Saint Ann Catholic Community 1311 Robinson Drive P.O. Box #1285 Haines City, FL 33845 Church Office: 863-422-4370 FAX: 863-421-2522 WEBSITE: PASTORAL STAFF PASTORAL STAFF 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. W.W. Mitchell -Pastor Fr.Robert Robert Mitchell -Pastor [email protected] 29° Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario [email protected] Fr. Pawel Pazdzioch -Assoc. Pastor Fr. Frank Lobo, PhD — [email protected] Parochial Vicar October 19, 2014 19 de Octubre de 2014 [email protected] Sr Sr.Josie JosieCanevari, Canevari,O.S.F. O.S.F. Director of Religious Director of Religious Education Education 863-438-2700 863-438-2700 [email protected] [email protected] Deacon Hector Colón Deacon Deacon Hector OrestesColón Hernández Deacon Robert Demming Deacon Fernando “Fred” Molina Deacon José Ramos [email protected] Deacon José Ramos Business Manager - Lupe Jimenez Music Director - Bob Macar [email protected] Business Manager - Lupe Jimenez Secretary - Michelle Wieber [email protected] [email protected] Office Support—Luz Gonzalez [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor—Tom Smith Office Support - Michelle Wieber 863-419-1935 [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor—Tom Smith MASS SCHEDULE 863-419-1935 Monday—Friday 9:00 AM Eng. SaturdayMASS SCHEDULE 8:30 AM Eng. Vigil Mass for Sun. 4:00 Monday—Saturday 9:00 PM AM Eng. Eng. Sunday 8:00 AM Vigil Mass for Sun. 4:00 PM Eng. Eng. 10:00 Sunday 7:30 AM AM Eng. Eng. 12:00 PMEng. Sp. 10:00 AM 7:00PM PMSp. Sp. 12:00 HOLY DAYS: As announced. 7:00 PM Sp. CONFESSIONS: HOLY DAYS: As announced. Spanish CONFESSIONS: Sunday: 11:30 AM –11:50AM In English and Spanish English Fridays at 6:00, Saturday at 3:00 pm Saturday: 3:00 PM –3:45 PM Reconciliación—Español e Inglés Viernes: 6:00 pm, Sábado: 3:00 pm Sacramental Preparation Info Sacramental Preparation Information Contact the Church Office. Contact the Church Office. Preparación Sacramental Preparación ComunícateSacramental con la oficina Comunícate con la Oficina Parroquial parroquial St. Vincent VincentdedePaul: Paul: 863-419-4819 419-4819 St. WELCOME. Thank you for joining us today! Bienvenidos. ¡Gracias por acompañarnos! Page 2 October 19, 2014 A welcoming place. One of the nicest things that people say about St. Ann’s is what a welcoming place and community it is. That got me to thinking about the whole idea of the Church as a place which welcomes others. We all know that through the centuries people have been prepared to give up their lives for their faith. But where did they get that faith? They came to faith through others. They were invited by their friends and family to join the Church and they trusted them and so accepted the invitation. As Catholics we are called to invite others into the family of God to which we belong through our Baptisms. Sometimes we do this by bringing up our children as Catholics (which is where most of us came to the Faith). At other times it may be that we invite our spouses or our friends to accompany us. It doesn’t have to be dramatic. Most often it can be as simple as letting others see the peace and strength that we get from our Faith. If we show them how important our Faith is to us, then they will feel, at the very least, that it must be something worth investigating. Which makes me wonder when people say things like: “I couldn’t get to Mass last weekend Father. We had visitors from out of town.” Wouldn’t it be a wonderful opportunity to share our Faith with them and show them how important it is to us? We’re not forcing them to come with us. We’re inviting them to share something which brings us joy and strength for our daily living. Why wouldn’t we want them to experience the same thing? Or I hear parents say, “Johnny wasn’t able to come to Mass last weekend because he had a soccer/baseball/football game.” It’s great that they are involved in all the aspects of their son’s life, but what message are they sending? Johnny will conclude that Soccer/Baseball/Football are more important than God. There is room for both! With three Masses in English and two in Spanish, it’s hard to believe that, if we really wanted to, we couldn’t arrange the schedule to make it work. God can never be a matter of ‘I’ll go when it’s convenient.’ Christ didn’t tell His Father, ‘sorry, it’s not convenient!’ We say that we owe our very existence to God; that all we have, including our time comes from Him and belong to Him. If that is the case then surely He should ‘get first dibs’ on it! We are coming to the end of the Church’s “Year of Evangelization.” ‘Evangelize’ literally means “to bring Good News.” More than words, our actions will tell others that we have found the Good News and this will invite them to come and find out more about it: they will feel welcome in the house of the Father Who loves all His children infinitely. Fr. Robert. Good Citizens of the Kingdom of God and our country. In Santa Ana Paz we are builders. Sometimes people accuse the Church of being involved in politics or in the affairs of state. But the Church has to raise her voice to form the consciousness of its members regarding moral and political issues, and economic issues as well as to ensure that the laws of God, human rights and dignity are respected. A good Christian must also be a good citizen and must assume their responsibilities towards the human community. Church and State should respect each other, without trying to control each other. Leave to the State what belongs to the State and to God what belongs to God. In our community of Saint Ann we have many citizens whose work and prayer, contribute significantly to the development of the Church, the Family and the Nation. All people, as children of God, deserve to be treated in accordance with their dignity as human beings and as baptized. The things we do as an expression of our faith, permeate the members of the Christian family in their celebrations, to make them witnesses of Christ in the midst of a world that tends to separate itself from God. Absurd reasons are before people, leading them to numb their own citizenship. Amongst others, are the following: I do what I want to do with my time, my money, my life, my family and my abilities. The latter are arguments that weaken the common sense of the story of the Church and of humanity. These are Machiavellian principles used to justify wars, the abuse of power and the choice to kill. As good citizens of the Kingdom and not only of the earth we are called to place at the service of others all we have to achieve the common good. The Bible teaches us that in reality everything comes from God and belongs to Him. He is the sole owner of everything in the world and especially in our lives. Only when we accept this can we overcome selfishness and realize our mission as peacemakers. It is our duty to be good citizens in a world that needs the awakening of the Christian conscience to raise their voices to heaven in prayer, a cry for justice, to defend human dignity, to respect the Family and be obliged to evangelize for the Church. Continue to build peace in our parish. Fr Frank Wolf. Page 3 October 19, 2014 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL A study by Feeding America found: 1 in 7 Americans rely on food pantries and meal services to feed themselves and their families. 10% of adult clients are students. 20% of their households include someone who is a veteran. St. Vincent de Paul needs your help to continue feeding the hungry. Please continue to drop off food in the Narthex. Monetary donations are always welcome. Time is running out! Families who want to sign up their children for the Angel Tree must do so at St. Vincent de Paul Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 12:00—2:30 PM. The deadline to sign up is October 31st or when we reach the maximum number of children we can help. If you are considering taking more than one name from the tree, please consider taking children from the same family by calling Kathy at 863-422-5138 (English) or Carmen at 863-424-5585 (Spanish) by November 2nd, 2014. THANKS TO ALL who participated in the Third Annual Walk for the Poor! ADORATION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT: There is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9.30 a.m. on Friday with benediction at 5:45 PM. HAVE YOU REGISTERED TO BECOME A MEMBER OF ST. ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH? DO YOU WANT DONATION ENVELOPES? In order to have contribution envelopes, you must register. In order to register you must request a registration card from any Usher or from the Church Office .After filling it out, please put it in the collection basket at Mass or turn in to the Church Office. You may also register on-line. Automatic monthly mail service normally takes 1 to 2 months but the Church Office will send out your first month’s package upon receiving your registration request. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Church Office. The PEACE Community Problems Assembly will take place on 10/27/2014 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Winter Haven. Doors open at 6:30PM. The address to the church is the following: St. Joseph Catholic at 532 Ave M NW, Winter Haven, FL 33881. During the CPA we will be selecting a new problem area for focus. Welcome to St. Ann, your friendly community that enjoys photographing special events, especially visitors. Pictures are free, if sent out as an email. Printed copies are available upon request, $2 each for a 5x7. If we missed you before Mass, see us in the Narthex following Mass. Volunteers are needed, call Jacquie Menard, at 863422-1063, leave a message or email: [email protected] . We are accepting all empty ink and toner cartridges for reward points to defer the cost of ink. Please drop them off at the Religious Store. We welcome you into our Community of faith. For information regarding RCIA please call the Faith Formation Office and speak to Sr. Josie. If you have baptized your child at Saint Ann and not received a Baptismal Certificate, please come by the Church Office and pick it up. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, October 18th, 2014 9:00 AM +Cindy Steuber 4:00 PM +Helen M. Wenner Sunday, October 19th, 2014 7:30 AM +Hal Murname 10:00 AM +Charles Hughes 12:00 PM +Angeles Morales 7:00 PM Por los fieles de la Parroquia Monday, October 20th, 2014 9:00 AM Intentions of Nancy Papierniak Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 9:00 AM +Magaly Miranda Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 9:00 AM +Memorial Mass Association Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 9:00 AM +Edna Mercer Friday, October 24th, 2014 9:00 AM +Linda May Saturday, October 25th, 2014 9:00 AM +Jesusa Flores 4:00 PM +Mark Marchand Sunday, October 26th, 2014 7:30 AM +Karen Werckman 10:00 AM +Anthony Lynch 12:00 PM +Teresa Quimi 7:00 PM Por los fieles de la Parroquia Page 4 If you have questions involving an Annulment, please make an appointment with Carolina Breton who is the Regional Advocate for the Diocese of Orlando’s Tribunal. Call 863-646-3556 ext. #101. Carolina will address the congregation about the Marriage Annulments process during the 7:30 and 10:00 AM Masses on November 23rd. She will be available for questions after mass. For more information call 863-646 -3556 x 101 or write to [email protected] MINISTERS TO THE SICK : St. Ann ministers embrace those who are unable to be present in the Eucharistic celebration. It is our community privilege to share the word and nourishment of the Sacrament with all it's members. If you or a loved one are in need of the Sacrament please call Cathy Grossmann at 299-3452. When entering Winter Haven Hospital, and wish the parish to be notified, please call the parish office at 422-4370. NEW TRAINING: If you would like to become a Minister to the Sick or Extraordinary Minister the next training will be December 13, at St Joseph parish, in Winter Haven. Please call Cathy, to register at 863-299-3452. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: All EM’s should sign in 15 minutes prior to Mass so that we can get coverage if needed. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: All ministers are now mandated for a period of (5) five years, so if you are not new and those who have just been mandated or will next month, your next mandate will be in 2018. If you are looking for a better way to serve the Lord, then become an EMHC!! LECTORS: “Come Holy Spirit, into my mind and my heart as I read these Sacred Scriptures. Inspire me with your grace to proclaim this Living Word with sincerity and reverence.” If you are interested in becoming a lector, please call Ann Wolber at 407-433-8048. The flowers around the Altar are in loving memory of Linda May. October 19, 2014 50-50: M./M Steve Thorn won the 50/50 for a total of $149.50 and donated it all to St. Vincent de Paul. Please remember: it takes $2.00 to play. If you don’t have a 50/50 envelope, you may get one from the Narthex. The Haines City Knights of Columbus Business Meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 7:30 PM. Council Social: 4th Tuesday of the month @ 6:30 PM. All Knights & family are welcome at the Social. BINGO is every Monday & Thursday starting at 12:30 PM. For more info, call Roger Werckman.@ 863-956-5123. We welcome all members of Cursillo to join the Group. Recall: Christianity is not a spectator sport! Meets: St. Matthew’s Catholic Church inWinter Haven on MONDAY, October 20th, 2014 at 7pm. For more call: Ron 956:3169 We have placed a book in the Narthex where you can write the names of those who may be sick and for whom you wish us to pray. At Mass we will pray for "for those who have asked us for our prayers, especially those in our intention book." You can neatly write names into the book right up to the start of Mass and the book will be carried to the altar. Please pray for the sick in our Parish who have asked for our prayers. The Altar & Rosary Society would like some help laundering the towels and purificators used at Mass. Volunteers would only be responsible for one month at a time. Please see Sis at the Gift Shop to sign up. Baby Bottle Boomerang is BACK! The Columbiettes will be distributing bottles for their Baby Bottle Boomerang program on the Weekend of Oct. 18-19 to support the needs of Life Choice Pregnancy Center