Fr. Federico Thu/Jue, October 16 8:00 am Lily & Marco Marks Special Intention 7:00 pm Life Teen movie night treated our young people to a showing of the movie Bella, an interesting and powerful story, on Friday, October 3rd. Everyone had a great time. El grupo juvenil Life Teen presentó el viernes 3 de octubre una noche de cine para nuestros jóvenes, que disfrutaron de la película Bella, una historia interesante y de gran impacto. Fue una gran experiencia. Angel Hoyos Fri/Vier, October 17 8:00 am Frank & Edna Salichs Graciela Leon Juan Carlos Fortanell THIS WEEK SPECIAL BLESSING Bendición de esta semana LET US PRAY FOR / Oremos por Lila Cruz, Hannah Moss, Annette Méndez, Andrés Hidalgo, Carlos y Martha Zapatero, Manuel Carbonero, Jacques Vera, Morelia Campos, Danilo Argote, Sister Barbara Makar, John Amador, Mr. & Mrs. Juan Manuel Gómez, Martha Gómez, Darío Pulgarín, Fr. Manuel (Tito) Soler, Charlie Winchester, Oscar Alberto Jiménez, Milagros Segarra, Catherine Gallego, Andrés & Nora Pérez, Jake Mark Lugo, Bárbara Valencia, Brunella Bonvecchio, Juan Pedro Díaz, Antoine Veliz, Gina Maria Carvallo, Carlos Bracamonte, Oscar Rodríguez, Alexandra Valdés, Fabiola Uribe Gaviria, Douglas Ugarte, Norma de Junco, Esperanzita Noriega, Evelyn Sandoval, James Scott Moss, Marcia Besada, Alex Zangen, Carlos Cuevas, Christopher Bennett, Hilda Domínguez, Silvia Sánchez, Andrea Veras, Juana G. Rippes, Marta Miranda, Carmen Dono, Olga Alonso, Michael Lemay, Elena Romero, Marcela Lamelois, María Isabel Poiares, Eduardo Gómez, Raquel Alvarez, César Francisco Rojas Cardona, Mauricio Samayoa, for the members of our armed forces, their families and all victims of war. For parishioners celebrating their birthday in October. Para los feligreses que celebran su cumpleaños en octubre. MINISTRIES Ministerios Altar Servers: Juan Alayo [email protected] Bible Classes: Karen Bonvecchio [email protected] CCD: Patricia Zapatero [email protected] Centering Prayer: Maritza Ramos [email protected] Clases de Biblia: Patricia Zapatero [email protected] Emmaus Men: Manuel Núñez [email protected] Emmaus Women: Claudia Martínez [email protected] Encuentro en la Palabra: Milagros Contreras [email protected] Grove for Ghana: Bob Dudley [email protected] Grove Outreach: Lily Montero [email protected] Health and Wellness: María Socorro Torres-Burgos [email protected] Job Bank: Marta Carbonell [email protected] Knights of Columbus: Marc Spinola [email protected] Marriage Covenant Experience: Joe & Jane Mastrucci [email protected] Matrimonios en Victoria: Rolando & Irene Silva [email protected] Mindo Medical Mission: Jason Gaetan [email protected] Ministry to the Sick: Mariana Caballero [email protected] Music Director: Roberto Berrocal [email protected] Pastoral Ministry Coordinator: Cristina Fundora [email protected] RCIA: Ann Naquin [email protected] RICA: Eleazar & Leticia Terán [email protected] Respect Life: Yamileth Rivera [email protected] Page 4 St. Hugh 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 ST. HUGH NEWS NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA Thank you to all of those who attended and assisted in organizing the Life Chain last week. Gracias a todos los que asistieron y colaboraron en la organizacion de la cadena de la vida la semana pasada. Grove for Ghana, our effort to bring quality water to needy communities in Africa, will hold a cocktail party with live entertainment on Friday, October 24th, at 7 pm. Let us continue giving our help to this missionary work that has been so warmly supported by St. Hugh. Tickets are on sale at the office. Save the date! Grove for Ghana, nuestro ministerio dedicado a traer agua potable a las comunidades necesitadas en África, celebrará un cóctel el viernes 24 de octubre a las 7 pm, con música en vivo. Sigamos ayudando a esta obra misionera que ha recibido tan cálido apoyo por parte de St. Hugh. Las entradas están a la venta en la oficina. Aparte la fecha. The St. Hugh Immigration Services offers appointments for consultation and advice on Friday afternoons. If you would like some guidance with your immigration concerns, please contact Cristina Fundora at [email protected] for an appointment. Los servicios de inmigración de St. Hugh están disponibles para consultas y consejería los viernes en la tarde. Si desea recibir consejo sobre sus asuntos migratorios, póngase en contacto con Cristina Fundora, [email protected], para hacer una cita. MINISTRIES Ministerios School News: Jocelyn Bianco [email protected] Spanish Choir: Andrés Trujillo [email protected] St. Hugh Charities: Liliana Villanueva [email protected] St. Hugh Immigration Services: Karlene Punancy [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul: James Hartnett (Call the office) Stewardship: Luisana Hung Salazar [email protected] Ushers & Hospitality Ministry: [email