in Winter Haven. Simply take a bottle from one of the ladies on this weekend. Fill it with your spare change or cash or a check made out to Life Choice Pregnancy Center and return the bottle on the Weekend of November 1-2 (All Souls). We thank you in advance for your support. Page 5 FAITH FORMATION Dear Parents, Please make sure that you check the bulletin for my office hours, and call before you come to make sure that I am in the office. Unfortunately some of our parents are not following our arrival and dismissal rules, therefore we are now going to Plan C. All parents or designated adults who are responsible for the delivery and pick-up of our students will park in the parking lot in FRONT OF THE CHURCH and then walk with their child/ children to the classroom. You will sign your child in and when you return to pick-up your child, you will need to sign your child out and your child will walk with you to your car. Parents may not park in front of the Fr. Carlos building. PARKING IN FRONT OF THE FATHER CARLOS BUILDING IS FOR TEACHERS ONLY. If you have not paid Tuition, you may do so on the Saturdays that you drop off your child/children. May God continue to Bless you and your family. Sr. Josie ORLANDO CONCERT BAND with Organist Dr. William Picher. FREE CONCERT benefiting Catholic Charities. Directed by Jon Territo, the Orlando Concert Band will present a program at the Basilica consisting of music by various composers including John Philip Sousa, James Curnow and portions of the famous “Organ Symphony” by French composer Camile Saint Saens on Saturday, November 1st at 2:00 PM. Enjoy the thrilling music from the sixty piece Band as they will gloriously resound in the perfect acoustical atmosphere of the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe: 8300 Vineland Avenue in Orlando. The Band, Central Florida’s premier wind and percussion ensemble was founded in 1989 and plays a variety of the traditional, sacred, popular and patriotic music one would expect to hear on weekends at a small-town bandstand in rural America. The members of the Orlando Concert Band are donating their services for this concert, in order that all proceeds may go to Catholic Charities of Central Florida in support of their programs to serve the poor of central Florida. No tickets are required. A freewill offering will be taken. Finding things you don’t use any more? Donate your household, kitchen, and shop items to the Altar Society’s Trash and Treasure Sale, October 25th. Please bring items Thursday afternoon, Oct. 23 and all day Friday, Oct. 24 to the Social Hall. (No clothes –they go to St. Vincent de Paul’s.) Everyone, Come Saturday, October 25th 8a.m.-1p.m. to our Trash and Treasure Sale and find some treasures!! October 19, 2014 THE BREAD YOU KNEAD: If you “get your hands into” making bread, you know the mystery of leavening. It makes the dough rise, and as it bakes an irresistible fragrance fills the air. The yeast pervades the dough and turns it into bread. In some European villages on Saturday, the whole town would fill with the aroma of baking bread. No wonder Jesus used such a homely image for the kingdom of heaven. Once the Word of Christ has been incorporated, kneaded, into human experience, the whole rises. You come alive. Christ fills every space, every soul. Put on your apron.! There’s work to do! THE PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet every Wednesday to make teddy bears, chemo hats and prayer shawls. We are so grateful for the many skeins of yarn for our shawls and chemo hats and material for the teddy bears that we have received from our Church members.. Thank you so much. If you know of someone needing a prayer shawl because of poor health or who have lost a loved one, please come see us on Wednesday mornings in the Fr. Anderson Building or call the Church Office at 422-4370. Married couples-Do you need a tune-up for your marriage? Please consider an award winning weekend. The next Diocese of Orlando Weekend will be held in Orlando on Oct 24th@7:30pm and ends October 26 @ 3:30pm. For more information or to register call John/Jeanny Busacca@407-5298782 or Deadline October 13th. EMPTY BOWLS GALA to benefit Agape Food Bank on Saturday, November 15th, 2014 with a 6PM Reception and 7 PM dinner. The Hosting Sponsor is Polk State College on the Lakeland Campus at 3425 Winter Lake Rd. . Gala attendees will enjoy a fine meal and entertainment by local talented artists and musicians. Featuring a live and silent auction of hand painted ceramic bowls and other works of art from local and regional artists, community leaders and national celebrities to benefit local hunger relief. More than just works of art, these “empty bowls” serve as a reminder of the more than 100,000 children, seniors and family members in Polk County who struggle to put food on the table every day. Gala proceeds benefit Agape Food Bank, the leading hunger relief agency in our community for over 30 years. $75.00 per person. For more information, please call Tim Long at 863-665-7074. Dear Parishioners: I am asking that everyone continue to give at the level that they did this time last year. This is what our budget is based on and it’s vital that we stick to it. Thank you again for your continued generosity. This week 10-12 & 13, 2013 last year….$9,358.30 This week 10–11 & 12, 2014 this year ...$9,432.20 Difference: +$ 73.90 Página 6 19 de Octubre de 2014 Un lugar de buena acogida. Uno de los cumplidos más hermosos que recibimos aquí en Sta. Ana es que nuestra comunidad es muy acogida. Lo cual me puso a reflexionar sobre la idea de la Iglesia como lugar que invita y recibe a los demás. Todos sabemos que a través de los siglos algunas personas estaban listas para dar sus vidas por su fe. Pero, ¿dónde encontraron esta fe? La encontraron a través de los demás. Fueron invitados por sus familiares y amigos y se confiaron en ellos. Como católicos, somos llamados para invitar a los demás entrar en la familia de Dios a la cual pertenecemos por nuestros bautismos. A menudo lo hacemos por criar a nuestros hijos en la Fe (lo cual es el caso para la mayoría de nosotros). O puede ser que invitamos a nuestros esposos o amigos para acompañarnos. No es necesario que sea dramático. Frecuentemente es tan simple como dejarles a los demás observar la paz y la fuerza que nos da nuestra Fe. Si les muestran cuan importante nos es la Fe, ellos reconocerán, por lo menos, que es algo que debemos investigar. Lo cual me hace pensar cuando me dicen algunas personas, “Padre, no pudimos asistir la Misa el domingo pasado porque llegaron amigos de visita.” ¿No sería una oportunidad fantástica para compartir con ellos nuestra Fe y mostrarles cuan importante es para nosotros? No es un asunto a forzarlos a acompañarnos. Los estamos invitando a compartir algo que nos trae alegría y fuerza para la vida cotidiana. ¿Por qué no queremos que la experimenten? O oigo los padres que me dicen, “Padre, Juanito no pude asistir la Misa el domingo pasado porque tenía un juego de béisbol/ fútbol.” Es fantástico que tomen tanto interés en el desarrollo de su hijo, pero ¿Cuál es el mensaje que le están dando?” Juanito va a concluir que ¡el béisbol/fútbol es más importante que Dios! ¡Necesita los dos! Puesto que hay tres Misas en inglés y dos en español, es difícil creer que, si verdaderamente quisiéramos, por que no habría organizado el horario para incluir los dos. Nunca podemos tratar a Dios como un asunto de conveniencia. Cristo no le dijo al Padre “¡No es conveniente ahorita!” Insistimos en que debemos hasta nuestra propia existencia a Dios; que todo lo que tenemos, incluyendo nuestro tiempo, nos viene de Él, y corresponde a Él. Si es verdad, ¿no le corresponde el primer lugar? Nos acercamos al fin del Año de Evangelización. ‘Evangelizar’ quiere decir “traer la buena nueva.” Más que nuestras palabras, nuestras acciones deben proclamarles a los demás que hemos encontrado la Buena Nueva y así los invitaremos para compartir con nosotros y descubrir más del tema. Ellos sentirán bienvenidos en la casa del Padre que ama infinitamente a todos sus hijos. P. Roberto. Buenos Ciudadanos del Reino de Dios y de Nuestra Patria. En Santa Ana somos constructores de Paz. En ocasiones se le acusa a la Iglesia de mezclarse en política o en los asuntos del estado. Pero la Iglesia tiene que alzar su voz profética para formar la conciencia de sus miembros con respecto a aspectos morales de cuestiones políticas y económicas, para procurar que las leyes de Dios, los derechos humanos y la dignidad del hombre sean respetados. Un buen cristiano debe ser también buen ciudadano y debe asumir sus responsabilidades hacia la comunidad humana. La Iglesia y el estado deben respetarse mutuamente, sin tratar de controlarse mutuamente. Demos al estado lo que pertenece al estado y a Dios lo que pertenece a Dios. En nuestra comunidad de Santa Ana contamos con la presencia de numerosos ciudadanos que con su trabajo y su oración contribuyen significativamente al desarrollo de la Iglesia, la Familia y la Nación. Todos merecen como personas e hijos de Dios, un trato acorde a su dignidad de Bautizados. Las actividades que realizamos como expresión de nuestra fe, impregna los miembros de la familia cristiana dentro de sus celebraciones para hacerlos testimonio de Cristo en medio de un mundo que tiende a separarse de Dios. Razones absurdas son implantadas en el corazón del mundo, llevando a las personas a adormecer su propia conciencia ciudadana. Algunas, entre otras son las siguientes: yo hago lo que quiero con mi tiempo, con mi dinero, con mi vida, con mi