protected] Youth Director: Francisco Dueñas [email protected] Worldwide Marriage Encounter invites all couples to rekindle and renew your love for each other on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in Ft. Lauderdale, November 7-9. To register go to www.wwmesefla.com or contact Fran and Frank Kulzer at (954) 9615078 or [email protected]. Worldwide Marriage Encounter invita a todas las parejas a renovar su amor participando en un fin de semana de Encuentro en Fort Lauderdale, del 7 al 9 de noviembre. Para inscripciones, consulte www.wwmesefla.com o contacte a Fran y Frank Kulzer al (954) 961-5078, [email protected]. Have you registered for Why Catholic?, an experience of faith formation for adults that will give a solid foundation for every Catholic to express their faith and be able to share it with others? Please contact Cristina Fundora at [email protected]. ¿Ya se inscribió en ¿Por qué ser católico?, una experiencia de formación para los adultos en la fe que nos dará una base sólida para expresar nuestra fe y compartirla con otros? Contacte a Cristina Fundora, [email protected]. Fr. Alejandro López, from Choluteca, Honduras, announces the upcoming collection of used clothing and shoes, medicine, canned goods, electronics, kitchen applicances, etc. Father Alejandro Lopez will await with his traditional containers at St. Dominic’s Church 5900 NW 7th St., from October 13th through the 27th; and at St. Lazarus Church in Hialeah from October 18th through November 4th. El P. Alejandro López, de Choluteca, Honduras, anuncia su próxima colecta de artículos usados, ropa, zapatos, medicina, alimentos enlatados, artículos electrónicos y de cocina, etc. El P. Alejandro los espera con sus tradicionales contenedores, en la iglesia St. Dominic 5900 NW 7 th St., del 13 al 27 de octubre; y en la iglesia San Lázaro en Hialeah, del 18 de octubre al 4 de noviembre. Knights of Columbus held their first meeting last month and have welcomed nine men as first degree members of the St. Hugh chapter. In addition, three Knights from another parish have transferred to St. Hugh. We welcome new and transferring members. Should you have any questions, please contact Marc Spinola at [email protected] Los Caballeros de Colón celebraron su primera reunión el mes pasado y le han dado la bienvenida a nueve hombres como miembros de primer grado al capitulo de St. Hugh. Además, tres caballeros de otra parroquia se han transferido a St. Hugh. Estamos aceptando nuevos miembros. Si tienes alguna pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto con Marc Spinola en [email protected] Visit the Welcome table in front of the church to find out information regarding baptisms and weddings, to get answers for any question you may have or to register or update your information. Visiten la mesa de bienvenida a la entrada de la iglesia para obtener información acerca de bautizos y bodas, para encontrar respuesta a cualquiera de sus preguntas o para actualizar su información o inscribirse en la parroquia. DO YOU HAVE NEWS TO SHARE? SEND YOUR INFORMATION TO [email protected] DEADLINE FOR THE Oct. 19th BULLETIN IS WEDNESDAY, October8th Page 6 (305) 444 - 8363 [email protected] St. Hugh 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 The POPE SPEAKS/HABLA EL PAPA The Church is “Apostolic” General Audience, September 17, 2014 If the Church is born Catholic, it means that she was born to go forth, missionary. If the Apostles had stayed in the Cenacle without going out to preach the Gospel, the Church would have remained there, in that city, in that country, in that room. It is what we express when we describe her as 'apostolic'. But they went forth. An apostle spreads the good news of Jesus' resurrection. This term reminds us that the Church, on the foundations of the Apostles and in continuity with them, is sent to proclaim the Gospel to all humanity, with the signs of the tenderness and strength of God. La Iglesia es “apostólica” Audiencia General, 17 de septiembre de 2014 Si la Iglesia nace católica quiere decir que nace en salida, misionera. Si los apóstoles se hubieran quedado en el Cenáculo sin salir a llevar el Evangelio, la Iglesia habría sido solamente la Iglesia de aquel pueblo, de aquella ciudad, de aquel cenáculo. Pero todos salieron por el mundo, desde el momento del nacimiento de la Iglesia, desde el momento en que descendió el Espíritu Santo. Es lo que expresamos llamándola “apostólica'' porque el apóstol es el que lleva la buena noticia de la resurrección de Jesús. Un término que recuerda que la Iglesia, sobre el fundamento de los apóstoles y en continuidad con ellos, está enviada a llevar a todos los seres humanos este anuncio del evangelio, acompañándolo con los signos de la ternura y la potencia de Dios. 7:00 7:00 Page 8 BOOK NOOK Recommendation for this week: Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive, OSV, $9.95 Prepare for the World Meeting of Families with this new, fresh and insightful way to explore Catholic teaching on marriage, family and related topics. Can be used for group discussion. This book is also available in Spanish. SACRIFICIAL GIVING AMOUNTS FOR LAST WEEK Sumas de la semana pasada $ 13,140.33 AND THE SECOND WAS Y la segunda $ 1,633.00 AMOUNTS FOR LAST YEAR El año pasado $ 12,368.91 AND THE SECOND WAS Y la segunda $ 1,979.00 SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEK La segunda colecta será para Church Maintenance Mantenimiento de la iglesia A NOTE ABOUT THE COLLECTION Because of our Stewardship initiative, there will no longer be a second collection on Sundays. We thank you for your generosity. NOTA SOBRE LA COLECTA Debido a nuestra iniciativa de Mayordomía, no habrá ya segunda colecta los domingos. Gracias por su generosidad This week at St. Hugh Esta semana en St. Hugh St. Hugh Monday, October 13 7:00 pm Bible Class in English Library 7:00 pm Encuentro en la Palabra Young Adults Social Studies Room 7:00 pm Encuentro en la Palabra Adults Music Room Tuesday, October 14 7:00 pm EDGE Youth Group Library 7:30 pm RCIA Program Social Studies Room 7:30 pm RICA Program 7th Grade Room Wednesday, October 15 8:30 am Bible Class in Spanish Rectory Chapel 6:30 pm CCD Classes School 7:30 pm Matrimonios en Victoria Music Room Thursday, October 16 8:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Rectory Chapel 7:00 pm Centering Prayer School Chapel Friday, October 17 7:00 pm LifeTeen Youth Group Library Sunday, October 19 Stewardship Program Treasure Weekend STEWARDSHIP God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have in abundance for every good work. (2 Cor 9:8) MAYORDOMÍA Poderoso es Dios para colmarlos de toda clase de beneficios, de suerte que siempre tengan en todo lo suficiente, y puedan participar abundantemente en cualquier obra buena (2 Cor 9,8) 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9 The first annual St. Hugh Sip & Savor event on October 2, 2014 was a stupendous success! The great wine, fabulous food, lively music, and wonderful spirit of support for St. Hugh exceeded everyone’s expectations. Twenty-five separate vendors were present with their specialty foods and wines for sampling. Guests had a great time savoring the delicious dishes, enjoying the company of old and new friends, partaking in raffles, and dancing the night away to the sound of the “Son Cubanos” band. The event brought in approximately 275 guests and raised over $17,000 that will go towards the church and school endowment fund. Thank you to our wonderful sponsors and everyone who helped make this night a tremendous success! Local vendors that participated included: Casa Mofongo, Divino Ceviche, Berries in the Grove, Calamari, Crave, Edge Steak and Bar, Misha’s Cupcakes, Mena Catering, Ralph’s Catering, Mr. Happy, Catalina’s Bake Shop, Aromas del Peru, Power Pizzeria, Buffalo Wild Wings, Randazzo’s, Evian Water, El Carajo, Goya, Parties by Pat, TK’s at the Villa Mayfair, La Taberna Giralda, Sugar Lace Bakery, Ibesc Wines, Carnaval Wines, Miami Cigar Company, and Aroma Espresso. Mrs. Fernandez, school principal, with the Sip & Savor organizing committee members: Angie Triana, Betty Alonso and Marlene Triana. Page 10 St. Hugh Pencil & Paper Drive To benefit the Barnyard Community Center Send in your donations of lined paper and pencils by Thursday, October 16th The Barnyard Community Center, located in West Grove, is in need of lined paper and pencils for their after school tutoring services. The Barnyard provides free after school care for children with financial and domestic hardships who often go home to an empty house. Caring volunteers working with students, have the power to help kids boost academic achievement and put young people on track for a brighter future. St. Hugh School wants to help empower these students by providing them with the necessary tools; paper and pencils. If you would like to help with this project, please drop off your donations at the St. Hugh parish office by Thursday, October 16th. St. Hugh School kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month with a special “Around the World” assembly. Each class voted for a country they wanted to represent. The students spent several weeks researching and learning about the history of their selected country, it’s culture and it’s traditions. On September 30th, everyone came together to hear what the each class had learned. Some students recited poems while others sang songs. Even our fourth grade students who had chosen Spain demonstrated a typical Flamenco dance and our fifth grade students said a few words in Italian. Overall it was a wonderful and educational event.
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