familia y con mis capacidades. Estos últimos, son razonamientos que debilitan el sentido común de la historia, de la Iglesia y de la humanidad. Sobre estos principios maquiavélicas se quieren justificar las guerras, el abuso de poder y la opción de matar. Como buenos ciudadanos del Reino y no solo de la tierra; estamos llamados a colocar al servicio de los demás todo lo que poseemos para lograr el bien común. La biblia nos enseña que en realidad todo nos viene de Dios y le pertenece a Él. El, es el único dueño de cuanto hay en el mundo y principalmente de nuestra vida. Solo así podremos superar los egoísmos y realizar nuestra misión como constructores de paz. Es nuestro deber ser buenos ciudadanos en un mundo que necesita el despertar de las conciencias cristianas para que alcen sus voces al cielo, en oración, en un clamor de justicia, en defensa de la dignidad del hombre, del respeto a la Familia y del derecho y obligación que la Iglesia tiene de evangelizar. Sigamos construyendo en nuestra parroquia la paz. Fr. Frank Lobo. Página 7 19 de Octubre de 2014 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL “Si no puedes alimentar a un centenar de personas, entonces alimente sólo uno "- Madre Teresa En San Vicente de Paul ayudamos a las familias que tiene necesidad de alimentos y les proveemos ropa. También les ofrecemos recursos para ayudarlos a mejorar las circunstancias en que viven. Nuestras puertas están abiertas los lunes, miércoles y los viernes de 12:00-2:30 pm. Venga y hágase voluntario. Pueden dejar las donaciones de comida enlatadas en el Nártex. El tiempo está avanzando! Las familias que necesitan ayuda con los regalos de Navidad para sus niños, favor de venir e inscribirlos para el Árbol del Ángel. El último día para inscribirlos es el 31 de Octubre del 2014. Si usted está considerando tomar más de un adorno del árbol del Ángel, por favor considere niños de la misma familia llamando al 863-422-5138 en (Inglés) o Carmen para (Español) al 863-424 -5585 no más tardar del 2 de noviembre 2014. La caminata por los necesitados se llevara a cabo el sábado, 18 de Octubre del 2014. Por favor considere caminar para recaudar fondos para ayudar a los necesitado en nuestra comunidad. Gracias Deseas renovar tu relación matrimonial, y conocerse mas profundamente, entonces regale un fin de semana a tu matrimonio. Te invitamos a que participes en la experiencia del encuentro matrimonial Mundial 7 de Noviembre de 2014. Para may información contactar a Tomas y Mer- ATTENCION: Favor de no olvidar y dejar una donación cuando encienda una vela en la torre. No permitan que los niños jueguen dentro de la torre. Formación de Fe: Quiero recordarles que No estoy en la oficina los jueves y viernes. Mis horas de oficina son: Lunes, Martes, Miércoles de 9:00 a.m. POR FAVOR, llame a mi oficina antes de venir para asegurarse que estoy disponible. Desafortunadamente algunos de nuestros padres no están siguiendo el procedimiento de llegada o salida de los estudiantes, por lo tanto ahora vamos a implementar un nuevo sistema. Todos los padres o adultos designados que son responsables de recoger y dejar a los estudiantes deben ESTACIONARSE FRENTE A LA IGLESIA y caminar el niño/a al salón de clase. Usted firmará a la entrada y a la salida de su niño/a y caminara con él/ella a su vehículo. Los padres de familia no pueden estacionarse frente al edificio del Padre Carlos. Esta área esta designada para los maestros. Si usted no ha pagado la cuota de la matrícula, puede hacerlo el sábado antes o después de dejar su niño/a en clase. Los maestros y yo dependemos de su apoyo en nuestro programa de formación de fe. Sr. Josie Carolina Bretón hablará sobre las anulaciones matrimoniales el 19 de octubre en la Misa de las 12:00 pm y el 9 de noviembre a las 7:00 pm. Ella también estará disponible para preguntas después de misa. Para más información llamar al 863-646-3556 x 101 o escribir a [email protected] Si tienen artículos usados en buenas condiciones que desee donar para la venta del bazar, organizada por La Sociedad del Rosario y el Altar el sábado, 25 de Octubre. Favor de traer las donaciones (ollas, platos, muebles, etc. ) el jueves 23 de octubre en la tarde o Viernes 24 entre las 9 y las 3 pm. (No traigan ropa por favor—se puede donar al San Vicente de Paul.) Venga y Traiga a sus amigos a la venta del bazar el 25 de Octubre entre las 8 am y la 1 pm. Ojalá encuentren algo para la casa o para regalar. Ala comunidad de Santa Ana le gusta fotografiar eventos especiales. Las copias de impresión son por pedido. Costo: $ 2 por cada 5 x 7 o gratis si se envían por correo electrónico. Para mas información me pueden llamar al 863-422-1063 o enviar un correo electrónico [email protected]. Gracias, Jacquie Menard
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